chapter 11

Chérie (Remake)

“Aigoo, wake up, So-hyun. It’s late!” Doojoon said, groaning inwardly at the girl’s weight laid onto his shoulder. They had been in this position for hours now, and it was no longer comfortable for his part.


She continued to sleep away, lightly breathing to ensure that she was in deep slumber.


“So-hyun, hey! Come onnn, wake up, please.” He pleaded, thinking that she would hear him. Doojoon himself, had become a bit woozy. He had in fact, been staring at the same things for the past hours.


Doojoon, not wanting to force the poor girl up, remained static for a few moments before slightly moving upwards to get up. His legs were numb at this point, wobbling as soon as he reached the foreground, both legs trembling greatly. Stirring, So-hyun slightly twitched her eyes open, to find the sight of Doojoon standing ahead of her, staring at the moonlight that greatly lit up the park, along with the lights of the cities, creating the modern atmosphere that she was accustomed to after visiting the park multiple times on her freetime.


“Doojoooooon..” She groggily said, catching the older boy’s attention.


“What time is it?” She asked, half-asleep still. The boy, staring ahead at the forest ahead of them, continued staring while answering her question at the same time,


“It’s about nine, why? It was about time you got up.” He jokingly said, now turning around to face the girl who sat criss-crossed onto the bench. Her eyes had remained half-open.


Looking worried and tired, So-hyun asked, “Will we get in trouble for school? What if my parents find out? You know how screwed I’ll be?” The questions rambled on and on, as possibilities could vary from one end to another end.


I can’t go back to school. I don’t wanna see their faces. No, ugh.


“Aish, calm down. We’ll be fine.” He assured her, his hands stuck inside the khaki pockets.


“I’ll just say, you got sick or something.” He lazily made up an excuse, shrugging at the girl’s several questions. She was way too worried.


“Erm, okay. Well I need to go home, so I’ll see you tomorrow. At school...maybe.” She muttered, pushing through the slight space between the bench and Doojoon so she could journey home. Before she could even reach a few centimeters away from him, his hand had pulled her back, leaving the girl remotely still in his grip.


“Are you kidding me? You going home alone in this condition? I’ll walk with you, my dorms that way anyway.” He said, the worry in his eyes still obvious.


She objected, “No, I’ll be fine. I walked home along in the nighttime multiple times.”


He persistently objected back, his determination striving strongly, “Come on, just let me walk with you. I don’t wanna walk home alone.”


The tone of his voice combined with the poutings he had pulled out, was enough to lure the girl.


Gosh, I’ll fall to anything.






“Who do you live with in the dorms?” So-hyun asked, sipping through the warm coffee cups the pairings had gotten from their pit stop to home. It’d been a treat, Doojoon decided, since they were initially going to get ice cream but due to the late conditions not being able to. So-hyun didn’t mind though, as long as she got more time to spend with her best guy friend.


The question was abrupt, and he wasn’t prepared for it at all.


“Mm.” He said, sipping through the steaming coffee as well, “Well, you see, we’re in” Doojoon said thoughtfully, choosing his words carefully so he wouldn’t reveal his true self. Their friendship would quickly escalate if she’d find out he was in a boy group, even if they were that close. In fact, he should be at home right now, rehearsing for their next comeback which was bound to come out soon.


Some leader I am.


The October feels fitted in perfectly, timing in unison with the moods and feels of the cold weather. The chilly wind had shown mercy, not blowing as hard as it did yesterday or the days before. Still though, So-hyun was shivering from the cold weathers.


Seeing the girls slight chills, Doojoon quickly took off his trench coat, and wrapped it around the girl, leaving himself in the school uniform cardigans he had worn this morning.


It was a kind act of friendship. Nothing more, nothing less.


“Thanks..” She muttered, staring at the coffee’s logo as if she was interested in it, though she was just really blushing.


Continuing their conversation about his personal life, she furthered on the question, “What group?”




“Uh, just a group of friends. We’re really close, I doubt you’d know any of them.” He said, even though he knew she’d know some of the group members.


So-hyun, now interested within the so called posse, asked even further than she had questioned before, “You never know. Who’s there? Maybe they’re in class with me.”


She said it in such a happy tone. It was a relief, knowing that she was in such depression the few hours ago.


He couldn’t help but answer the question as an effect to her tones, “Uhm..well there’s me, who’s the oldest.” He couldn’t help but saying that fact with a confident attitude, as if it’d matter a lot. In fact it did, since he was the leader of Beast, but she was still oblivious.


“That’s cool, of course I know you though.” She said, shrugging off his confident tone, disappointing the older male.


Continuing the list of names, he said the regretted ones as quickly as possible, “Uh, there’s Kikwang.”


“Oh, he’s one of my friends!” She happily said, remembering the dark-browned hair boy who was shy but yet had a presence that intrigued everyone near her in class.


“Yang Yoseob, he looks the youngest, but he’s really not.”


“The funny one? He’s in my class too, he sits next to Kikwang and they always make dumb jokes that no one really laughs to.” She muttered underneath her breath. It was surprising that the few boys she knew were living in the same dorm as Doojoon. The puzzle pieces finally clicked together as she realized why Kikwang and Doojoon always walked her home in the same directions. They lived together.


“Uh, yeah him. There’s, erm, Jun-hyung too, but he’s an upperclassmen with me, as well as Hyunseung.”


It was obviously the truth. So-Hyun didn’t recognize the two names, but they felt familiar for some reason. Shrugging the thoughts out, Doojoon finished with the last name that left the girl in a shocked trance.


“Then, the last one is Dongwoon, he’s the youngest one.”




“What?!” So-Hyun bluntly yelled out, after the stunned word formed into her head, causing Doojoon to stop from sipping his coffee midway.


“What?” He asked, puzzled at the girl’s reaction. He quickly paced back a few nanos, trying to configure what he said wrong within his last sentence. It was true, Dongwoon, was the maknae of Beast, but he was also the youngest of the six friends.


, . Nevermind, nevermind! So-hyun panicked, trying to make it obvious that Dongwoon had no relation to her. The six names listed, were an interesting combination. She hadn’t expected it, but yet she did at the same time. Loosely, they all had a similar personality, except Dongwoon of course, and she didn’t know about Junhyung and Hyunseung but she assumed they acted the same.


“Nevermind, he sounded familiar, but he’s just in my class. You told me before.” She explained, the two continuing to walk ahead again towards the bright city lights. It was far too horrifying to go through the abandoned roads, especially at night time right now. So they decided to go safe, and venture through the bustling cities filled with bright lights, varying colors, pedalling pro-green bike-riders, car commuters, and regular pedestrians.


Upon the huge television set which was positioned on the side of a building, shown clearly to the rest of Seoul, a light-tranced slow beat song began with a click of dramatic lights as they entered the vicinity of the main city, showing six boys stood in a horizontal row, all dressed formally and neatly.


Oh~, lights go on again. The song started off.


That voice sounds familiar. So-hyun thought to herself, her eyebrows raising as puzzling glances from pedestrians turned towards the jumbotron as well,


! RED ALERT, NO! Doojoon panicked, quickly pulling the girl into a tight hug surprising her.


What the hell.


So-Hyun complained on the inside, the male’s hug interrupting the music. Being pushed into his shoulders, So-hyun couldn’t see anything nor hear the music, but was instead, splattered with his cologne scent all over her.


“Omo, I was trying to watch!” She complained aloud, her words muffled,  but still hugging the babo back into her own hands.


Doojoon quickly glanced around in hopes of inspiration for an excuse, finding a love sign plastered onto the billboard close to the jumbotron, “Well, uh! I-I just wanted to tell you how glad..I am..for you being my friend.” He stuttered unusually but adorably. So-hyun didn’t suspect anything strange,


“Are you just trying to say you love me? You know, you can just say that too, you idiot!” She playfully said, knocking a hand on the back of his head, though he continued hugging her until the city-lights song hopefully stopped.


Pogihago sipeodo

Domangchiryeogo haebwado,


The verses continued.


That voice sounds familiar too! She thought again, now even more puzzled. She attempted to turn her head around towards the screen again, but his grip had remained firm, preventing her from doing so.


“I CAN’T HEAR YOU? WHAT?” Doojoon yelled into her ears, causing the girl to wince in pain since she was right next to him.


“YAH! SHUT UP!” She screamed, still embraced into the tight hug he forced her into.


“Come on, let’s get away from the main downtown, it’s loud!” He yelled again, hoping the loud talkings he committed would distract the girl from seeing the idol group on the large screen.


Still not being able to hear him, she was forced to hold onto his hand as he pulled the girl through the tight crowds of Seoul, hoping the same music commercials wouldn’t be heard again. After the two had ran through the crowds, laughing hysterically for no apparent reason, they settled down into a steady walking pace again, towards her house within a different direction. It wasn’t the abandoned roads they ventured on during the mornings, but it wasn’t the busy downtown areas they were just in either, it was in the middle, roads passing by, shops still open, lingering abandoned alleyways surrounding them.


So-hyun, now no longer was oblivious, but was suspicious of his past behavior, “What was that for?” She asked, her eyebrows raised in a questionable expression.


This just gets worse and worse, doesn’t it?


“Heh, I love you?” He said, his voice cracking due to the his nervousness.


She wasn’t convinced. “Sure.”


“Honestly!” He defied, standing by his point though he was really at fault. He had a lot of explaining to do, but he wasn’t ready to reveal it yet to her, even if they were that close.


Ceding up easily, So-hyun gave up on finding out about his suspicious actings, but now just wanted to engage into the peaceful silence. It wasn’t awkward this time either.


Her coffee, now slightly cold, but still sensing slight warmth, was sipped by her again, the hotness of the coffee warming up the girl. She couldn’t help but stare at Doojoon, a bit more cautiously this time. He quickly caught on to her awkward eye contacts.


As soon as he had turned his head towards hers, he had already found her glancing at him suspiciously, causing his head to jerk back in a forwarding motion towards the upper roads awkwardly.


Muttering nonwords under her breath, “Hmm?”


Flinching a bit too quickly under his disguise, Doojoon caught back onto her word’s, “What?” He said, shrugging at her questioned expression still.


“Nothing.” She stated plainly in reply.


He’s acting weird.


“Hehe, alright. Well, I have to take a different way now to get back to my dorm, so uh, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Doojoon cheerfully said, hoping the act he put up wasn’t too suspicious for her to question. Before she could even comprehend the thoughts though, he had already taken off, waving back without looking at her one last time.


Okay then.


That was weird.


She briskly walked home now. Her coffee cold. Her face numbed again. Damn.




Her mother no longer questioned her late after beings, even if they went past the curfew time which happened to be at 10 P.M. for her case.


She was instead now stressed. Overly stressed.


The cheerful umma she’d known for years had quickly escalated into an older, thin-looking woman, who no longer portrayed emotions onto her face, but yet onto her actions.


“Don’t go to sleep so late.” She’d always say whenever she even had the audacity to talk to her own child.


“Arasso, goodnight mom.” So-hyun would say back. Her mother never said it back, but So-hyun was sure that she meant it.




“Wake up, I’m waiting outside.” Doojoon’s voice echoed through the iPhone, the girl ignoring his remarks.


She groggily moaned through the phone, “Waah.”


Standing outside, Doojoon impatiently tapped his foot onto the pavement, sending comments through the phone that would hopefully trigger the girl to wake up.


“We’re gonna be late. Aigoo, hurry up, or I’m going to leave you behind!” He threatened, playfully laughing after he could hear the girl’s scrambles on her bed.


Omo, it’s almost five-thirty.




“You can’t just ditch school, So-hyun-ah.” Doojoon said with his arms flung over her shoulders playfully.


She complained inwardly but yet outwardly aloud, “But..”


“No.” He interrupted, so the dongsaeng wouldn’t continue her immature thoughts, “We have to go to school.”






She really didn’t want to go to school, especially after yesterday. It’d been a living nightmare, and she didn’t want the next version to pass on by again.


The colds words Ye-jin had said echoed through her mind again,


Friendly joke. Friendly joke, my .


Her mood had remained sour after she was awoken by Doojoon. She was planning on just sleeping through the morning, but obviously, Doojoon didn’t let that happen.


“Fine!” She said angrily, but yet calmly towards Doojoon, swinging his arms off of her in protest.


“Come onn~” Doojoon pouted, attempting to pull her arms over his shoulders now.






He didn’t want to go to school, either. He had a reason though, he didn’t want to face her.


“Woonieeee, get up! You’re gonna be late for school.” Yoseob complained, pushing the maknae towards the wall in hopes of waking him up.


Dongwoon couldn’t sleep over the courses of the night time. Instead, he propped himself up against the corner of his bunk bed, thinking about the past decisions he made while listening to the snores of his hyungs from BEAST. This was how most of his nights were spent, actually. But yesterday, it was the worse.


The cruel words Ye-Jin and he had spat at the young girl echoed within his minds. The arguments he, Yoseob, and Kikwang had engaged to whenever they got home were deafening.


“How could you do that Dongwoon?” Kikwang asked, after Dongwoon had arrived home late at night. He waited impatiently on the spiral couches to confront the maknae for hours contemplating what approaches he could take to this topic.


Dongwoon of course, not in the mood, decided to retaliate back quickly, “Shut up Kikwang, just stay out of it.”


They engaged into huge hotted arguments, though quiet so they wouldn’t wake up the leader, “No, you’re just an . You don’t just do that, especially to my friend.”


“I swear, if you don’t shut up.” Dongwoon threateningly muttered, glaring his eyes at Kikwang now, his fists ready to take a swing.


But Kikwang had put the maknae’s nerves to their edges before, so he knew which buttons to click and which buttons to not, “And what if I don’t?”


“GAHH--” Dongwoon angrily sputtered, clenching his fists even firmer.


“What’s happening friends~~” A cheerful voice rang through the hallways, followed by a skipping Yoseob. His happy expressions lit up the dark atmosphere easily.


“Nothing, Yoseobie, go to bed.” Kikwang gently requested him, patting the visual’s head.


The visual looking one though, was quick to object again his hyung’s request, “But, I’m not tired anymore! You guys were so loud, you woke me up.” He reasoned, his cheeks puffed out now.


They couldn’t even stare at each other anymore. So they chose not to,


“Yeah, we were just discussing a few problems about our comeback.” Dongwoon lied, still not choosing to make eye contact with Kikwang.


“Ooooh, okay! Well, I don’t like our costumes.” Yoseob began, blabbering on about how the fashion styles they were chosen for their new comeback in a few weeks were plain and boring. Walking towards the couch with a bag of chips, Yoseob hurried the other two to join him, “Let’s watch TV guys~!”


They couldn’t deny the adorable kid, but passing by him, Kikwang pushed the genuine maknae harshly, causing the youngest to fall against the counters who managed to catch himself in a stance.


Kikwang’s eyes signalled nothing but warnings and hatred.




His thoughts that night consisted nothing though but of So-hyun, and the tears he had caused her to form. Nothing could be done as huge pangs of guilt rushed through his feelings, leaving him in a guilty mood, unable to sleep. He turned from side to side, turning the pillows to their cold sides, struggling to fall asleep but yet his conscious minds didn’t give in until the sun started to rise, leaving him only an hour to sleep with.


“I will, I will.” Dongwoon assured Yoseob tiredly, pushing him aside so the maknae could stretch freefully.


Yoseob, thankfully, hadn’t brung up the incidents in class as he knew that Dongwoon was already receiving huge amounts of pressure from other people. Walking down the hallways and having people murmur about you in secrets, wasn’t a very good feeling. He deserved it though, after the feelings he caused So-hyun. Then again, his friends and Ye-Jin had cheered him on, but, was that really worth it?




“Goood! Breakfast’s ready! Hurry up and eat so we can go. Doojoon already left and so did Kikwang, strangely!” Yoseob explained, ruffling his own hair from his hands.






“Alright bye! I’ll see you after school?” Doojoon said happily, wrinkling So-hyun’s hair from his fingers. She of course, complained vocally and physically, slapping his arms off quickly,


“Yeah, just go!” She said, her straight, brunette hair directioned in various directions. Quickly taking out the efficient brush she had bought after she met Doojoon just in case, she brushed her hair in a smooth pattern, flowing the hair in it’s correct direction.


After fixing her hairs for the last time, she quickly spotted the other brunette’s girl’s hair, except it was curled in a similar fashion today. Running up to her best friend, she excitedly concurred a plan of scaring her friend, until thoughts that weren’t meant to come back, simply flew back to her.


“Ungh!” She grunted, after running into a tall male who had moved briskly onto her pathway after she’d began to run towards Suzy.


“Omo, I’m sor--..” The blonde-headed male stuttered, before falling into a deep silence.




“No it’s fin--...oh..” So-hyun began, before realizing that the figure she had ran into was the figure she ran away from yesterday.


“Hey, So-hy--”


“No. Move.” She demanded, leaving the boy flustered. She had no choice but to push through him forcefully, causing him to stumble backwards towards other people who couldn’t help but stare in awe at the god idol.


“So-hyun, come back!” He yelled remorsefully, hoping that he could fix the situation without Ye-Jin’s concern.


She ignored him and continued to walk towards the brunette girl who’s attention still hasn’t been caught on yet.




Damn it. Dongwoon thought to himself, now seeing the true outcomes of the decisions he caused.




Good. Death thought, floating above in the skies not too far from the foreground filled with human beings, his own natural enemies.





the beginning drafts of other series mmm. comment and subscribe <3



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Chapter 24: Waa Sohyun kissed him. I wonder what Dongwoon feels toward her...
Suzy and Kikwang are so adorable.
Chapter 19: I am glad that she decided to give him another chance :)
Chapter 17: Sincerity makes it all better
Chapter 14: I cried so much.
Chapter 10: I wish i had a friend like Doojoon...
Chapter 9: This is intense...
Chapter 8: Story is getting interesting :) Sorry for commenting so late :/
Chapter 1: No offense but SOOOO much better!
Poster lookin great too ^~^
Good luck writing angst. The people will love it. FIGHTING! :D
Lastly, I may sound annoying, but you made a tiny word choice error I with wandered. *Should be wondered*