chapter 18

Chérie (Remake)

Her eyes remained still as she watched the boy get comfortable on the neatly trimmed grass.


“Well?” She asked, her eyes still glaring at the blonde-haired boy.


This is going to be a good story. She thought to herself, content at the manner she spoke it in towards him. It was stern but yet shy.


Taking a deep heave of air, Dongwoon started the story, speaking it as quickly as possible without any breaks in between the words.


“Uh, well. I’m in a K-pop group called BEAST and it’s a six-member boy group with everyone at my dorm. So that includes Kikwang, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung, and Hyunseung. We all go to school together, but Doojoon, Junhyung, and Hyunseung are upper classmen.”


Her eyes had widened in shock, but Dongwoon had managed to heave another huge breath before continuing his story,


“Yeah, we’re pretty popular if you ask me.” Dongwoon said confidently. He beamed, remembering the accomplishments his group had underwent.


So-hyun’s mouth had widened into the shape of an o but he wasn’t even done there. She managed to stop him before he could continue,


“Hold on. You know how quickly you’re talking?” She asked, pointing at his shaking hands.


He chuckled slightly before taking another deep breath.


“Alright, speak slowly.” She said.


It was painful, but he could withstand it.


“Okay, well. We perform on variety shows, music shows, and all such. And we have a comeback coming up soon, so it’s a new song for our group. That’s why I have blonde hair. It’s not natural. Surprising, right?”


So-hyun rolled her eyes but Dongwoon had taken it into pride. Confidently smiling, he finished off,


“And mm, yeah. That’s why Kikwang and Yoseob had been absent from school. They been doing photo shoots and interviews. The rest of us had already taken the photos and interviews, so that’s why we go to school on a regular basis these past weeks.”


K-pop group.






“Uh..” So-hyun stuttered, not knowing where to start first with her questions.


Dongwoon could tell she hadn’t taken it all in well, “I got all night for your questions.”




“So I been friends with idols all this time?” So-hyun asked amazedly as they both laid comfortably on the cold misty grass.


Gah, I’m so stupid. How did I not realize they were idols. They had girls following them all the time.


She would turn around and question the girls within her minds, but never managed to bring it out into words.


Dongwoon chuckled slightly before nodding his head at her.


He’s so adorab---stupid. He’s so stupid. So-hyun thought to herself, pushing the thoughts of his attractive looks out of her head.





“Why didn’t Doojoon tell me?” So-hyun asked. In fact, it made sense now. Everytime she mentioned the names of other group members from Beast, he would shrug it off.


And that one time in the downtown area of Seoul! That’s why he sounded so familiar, and that’s why he pulled me away! It all makes sense!


Suddenly the puzzle pieces had formed a clear picture.


Dongwoon scrunched up his eyebrows, contemplating about his answer before he finally said, “He wanted to protect you. Usually, whenever we tell someone we’re from BEAST, they take advantage of us. And it’s not the best feeling ever.”


His voice had suddenly become serious.


She felt slight sympathy for them. The poor boys had a life as well, and being recognized as an idol 24/7 might’ve not been the best thing ever. She was glad Doojoon had looked out for her, but had looked out for himself as well.


“Oh..” So-hyun said, her voice suddenly thinning out quietly.


The default ringtone for the iPhone had suddenly rang out, startling both of them. It didn’t come from her phone, but Dongwoon’s instead.


“Sorry.” Dongwoon apologized, shaking his head at the inconvenient call.


He sighed deeply before sliding the screen to pick it up, “Hello?”


The voices had sounded angry.


“Yeah, I know.” Dongwoon said after what seemed to be a lecture was reported to him loudly.


He rolled his eyes at her, causing the girl to chuckle quietly. She didn’t want to let the voices know he was with a girl.


“I’m just out right now, getting fresh air. It’s too stuffy in the dorm, hyung!” Dongwoon complained loudly before groaning out in a childish manner. After the voice over the call had continuously yelled at him for a few minutes, Dongwoon hung up the call, sick of the voice.


Looking a bit guilty, he professed to So-hyun, “I have to get home back to the dorm, some important meeting for our promotions.”


She couldn’t help but feel a hint of disappointment at his dismissal.


“Want me to walk you home though?” He asked shyly, lowering his head so she wouldn’t see him blush.




It’s kind of dangerous outside anyway.


“Sure!” She beamed, smiling brightly. It was strange for him, since he hadn’t seen her in this mood ever before.


She has a beautiful smile. Dongwoon thought to himself, examining the girls bright beam.


He was glad that he changed for her. He never realized it, but he was morphing into a different person completely.


I’m glad I opened up for him. So-hyun thought, in unison with his thoughts.


She realized he was staring at her, causing the younger girl to blush lightly.




The walk was more comforting than she thought it would be. It wasn’t like how it was whenever So-hyun would walk to or home from school with Kikwang or Doojoon. No, it felt more, relaxed and…fun. Yeah, the walks with the other two were fun as well, but So-hyun didn’t know how to explain it. Walking with Dongwoon, was just more different. There was a slight between herself and Kikwang, and a huge one between her and Doojoon, so that made a few barriers awkward between them, but she was only a year behind Dongwoon’s age of being, so it felt more comfortable.


“So let me get this right. You’re full Korean but you learned fluent English after you were raised in the States?” Dongwoon asked, interested in her ethnicity. They took turn asking each other questions about each other, getting to know one another more. So-hyun had learned several facts about Dongwoon and his participation in Beast, such as him being the youngest one in the group. She’d also learned more about just him in general, such as his favorite food, favorite color, simple stuff like that. Though they were small facts, they meant the world to her each time he answered her.


Even though Dongwoon wanted to question her more about the serious topics and apologize even more, he bit his lip to prevent him from doing so. Instead, he had learned vague facts about her as well, including her background and hobbies such as photography and scrap-booking. It explained why he always found her holding the Canon camera.


So-hyun chimed happily, “Yup!”


She’s so happy. She wasn’t like this a few weeks ago, but I like it. Dongwoon thought to himself, as the two paced themselves slowly against the edges of the roads.


“How about you?” She asked, wondering if Dongwoon was really full Korean. She knew he wasn’t American, but he didn’t look Korean either. Perhaps he was mixed?


Turning his head towards her, he blinked an eye before replying, “I’m full Korean.”


She gasped in amazement, “Really?!” She asked surprised before mentally slapping herself in her thoughts.


That was awfully rude of her.


“I mean, sorry. That’s cool!” So-hyun said, beginning to smile again goofily.


He couldn’t help but chuckle at her adorableness, it was natural and it wasn’t forced as in aegyo. Most girls, including Ye-jin, liked to use aegyo on him but he soon got bored of it. It wasn’t natural and instead was a bit cheesy. So-hyun wasn’t like this at all.


“You’re fine. I get that a lot.” Dongwoon said, shrugging his shoulders as he didn’t really care.


Pulling up her sleeves, So-hyun buried herself from the cold as they walked through the winds, not noticing that she had pulled them up. Dongwoon had though, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt shoot through his body again.


“I won’t talk about it if you don’t want me to.” Dongwoon nervously said, pacing himself at a much more slower pace now.


“What?” She asked before realizing that she was gripping the left sleeve of her jacket with much force. She let it go, as soon as she realized it, beginning to blush slightly.


“Oh..” She said.


Realizing how awkward she had become, he quickly pulled her closer to him, indulging both of them into a light hug, “Don’t be like that, So-hyun-ah!” He yelled loudly, earning him a slight slap on his shoulder,


“Shut up, pabo! People are trying to sleep!” So-hyun quietly yelled, causing the boy who wasn’t much older to laugh.


“Call me your oppa~!” He requested, practically singing the words.


So-hyun objected quickly, “No.”


She quickly whirled around in question after she realized he no longer walked at her pace anymore but now stood back. The idol had a pout on his face, hand tucked in his jeans pockets like a child. She couldn’t help but stumble on how adorable he was. It was as if the school uniform had boosted his confidence heavily.


“I’m still not going to call you that.” So-hyun said plainly, shrugging and turning around to begin walking again.


“Aish, hold on!” Dongwoon yelled. She could hear his light footsteps tapping against the ground as he ran up swiftly to catch up to her.


He’s so adorable.


Dongwoon wasn’t always the most graceful person. Instead, he was rather a much more clumsy person. Running up behind her, his eye coordination must’ve been off since he ran straight into her back, pulling her into an accidental hug from behind.


“Yah!” She yelled before returning the warm gesture to Dongwoon. He was like Doojoon, but at a much younger age. And for some reason, she felt like he was more of a brother rather than an older brother. The tall male kept So-hyun trapped within the hug, exchanging small amounts of heat between each other. She didn’t complain though as it was beginning to get colder.


Soon after the struggles she had to undergo to get him off of her, they began walking quietly again. Well, at least Dongwoon was. The boy had suddenly became mute, as he silently pressed his fingers against the phone screen.


“Ye-jin?” So-hyun asked, already knowing who it could be after she saw the panic in his face.


“Did I show it easily?” Dongwoon asked, hoping that the answer was no.


She could tell he was worried, “Nah, I just the screen lit up.” So-hyun said, shrugging her shoulders in a dumbfounded fashion.


From: Ye-jin<3


Why aren’t you texting back oppa~! Are you busy preparing for your comeback? I miss you! <3



He quickly shut it off after reading the text message, ignoring his own girlfriend’s repetitive words.


I’ll text her back later.


Soon after he shut off the phone, So-hyun had quickly became quiet herself, after the mention of Ye-jin’s name.


Dongwoon could find the tension between the two girl’s easily.


“I’m really sorry for her behavior, lately.” Dongwoon said, apologizing as they continued to walk in silence.


So-hyun didn’t say anything in return, but began blowing thin wisps of air into the thin atmosphere. The smoke quickly dissipated, interesting the curious girl.


“It’s fine. I’m used to it.” So-hyun sadly said, continuing to blow long amounts of air into the world.


Dongwoon attempted to steer the conversation into another direction, but being the awkward person he is, he couldn’t make any smooth remarks since it was his girlfriend, after all.


“I tried getting her to stop, but you know, Ye-jin’s a really stubborn girl.” Dongwoon explained, hoping So-hyun would become the girl he had seen a while ago again.


She didn’t. She shortly responded, “Oh.”


The two shortly after arrived at So-hyun’s residence in which Dongwoon had never seen before. He stared in amazement at the simplicity of the modern house, examining the flower petals in the front. The fall seasons had caused the trees to shrink off their leaves, leaving orange, red, and yellow plants on the ground, scattered everywhere.


After escorting the girl onto the front porch, Dongwoon meekly stood there awkwardly while So-hyun unlocked the door slowly.


Before entering in though, she turned behind and gave the idol a short but a deepening hug.


“Thanks for walking me home.” She said shyly, her head buried in his chest this time.


He smiled warmly before resting his head on hers, “You’re welcome.”


Though she resisted not too, So-hyun released herself from the warm hug, before smiling at the boy one last time.


“Goodnight, oppa.” She said, turning around to enter the door.


“G’night.” He said in reply, turning himself around as well to walk the last few minutes to the dorm.


After reaching the end of the pathway towards the roads, Dongwoon had already received another vibration from his phone signaling another text message.


God, Ye-jin, give me a few minutes.


He was surprised whenever he had read the ID though,




From: So-hyun


I’ll give you another chance.




From: Dongwoon


I won’t screw it up.




And for once, So-hyun fell asleep with a smile formed on her face.



start of new series soon? very different from this. comment and subscribe~





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Chapter 24: Waa Sohyun kissed him. I wonder what Dongwoon feels toward her...
Suzy and Kikwang are so adorable.
Chapter 19: I am glad that she decided to give him another chance :)
Chapter 17: Sincerity makes it all better
Chapter 14: I cried so much.
Chapter 10: I wish i had a friend like Doojoon...
Chapter 9: This is intense...
Chapter 8: Story is getting interesting :) Sorry for commenting so late :/
Chapter 1: No offense but SOOOO much better!
Poster lookin great too ^~^
Good luck writing angst. The people will love it. FIGHTING! :D
Lastly, I may sound annoying, but you made a tiny word choice error I with wandered. *Should be wondered*