Somthing Weird

On Rainy Days

Gikwang POV


After I sent SooYun home that day we went to the icecream stand and chilled with the members, something weird happened. When I got back upstairs there was a box sitting in front of our door with a big, pink bow on top. Because fans sometimes leave presents for us outside I didn't really think anything of it. I just glanced around and picked it up to read the tag hanging on it. It read "Gikwang Oppa" so I took the box in the room to open it, passing all the members in the living-room. I climbed on my bed and slipped the lid off revealing lots of random pictures of me. I made a face but it wasn't the first time I'd gotten something like that but it all changed when pictures of SooYun started showing up.

I walked back out and adressed everyone, "Did you guys have something to do with this?" They all looked up at me in confusion.

"With what?" Dongwoon asked. I handed him the stack of pictures I'd been holding and watched as his expression changed from blank to a little concerned. Then he squinted his eyes a bit. "Hey, isn't that SooYun Noona?" Everyone turned their head toward him at that. Junhyung hyung, who was sitting closest to Dongwoon snatched them and peered at the images himself.

"I really think that's her. I bought her that bag for her birthday." The rest of the members were crowded around his shoulders and they all nodded in agreement.

"So none of you anything to do with this?" I asked again only to get a bunch on head shakes and 'No's.

"You don't think," Yoseob said quietly looking down at the pictures he now held, "It was a saesang, do you?" he looked up with a worried expression. I let out a long sigh. I had hoped that wasn't the case. Saesang fans could get crazy and I didn't want SooYun getting hurt but who was I kidding, who else could it be?

"Who else could it be?" I dropped down onto the couch.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Hyunseung hyung asked.

"Yeah." Doojoon hyung piped in. I really didn't know. I wondered if whoever did this left a box at SooYun's door. But if they didn't and I told her she might be freaked out and paranoid. That could make the situation a billion times worse.

"I'm not sure," I started, "But I don't think I'll tell SooYun just yet. Not until I have more answers."

"What are you talking about? Her life could be in danger. You can't just have her walking around ignorant to the fact someone's stalking her!" Junhyung exploded. I stood up and stared him dead in the eyes.

"I think I know what's best for my girlfriend." I didn't mean for it to come out that way but it did and I just turned and walked down the hall and into the room to lie down. I wasn't in the mood for anything else.




A couple of days had passed without anything strange happening but I hadn't heard from SooYun since our last meeting. Throughout all of our schedules I was thinking if she had made it to work safely and was she making it home safely. When I got home that night I couldn't take it anymore and called her to check.

"Hello." she said in a raspy voice barely above a whisper. I must of woken her up. All of a sudden I regretted calling. I was really happy to hear her voice though. I made me feel a little bit better about the situation but I guess she could hear the worry in my tone becaue she asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing you should worry your pretty little head over." I let out a sigh. I had hoped she'd let it go but it took bit of reassuring. I couldn't help but ask how she'd been faring the past few days though. She hesitated slightly, it was so small I probablly wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been listening for it and my heart rate increased a bit but she said everthing was fine and I felt relieved. Especially after hearing her mutter those three words.



A/N: I'm feeling good about where this is going so far. How about you guys?





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villaurel #1
Chapter 10: plisss updte... jeballl
pandawriter #2
i think this is really nice! please update soon! ^^
CoolerThanYou #3
how do you know? i love this song!!
mehrong123 #4
Aww :3 shoot I'd be with kikwang any time! Update soon ara? Good job :3
sounds interesting. Update Soon :DD
Hi KK0330 here,comment PLEEASE! I NEED to know if people think this has potential. I'd REALLY appreciate it.