On Rainy Days

A/N: I have 2 subcribers already and right now I'm happy with that (even though more would be nice~^^) This may come out a little crappy seeing how I don't have that much experience but I'll work hard and try to update reagulary. I'll be alternating POV's between our y boy Gikwang and our fave girl SooYun (the story's main character)........This is for Kidari........haha much love.


SooYun's POV

EVERYDAY I JUST CAN'T CONTROL....I groaned, my phone was ringing, who calls people this early in the morning? Okay, so it's 1:00 PM, I don't like waking up early. Enough talk about my sleep habits, I'm Shin SooYun. I'm 22  years old and I'm average I quess.


Oh, I quess I should answer that now huh? I reached over and grabbed my phone not bothering to check the caller ID, I figured it was my roomie, Kyung Soon.

"WHAT?" I shouted, I was REALLY annoyed. Geez, can't a person sleep in peace around here?

"Well good afternoon to you too, SooYun." A boy's voice said sarcasticly. Ohhhh. It was Gikwang.

" Oh, hi Kwangiee~"

"Can we meet today? I have the day off and-

"DEFINATELY!" I nearly shouted. Hey, I don't get to see him that much because of his schedule, duh I'm excited. "When and where?" I say almost as giddy as a kid on Christmas.

"I'll pick you up at 1:30," there was yelling in the background it was probally the members acting stupid again,"It's a suprise where though." Geez, you could pretty much hear the smirk in his voice. " Saran---

"Annyeong, I have to get ready." I hung up and looked at the clock. Geez, it was already 1:03. I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. Hopefully Kyung Soon wouldn't be in there. 

GiKwang POV


I could barely say saranghae she hung up so quick. But she had to get ready, knowing SooYun she was probally still in bed when I called. I don't get to see her as much as I would like to because I'm so darn busy these days, but I quess that makes the the moments we do have together that much sweeter. I looked down at the star-shaped necklace with the diamond 'S' on it then flipped it over to read the inscription. It said:

                                                                                Love Always


DARN! I should be getting ready too. I hope she likes it. But who knows with that girl. She always manages to SHOCK me.

A/N: Well guys I did my best. I know it's short but I promise they'll get longer. Haha the reason her ringtone is SHOCK is because I just happened to be listening to it when I wrote this lolz. And also the reason I didn't really go into detail about SooYun's appearance is because I wanted you guys to use your IMAGINATION. I know real sneaky of me huh? Haha much love........

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villaurel #1
Chapter 10: plisss updte... jeballl
pandawriter #2
i think this is really nice! please update soon! ^^
CoolerThanYou #3
how do you know? i love this song!!
mehrong123 #4
Aww :3 shoot I'd be with kikwang any time! Update soon ara? Good job :3
sounds interesting. Update Soon :DD
Hi KK0330 here,comment PLEEASE! I NEED to know if people think this has potential. I'd REALLY appreciate it.