The Date

On Rainy Days

A/N: Since I pretty much had the idea for this chapter I figured I might as well just uplaod it now to keep you from  waiting for ages for me to update ( I know I really hate that). And I thought I should tell you more about the characters in this fic and how l came up with their personalites. Well, I won't bore you with my psychology.


~Likes to keep things simple

~Sleeps late

~HATES being the center of attention and crying




~Likes to dance and sing ( hence him being an idol)


~Cute, funny, y, adorable etc. (the list could go on)

~Loves SooYun

I kept his personality the same pretty much seeing how it's pretty much perfect  : *))

Kyung Soon

~ Lazy


~Kinda(is) BOSSY

~SooYun's BFF and roomate


SooYun's POV

I quickly showered and shaved and all that good stuff. And just as I stepped out of the shower I bumped into a figure and slipped and fell. Looking up I could see a tall, slender girl bent over laughing. There's only one person it could be: Kyung Soon.

"YAH!" I shouted.

"Miahn habnida unnie," she started but couldn't finish since she was trying to catch her breath,"You should have seen your face, ahhh the times you need a camera."

"Geez, you nearly scared the living day-lights out of me. Ever hear of KNOCKING!" I shouted clearly agitated.

"Why are you up so early? Let me quess "Kwaaaanngiee~" my sometimes annoying BFF/roomate said TRYING to imitate me and ATEMPTING aegyo.

"Yahhh~I don't talk like thaaaat~."She pointed at me indicating I did it just then but l ignored her. Besides, I didn't have time to argue with her I, I needed to get ready for Kwaangiee~. I REAAAALLY need to stop doing that. After I got dressed I took a long look at my outfit. I quess I looked okay.

What SooYun has on~^^

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villaurel #1
Chapter 10: plisss updte... jeballl
pandawriter #2
i think this is really nice! please update soon! ^^
CoolerThanYou #3
how do you know? i love this song!!
mehrong123 #4
Aww :3 shoot I'd be with kikwang any time! Update soon ara? Good job :3
sounds interesting. Update Soon :DD
Hi KK0330 here,comment PLEEASE! I NEED to know if people think this has potential. I'd REALLY appreciate it.