chapter 19

Chérie (Remake)

Her communication with BEAST had been cut shortly, as the final preparations for their so called comeback was arriving quickly. After the last few days of talking throughout the second to last week, they suddenly dispersed to different ways. Each member she had talked to daily, had become absent from school, leaving her to herself and Suzy. Even so, the two girls struggled to even keep up a conversation. The members sent her a group message, stating their hopes for a quick comeback, but even she didn’t know how long that would take. Using this time to an advantage, So-hyun instead spent her days studying once again, along with working on the scrapbook, but also in her freetime, she managed to sneak a few peeks at the highly worshipped idol group called BEAST.


Courtesy to Google, So-hyun had been able to find more videos about the idol group, including their past performances but interviews as well. She had also managed to finally seek an image of Junhyung and Hyunseung, finally knowing what they would look like. It was a different image than from what she had based a sketch on, formulating it from the hints and peeks she would hear about the two mysterious members from the other boys.


So-hyun found the music alright. Sometimes, whenever she was that bored out of her mind, she would play past performances from the boys just for entertainment. Watching the dance movements be performed looking so easily, had discouraged the girl as she attempted to mimic the moves poorly. Realizing that it wasn’t so easy, So-hyun would then quickly shut off the laptop, pushing it frustratingly towards the wall.


Though their friendships had been put to a stop, she found herself to be enjoying the world a tad more. Soon after the final weeks came, Life had become a beautiful process to So-hyun again. She soon began to relive the ideal cycle of Life as the end of October soon came. Without her even counting to the day, Halloween quickly approached Korea.




“I swear, you’re all over her, Dongwoon.” Ye-jin sputtered angrily, spinning towards the boy as he held onto her hand.


He shook his head before explaining, “She’s just a friend. Calm down!”


She upwarded her head towards him, glowering angrily, “ Friends with the girl who we thought was a a few days ago? You’re insane.”


Though the other girl had began to heat up, Dongwoon kept his calm, “People change.”


“Stop being such a . I can’t really tell what’s wrong with you, Dongwoonie.” Ye-jin insulted madly without thinking. He breathed in deeply in reply, closing his eyes.


“Stop.” He warned her with an averting stare.


With clenched fists, Ye-jin still continued to yell at her boyfriend, “Stop what? I’m just stating the truth.”


“Calm down. And lower your voice.” Dongwoon growled, anger slowly surging through him. He had about enough with the gossip she was ranting towards him.


Taken aback, the girl soon pushed his hands out of hers forcefully and said the final words, “I’m just done, Dongwoon. Just done.”


It hadn’t been the first time she said that.


“Ye-jin-ah, let’s just talk.” Dongwoon said as the girl began to walk out of his sight. The girl had a tendency to just walk off whenever things didn’t go her way. One could call her a spoiled girl, but she preferred it to be well deserved.


She rejected his calmness, “No.” And continued to stroll off towards another direction. She didn’t know where she would be headed towards, but she just needed to get away from him.


“Come on!” He groaned, while following the girl who quickly fastened her pace.


“If you want another girlfriend, go to So-hyun.” She offered, scoffing after she heard the groan.


“Ye-jin, be more rational pleas--.” Dongwoon pleaded.


“So what now? I’m not rational. Just stop, Dongwoon. You’re being more pathetic.”


He stopped.


“What?” He asked, after realizing that she continued walking without looking back.


Finally stopping in her pace, she took a deep breath before saying, “I’m breaking up with you.”




That had been days ago as well. He had invited her out to a park. In fact, the same park where he was pummeled by the fangirls with So-hyun. While he had intentions for just a peaceful outing, his girlfriend had a much more different approach to it. Instead of the two ending in each others arms, they ended up leaving each other as the girl sputtered angrily while the boy blew cold air out into the world. Dongwoon ended up just watching the girl leave, as he realized that their relationship was coming to a crashing doom anyway. She was far too envious of him, and he was too clingy to her. Well, that was her explanation, but he was sure it was more rational. Nonetheless, they both gave up. And soon after he had arrived to the dorms, he realized that he didn’t had that much to lose anyway.




“Are you sure you want to go to the Haunted House with Dongwoon?” Doojoon asked the girl puzzlingly as she continued to curl her hair slowly to perfection. She rolled her eyes once again.


“Yes I’m sure. He’s changed, Doojoon-ah. I’m telling you, he did.” She said assuredly, turning around to meet the worried oppa.


Dongwoon had invited the girl out to the local warehouse, where the so yearly Haunted House would be held. Sure, she hadn’t been to one before, but it sounded like a fun offer she couldn’t deny. Plus, it was a chance for her to hang out with Dongwoon since it was their only break day from ushering interviews, hard-pacing dance rehearsals, and last time preparations. The comeback was now only three days away. So of course, upon receiving the offered text, she swiftly sent the joyful agreement back.


Doojoon was nothing but worried. So-hyun had explained to him many times that the two had made up, but it was still suspiciously just too quick for the older brother to comprehend.


“Stop worrying.” She said after the boy had continued to pout over her own safety.


“It’s just hard. I can’t see you get hurt again.” Doojoon admittedly said, his warm self opening up to her again.


She gave him the sad grin she always gave in case he was being too mopey.


“Thank you, oppa. But I’ll be fine.” So-hyun said confidently, patting his head.


“I know.”




Dongwoon stared at his hyung intently as the other stared back.


“You do know if you hurt her one more time, you’re ed for life?”


His words were glowered to the younger male as they both stood outside the entrance.


“I know.” Dongwoon said surely, his face remaining poker.


“I’m serious Dongwoon. You done too much to her for her to just forgive you. You’re a lucky bastard.”


The latter of the two sighed in reply, “I know. I just want her to know that I’m not that person.”


“Well you have a lot to prove to her then.”


It would be the truth. So-hyun had been broken down into several pieces, and for the most part, it was mainly his fault. Sure, Ye-jin had done a big chunk of the harassment, but it was his fault for being a bypasser. He did nothing. He didn’t laugh. He didn’t join along. He just stood there, and that was the worst part about it.


“HURRY UP, IT’S FREEZING!” The girl yelled impatiently while she stomped her foot viciously towards the pavement. It was nearing nighttime, and she couldn’t handle the wait any longer. She questioned whether it was worth it to wait outside within the bursting weathers, or be inside where she would be scared out of her wits.




Dongwoon turned towards the girl and smiled slyly, but she shook her head swiftly and had ran inside due to the freezing weathers.


“I’ll try, hyung.” Dongwoon said confidently, nodding his head towards the words of the leader. After receiving the hearty pat on the back as a mere support gesture, he was sent off to follow the girl.


“And Dongwoon.” Doojoon called out to him after he had walked towards the front door, about to open it.




“Treat her well.”






“What were you two talking about?” So-hyun asked Dongwoon as they slowly crawled through the tight spaces in the warehouse. The attendance worker had greeted them off evilly, sealing the door shut with a click after they had walked a mere feet away from the door. A manancial laugh could be heard from the other side of the door.


“Uh, just comeback stuff. He wants me to be home early.” Dongwoon excused lamely while he held onto the girl’s hand tightly as they braced through the frightening entrances of the building. The soft drippings of the water could be heard as they tensed through the tight walls with halloween music being played over the intercom in the abandoned warehouse.


This is so cheesy. So-hyun thought to herself while she lazily crouched over to avoid the cobwebs that were plastered all over the walls. Knowing that she wasn’t currently enjoying this, the male had squeezed her hand tightly, grinning slyly at her as they continued walking towards the end of the claustrophobic hallway. Upon avoiding the random obstacles that laid within their pathways, they had finally reached the end of the dim hallway where several signs of beware laid for them.


So-hyun was utterly confused, “Dongwoon, you said this was the scariest haunted house in Seoul.”


“It is!” Dongwoon protested defiantly, pushing onto the door slightly while it creaked in response.


Slightly rubbing her eyes, So-hyun then rolled them, though she followed the male into the pitch black room without protest.


Releasing their hands from the tight grip, they began to walk beside each other in a direction they couldn’t even concur. It was initially straight, but as soon as they had reached a dead end, they spiraled around and walked within another direction. The conversations slowly became more dim as they questioned the length of the dark room.


“Dongwoon-ah?” So-hyun called out after hearing her own footsteps for a while. She couldn’t see any lights except for the past door they had just entered from, and even after trying to jolt it open, she realized it had been bolted lock on them.


No one replied.


Her heart began pacing at a much more quicker pace than it was in the beginning hallway, “Dongwoon, don’t play a joke on me!”


Still after the warning had been issued, there was no response. Struggling to keep calm, So-hyun began reaching her hands out towards the wall to hopefully feel a textured pattern, where hopefully she could recognize her beings. Upon reaching out her arms, So-hyun scrambled them around, finally feeling something similar to a human being.


“Found you, . You’re not really goo--”


The figure she had felt was much more shorter than the male she had entered with. In fact, this figure was more shrivelled and much more weaker feeling.




The lights flipped on instantly, revealing the long-black haired girl whose eyes remained bloodshot. They stared back ominously at the girl while she stuttered backwards, shocked to bits. The pale girl slowly got up from the floor, her white gown stained with blood as she headed a knife towards So-hyun with pure evil in her eyes.




The blood-shot girl began shrieking, beating the eardrums of So-hyun mercilessly while she moved towards her slowly. The taller girl screamed back, and struggled to move back within the white tiled room, stained with blood within all corners of the room. Upon reaching the dead-end of the room, So-hyun quickly slipped onto the muddy puddles of the liquid, falling into the deep gushes of red, where they stained her dark jeans and trench coat. She didn’t care though. The girl was scared out of her mind, and she continued screaming as the blood-shot girl’s eyes widened up, still screaming with full volume.


At second instincts after screaming her lungs out at the paid worker, So-hyun scanned her eyes around the room, quickly corresponding them with a narrow hallway that led back to the black room. Crawling to the hallway sneakily across the red-stained lab, the screaming girl finally became muted as the lights slowly dimmed back to its original state, where she couldn’t hear anything nor see.


“God damn, you need to chill.” So-hyun hissed as she reached the entrance of the black hallway. She could’ve swore she heard a low-muttered snicker from the other end of the room.




“So-hyun-ah?” Dongwoon called out as he stuttered through the marshy hallways of pitch black. He realized he must’ve lost the girl as soon as they had released each other’s hand from the grip.


Damn it.


Of course, no one had reply, and Dongwoon had no choice but to continue into his journey, as the sounding of a lock from the backdoor signalled their residence within the haunted house for now. Though he knew for a most certain fact that the two had been separated from each other, Dongwoon continued calling for the girl, having the slight hint of hope in the back of his throat that she was right by his side, playing a joke on him. Of course, the masculinity ego that everyone thought he was to have, persuaded the boy to not be scared. He offered to take her here, and he wouldn’t wimp out on her. The other boys had already went out, most likely to a club, and since he was still considered underage in their books, he was booted out of the house to do something kid appropriate. Remembering about the girl as he scrolled down the long lists of contacts, he was quick to collide the thoughts of Halloween and her together, therefore bringing him to where he would be now.




No reply.


Sighing deeply, the blonde-haired idol finally gave up into now knowing that they had been separated for a certain fact throughout the tunnels of the haunted house. Sure, it was just a playful activity for the spirits of the spooky days, but it was still an uneasy feeling knowing that the girl he hurt, was in the terrifying house alone.


Continuing to pace ahead of him slowly, Dongwoon prepared for the upcoming terror as he braced himself near the dim light source which flickered on and off rapidly. Having no other safe places to go, he had no choice but to push open the doorway, revealing a dark purple-plumed room,  stained with blood all over the creamed walls as well as containing posters which had figures and faces cut from them brutally. The musty smell of death wrinkled through his nose, causing the boy to groan out in disgust as he sneaked over stealthily to get a better glimpse of the horrific pictures.


This warehouse seemed to Dongwoon as more of a psychiatric ward rather than just a scary and playful place.


Upon reaching up to feel the dripping red substance from the poster, the door was suddenly slammed against the doorway, causing the idol to jump up in fear.


He instinctively yelled out, “What was that?”


No answer of course.


Glowering confidently, Dongwoon called out the unknown presence once again, "Who's there?"


Still nothing but silence.


Heaving a deep breath once again, he slowly peeked around the room another time, still studying the violent posters. The realism of the room had awestruck the curious idol, and he couldn't help but just stir up imaginative scenes that could've happened here.


He muttered his observations incoherently. It seemed so interesting all of the sudden,




The slam echoed through the room, shaking him out of his deep trance.




It was soon after that he heard the several screams of a girl occur nearby.




The first instincts were the first thoughts when he had heard the scream.


The blood-curling shrieks continued as Dongwoon scrambled towards the door, frustratingly bolting at the locked doors to find them locked.


"What kind of haunted house is this?!" The boy exasperatedly yelled, still rummaging through the locks to see if any of them would open mercifully for him. Avast, he had no luck within doing so and instead, propped himself against the door in defeat.


Finally, after what had seemed to be long minutes of female’s high-pitched screamings, it suddenly went quiet. As well as the room becoming as silent as it could possibly get, the lights had also shut off, causing all to turn into chaos.

The rummagings in the room began cluttering loudly, as Dongwoon nervously defended himself against the door, with nothing but him and his bare fists.


Just a haunted house. Dongwoon thought to himself as the clummagings become louder. The photographic room that was once an interesting scientific scenario, had erupted into his nightmare as he could hear slight whispers from the other side of the room. His throat, of course, was now too dry to even call out to the beings, not that he would even.


Quietly breathing at this point, Dongwoon stood up once again to face the door, now jolting it with the mightiest strength the boy could ever muster. Though there was no light in the pitched black room, the idol had managed to memorize the texture of the door, therefore allowing him to bolt at it with all he could.


The click sounded.


The whispers got louder.


“Ah!” Dongwoon stuttered loudly as a hand suddenly pulled onto the bottom halves of his dark jeans, causing the boy to jerk forward in a panicked motion. Struggling to at least go through the door, he had no choice but to pull the human being along with him, as they both tumbled down towards the slippery hallways once again.


He grew irritated quickly at the persistent hand, “Get off of me!”


Frustrated, he violently kicked the legs towards the inner walls of the hallway, causing a groan to be heard aloud.


“Hey, kid. It’s just an act, stop getting so violent!” The voice warned after Dongwoon pushed the figure off brutally but the idol was already running in terror towards the closest light source available.


Without looking back, Dongwoon pulled open the door forcefully, slamming it against the backwall which he could’ve swore made a dent, but he didn’t care. Stumbling into the room was an underestimate.


It wasn’t even a room really. The long hallway was pitched a dark moody tone of red, the scent being the musty familiar smell of death. Pictures were aligned against the hallways, each having a different figure who must’ve been important within the past history plastered onto them. He didn’t care about studying them right now, but instead of how to get out of this place.


With small amounts of courage, the boy slowly toed over towards the close photographs, slowly examining for them for any possible clues that could lead him out of here.


“DONGWOON!” The shrilly voice screamed before he was engulfed into a huge hug from the younger girl who was trembling heavily.


The boy shuddered at first, believing the figure who had hugged him was the same person who had held onto his leg, but after hearing the voice, he quickly turned around to hug back the girl.


“How do we get out of here?!” So-hyun asked desperately after the two finished their pleasant reunitation, now locked into the long hallway with no way out but the end of the hallway, and after the many hallways they encountered, this was not the best choice.


Dongwoon pointed in response to her question at the end of the hallway, which was where the huge grand door was located.


She raised her eyebrows questionably, “That’s it?”


Dongwoon shrugged.


“That seems kinda eas--”


The revving engine suddenly volumed up quickly as they both quickly whisked around towards the noise. And there stood a man with a hockey mask, which covered the upper half of his face, leaving his evil grin to be seen. But no, he wasn’t just standing there. The masked man wielded a long kitchen knife, coated already in wet blood which continued to drip at the ends of the knife.


“Hi.” So-hyun plainly said towards the man as he stood there, breathing heavily.


Dongwoon widened his eyes immediately, tugging on the girl’s hands, “So-hyun-ah..we should probably go. Like now.”






The idol locked his hands tightly into the girl’s, so hopefully this time they wouldn’t get separated. Who else knew was in this huge warehouse. Pulling her forcefully, they both erupted into swift runnings as the knifed killer began to embark towards them, wielding it up higher than ever.


For a masked man whose weight looked to be a lot, the assumed killer quickly swifted towards the pairings, where he had managed to snag the girl’s other hand viciously.


Surprised, she quickly swiped around and widened her eyes as he plunged the knife towards her in a threatening stance.


“No!” Dongwoon yelled in defense as he pulled the girl quicker enough to dodge the attack. They continued sprinting towards the nearby entrance which laid right in their plain eyesight now, but with the killer’s determination, it slowed them down.


“Push it!” So-hyun yelled towards Dongwoon, as they reached the end of the hallway. The masked man ran at full speed, thrashing towards them like a boar.


As they were just mere inches away, Dongwoon finally pulled the girl into safety as the two were quickly located at the backside of the warehouse, towards an alley where many other civilians stood from the warehouse. They all looked frightened. Dongwoon and So-hyun both took huge amounts of air in simultaneously, as the musty smell of the warehouse was still indented into their noses.


Breathing deeply, the latter stated her fears. “Omo, that was so scary.”


“I know, I’m sorry.” The former apologized as he quickly regretted taking her towards the haunted house.


Should’ve taken her to the damn movies.


Would’ve been cheaper too.




“No, I mean it was fun but just scary.” She quickly said, objecting his apology once again.


Quickly joining at the last second, she blushed while saying quietly. “And I enjoyed going with you..”


“I enjoyed going with you too.” Dongwoon timidly said, blushing as well as her even though he hid it much more feasibly.


Blowing smokes into the air as a usual habit, the two linked arms once again, as they begun walking the girl towards home. It was late at night, and she did have school tomorrow, but she didn’t mind staying out this late. Especially since it contained his presence.


“Thanks oppa.”


“You’re welcome.”




mm, started writing the new story. so excited to be writing for both of these. it's wayy different than this one, and i feel like i'll grasp onto it more easily. anyway, enjoy! comment and subscribe ~ <3




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Chapter 24: Waa Sohyun kissed him. I wonder what Dongwoon feels toward her...
Suzy and Kikwang are so adorable.
Chapter 19: I am glad that she decided to give him another chance :)
Chapter 17: Sincerity makes it all better
Chapter 14: I cried so much.
Chapter 10: I wish i had a friend like Doojoon...
Chapter 9: This is intense...
Chapter 8: Story is getting interesting :) Sorry for commenting so late :/
Chapter 1: No offense but SOOOO much better!
Poster lookin great too ^~^
Good luck writing angst. The people will love it. FIGHTING! :D
Lastly, I may sound annoying, but you made a tiny word choice error I with wandered. *Should be wondered*