chapter 6

Chérie (Remake)

Hands tucked into her grey trench coat, So-Hyun continued walking towards the familiar school building, eyes now closed as she knew what direction to head in.


She must’ve not looked closely enough though,




Opening her eyes in a quick flash, she had ran into a figure, whose gender was deciphered by the masculine body and cologne smell to be a male.




This time, thinking carefully, So-Hyun ravelled all the information she had compiled of bumping into the students these past days and just said the quickest reply at the top of her head that wouldn’t get her beat up, “Omo! I’m so sorry.”


The apology was declined unexpectedly.


The boy’s raspy voice croaking out, “No, it’s fine. Are you okay?”


He sounded half-asleep as well.


She was stunned by his behavior. It was unusual. Typically whenever she ran into someone, they would end up giving So-Hyun a cold glare, especially at school.. This time though, it was the complete opposite.


Opening up her eyes finally, she studied the boy’s handsome facial features. His hair was black, styled upwardly in a short mohawk style while his fashion sense was frankly good as well, though he wore the familiar school uniforms that all students were required to wear. His converses were in perfect harmonious colors as the school jackets, while the khakis had suitably complimented the collar shirt that was tucked inside.


Still stunned, she unconsciously nodded her head, backing away suspiciously, thinking that this was a total joke of kindness. She wouldn’t fall for it as she did the other times.


She wouldn’t get herself hurt again.


“I won’t hurt you. Really.” He assured her, coming closer, but So-Hyun was still suspicious, not stopping a bit to back away. She was headed in a total opposite direction now, furthering herself away from the schools inches by inches.


“How can I know that?” She had asked, this time stunning the boy.


Why would she ask that? He asked himself within his thoughts.


“Well, you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one.” He sheepishly said, this time smiling brightly. His white teeth was literally shining up in the dark atmosphere.


“Arasso.” She said, still holding a long distance between the two humans suspiciously. So-Hyun begun walking ahead of the boy now, not looking back one bit as she had gotten away.


“Can I walk with you?” The boy had asked, moving himself closer to the girl, stopping her mid-way of her fast pace.


She turned around facing the boy as he moved closer, though she moved further away in response.


“No.” She straightforwardly said.


I won't take that for an answer.


“Please?” The mysterious boy asked again.


Why’s he being like this?




“Come on!” He whined, persistently not giving up. His behavior had reminded So-Hyun of Yoseob, the adorable jester who sat diagonally forwards to her right in the classrooms.


“Why do you want to talk to me so much?” She fishily asked but the boy merely shrugged in response,


“I just wanna make a new friend. I know you’re new here so I just wanted to be friendly.” He explained, ratherly making her sound pitiful in those words. Her rejections were awfully cruel now that So-Hyun thought about it.


The explanation was meaningful. They had impacted So-Hyun deeply. Those few words did. Somehow, the small amounts of words that had such little meaning but at the same time, huge impactions, had forced themselves into So-Hyun’s deeper self causing the gullible girl to break into his kindness,


“Alright, but one wrong move, and I’ll hurt you.” So-Hyun threatened coldly, glaring at the boy.


His pout had suddenly turned quickly into a childish grin, “Yaaay~”


It was adorable though.


The two distances were slowly tightened as he moved closer to her, but this time, she hadn’t moved away in protest. So-Hyun had just continued stubbing her fingers into the coat pockets, threading through the loose strings. She didn’t bother making any talks with him.


He wouldn’t take this awkward silence as a stop to their upcoming friendship though, “I’m Doojoon.” He introduced, turning towards her. expecting to hear a name in return. She stared awkwardly until realizing it was her turn to introduce herself,


“Oh, I’m So-Hyun.” She introduced, oblivious to the fact of who Doojoon really was.


What? She’s not freaking out? Doojoon thought to himself, staring at her cluelessly, surprised she hadn’t recognized him from his looks or name.


“Well?” He asked, his hands tucked into his coats now.


“Well what?” She asked, taken aback from his reaction, still oblivious to the highly worshipped idol who was strolling with her.


So-Hyun wasn’t really into K-Pop. She had been living in the United States for the majorities of her life, so the huge culture in Korea had become an unknown barrier for her. Sure, she heard the high-trance musics bounce from the houses’ stereos from time to time but she had never gotten to involved with the music itself.


“Nevermind.” He ended, not wanting her to act any different upon him.


The hell? So-Hyun questioned, shoving a puzzled look onto her face. He must’ve not seen it as the two continued walking in silence. The mysterious boy introduced as Doojoon, kept the conversation going to So-Hyun's luck a few moments later,


“Where are you from? I never seen you around here before this year before.”


“Oh..well..I was in United States for a long time.” She explained, kicking her feet out lengthily in front of her as they walked slowlier now.


"Omo! Really?" Doojoon's eyes widened, amazed at the girl's diverse culture.


She nodded slowly in response,  a puzzled face still plastered on.


The quiet boy who she had met a few minutes ago, had suddenly transformed into a completely new, talkative person, continuing to ask the confused girl questions. Not wanting to be rude to the kind figure,  So-Hyun answered all the questions he had,


"Is it hot over there? Or is it cold?"




"How about the scenes? I only been there a few times for performances."


What performances? This boy was confusing her more and more as he revealed himself openly.






The conversations quickly heightened though they walked slowlier. Before So-Hyun could expect it, they had reached their final destination. Upon seeing the shadows of the feared building, So-Hyun felt her heart drop. That meant they had to part their ways now. She actually enjoyed his presence with her.

“What’s your name?” Doojoon asked again, scratching the top of his head as he turned towards her questioningly.


I already told you . So-Hyun stupidly thought, mentally slapping her forehead,


“Uh, So-Hyun. And you’re Doojoon. Right?”


He nodded, grinning at her, “That’s meee~”


So-Hyun couldn’t help but smile at this pabo who had soon become friends with her.


Hm, she still doesn’t know who I am. Weird. Doojoon thought, still surprised at her dumbfounded self. It was alright though, he had enjoyed talking to her without her going berserk on him.


“What’s your classroom?” Doojoon asked, now determined to break a friendship in between them.


“Uh, Class B-2, I think.” She stated blankly, not knowing where this conversation was heading towards.


His eyes widened once again, "Really? So you're in there with Kikwang, Yoseob, and Dongwoon?"




So-Hyun ignored the connections, nodding at his question.


"Ahh, arasso. Tell me if they ever treat you badly, okay? He had her promise, walking backwards at the school building now.


Not wanting to cause any more commotions, she nodded slyly gesturing a thumbs up at her new friend.


He didn't know it was too late though.




No. The figure angrily dejected, staring at the new friendship that evolved quickly.


No, no, no. That's not suppose to happen. He bitterly thought, vanishing.




“No, no, no. Dear lord, pay attention, would you?” Mr. Park hastily nagged at the blonde-haired boy. Dongwoon rolled his eyes at the teacher, not allowing him to see the rebellious acts he committed.


“Ah. I’m sorry.” Dongwoon apologized towards the professor who had his back turned around towards the blackboard. Really though, Dongwoon had scoffed at the professor within his thoughts,


God damn him.


The brown-eyed girl from the upper left corner of his eyes had suddenly turned towards him, coldly staring at him in what had looked to be a disappointment look.


“What?!” He mouthed, angrily staring at So-Hyun who showed no fears at his message. She continued, coldly glaring at him with her eyes squinted.


What the hell is his problem?! So-Hyun questioned, struggling to look at the clock which coincidentally had been placed behind his desk, causing much misunderstandings. So-Hyun groaned inwardly, realizing that only a few minutes had passed ever since she had checked the times last time. The class had always gone boringly long during the mornings. In the afternoons though, it felt as if they quickly streaked by, slowing down again by the time study halls had started.


She quickly shook her head at his grumpiness, turning back around to resume the lesson. Days had been like this, as Dongwoon didn’t necessarily bully her, but he always gave her stares or scoffs. Perhaps he learned it from his accomplice, Ye-Jin. The frightening leaders of the school, of course, had engaged into a promising relationship. Made sense though in So-Hyun’s mind, as tgey both had the necessary traits of a tyrannical couple.


Both humans were cruel, cold-hearted, strong, clowns, but yet everyone still loved them.


Society had really confused So-Hyun.


“What’s the matter, Unnie?” Suzy asked, puzzlingly looking back at the scenes So-Hyun had turned from, to find Dongwoon stare right back at her.


“Ani, don’t worry about it. Just idiots being idiots.” So-Hyun responded, continuing to jot down the long lengths of notes that the professor had placed onto the whiteboard.


Suzy let go of the topic, though not fully convinced of her friend’s suspicious behavior.


She’s been like this for days. Suzy thought, staring at So-Hyun in concern.


So-Hyun had turned back, grinning at Suzy to ensure everything was fine.


So-Hyun always needed help with keeping her feelings confirmed to herself. It wasn't necessarily her best skill.




“So-Hyun! There’s a package from dad on the coffee table. Go look at it!” Her mother shouted from her bedroom as soon So-Hyun had popped through the front door.


Package? From dad?


Rushing towards the coffee table, it was decorated elegantly with flowers in vases, but besides the beautiful petals, a huge brown package had been wrapped in tapes, showing it’s difficulty to be unwrapped.


That wouldn’t discourage her, hell it was from her dad!


After long minutes of untaping the difficult knots of masking tape, So-Hyun had opened the box, revealing several contents in there. Letters were wrapped neatly in a stack, laying on top of the main present. Taking the letters slowly out of the box, So-Hyun opened up the letter that had remained on top, stamped from her California mansion’s address in the States.


Printed onto the letter, the standard fonts had said, “Open first.”


Obeying the orders of the letters, So-Hyun tore apart the backside of the letter, opening up the mail.


She had instantly recognized her dad’s signature at the bottom of the letter. Seeing such beautiful calligraphy, So-Hyun couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness venture through her.


Hey So-Hyun!


It’s been forever, hasn’t it? I miss you guys so much! Hopefully, Grandpa gets soon quickly so you guys can come back home to Appa. Business has been dandy as ever, but it’s been so quiet at home. It’s kinda lonely if you want me to be completely honest.


Smiling at her dad’s innocence, she continued reading through the neatly written letter,


I thought, it’s been such a while since I seen or heard from you, I’d send a few letters and a project for you to do.




So-Hyun loved projects, it was a way of bonding between her and her Dad as they always done many projects when she was a young girl. Sometimes they varied from art projects; who could make the most beautiful portrait or the most pleasant picture of a fruit. Sometimes the projects were stressful, issuing So-Hyun to raise up her grades though she repeatedly failed.


“You have to try So-Hyun.” Her dad sadly said, frowning at the young girl who continued rattling with her toys, ignoring her dad’s message.


Sometimes, the father and daughter would go out, venturing through the worlds to fulfill specific projects. So-Hyun’s favorite was always the project that had involved nature, forcing the two to hike through woods, finding specific flowers or plants. It was a peaceful activity, but at the same time, it was always a lot of fun since it was just the two in the lone woods.




In the package, lays a scrapbook. A huge scrapbook. I want you to carry on my footsteps, but instead over there in Korea. Can you do appa a huge favor and record all your memories there before you come back? You can put pictures, writings, quotes, whatever you want. Just make it unique and yours.


Below these letters, lay other letters that I had wrote before in the past. I figured I’d give them to you whenever you get older, but since I don’t know how long we’ll be separated, I’ll just give them to you now. Don’t read them yet, read them when it feels right.


The letter was suddenly spaced for a few paragraphs, resuming itself inches from the last paragraph,


Stay safe. I hope you’re doing good at school, and tell your brother and sister that I miss them so much. I would write to them, but you know, they can’t write or read yet. Hopefully, you’ll take good care of the family for me! Remember to write back, I’m still a lonely appa over here. Bye, take care.


Smiling at the warm-hearted letters, she couldn’t wipe the genuine smiles that had arose from her face, persistently staying there. It meant the world, that her dad sent her on a mission, on another project, a hobby they haven’t done in years. It also caused her happiness, to know that her father had missed her. He had missed her so much, that he had sent her letters, long letters.


I miss you too, Appa. So-Hyun thought to herself, carefully pulling out the scrapbooks that laid in the huge box.


The white smoothed materials, were supplied with textured papers, adorable stickers that she had been obsessed with at her young ages, pictures of the family she’d remembered from old photo albums, and other crafting materials that would help her get a headstart It was a limited amount, but it’d be enough to get her working for a while.


Making sure no one was near her, So-Hyun quickly stumbled up the stairs to hide the letters, the letters her dad had warned her about. Slipping them into her bedside drawer, she briskly tip-toed back down the stairs to resume her new project.




“What’d he give you?” Her mother asked minutes later, now walking down the stairs slowly.


“Just a scrapbook for me to fill out and a letter.” So-Hyun answered her mother quietly, smiling still at the letter.


Her mother had quietly formed a deepening smile, leaving So-Hyun to herself as she amazedly stared at the new crafts.


Opening the first page, So-Hyun immediately was greeted with plain white papers. Nothing was there but just blank canvas waiting for her to paint upon them.


I could get started now. So-Hyun excitedly thought, pulling out the polaroid cameras that snapped photos, printing them as soon as they were shuttered.


Pulling out the letter fonts her dad supplied her with, she titled her new scrapbook, “Never Expected This, “ after long thoughts on the title and began jotting down the main introductions to her life.



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Chapter 24: Waa Sohyun kissed him. I wonder what Dongwoon feels toward her...
Suzy and Kikwang are so adorable.
Chapter 19: I am glad that she decided to give him another chance :)
Chapter 17: Sincerity makes it all better
Chapter 14: I cried so much.
Chapter 10: I wish i had a friend like Doojoon...
Chapter 9: This is intense...
Chapter 8: Story is getting interesting :) Sorry for commenting so late :/
Chapter 1: No offense but SOOOO much better!
Poster lookin great too ^~^
Good luck writing angst. The people will love it. FIGHTING! :D
Lastly, I may sound annoying, but you made a tiny word choice error I with wandered. *Should be wondered*