chapter 1

Chérie (Remake)



“I felt bad for her, knowing I couldn’t do anything. But really, in this situation, there’s really nothing I could’ve done.” -Unknown




City lights.


Bustling subways.


Busy streets.


Talkative pedestrians.


Red-leaved trees.


Soft breeze.


So-Hyun arrived in South Korea, beginning the mark of her awaited moral.




The cold breeze blew into her in face, causing her to shiver before she could even reach the entrance to the huge building that lied a few feets away from her own barriers.


She wore a red scarf around her neck that day which slowly blew in the cold air, fluttering like flags despite it only being in the fall season. The weathers these seasons were much more harsh than the past years, not stopping once with the severing weather extremes at any point. Slowing picking up her stumble, she paced along the tall building’s pathway impatiently, waiting for her mom to accompany her in entering the school building.


Beginning to examine the sceneries that laid around her, So-Hyun stared intently at the oak trees that laid beside the tree doors, creating a more natural appearance to the school. The attempt of creating nature nature was successful as she was captured by the beautiful leaves that laid upon the tree, looking at the now, bright red and orange colors that appeared on the trees.

“Ready, So-Hyun?” A gentle voice sounded behind So-Hyun, startling the young girl from her trance. She quickly turned around to greet the woman who she knew as her mother for seventeen years,


“Yeah. Let’s just get this over with.” She grumbled, now putting herself back into the grumpy self that had appeared on her face ever since she moved from United States back to South Korea.


So-Hyun didn’t really have any choice within this decision. She remembered the living nightmares that resonated from her parents’ voices as she came home from school. The echoes still ringed through her head and every time she thought of the suggestions, she couldn’t help but become infuriated,




She had came home from school that day, stressed as always from summer school, dropping her backpack onto the floor,


“Hey mom!” So-Hyun yelled out from the foyer of the house, echoing her voice throughout the mansion that laid in their property.


Her dad had recently been promoted to the head of the Photography Unit for a local newspaper company in California. So most of the times, he was never home to join the family, leaving the two females the house for themselves.

But today, it had been different.


Hearing no answer, So-Hyun called out again, “Heeeey moom!”


No answer still.


The house laid silent, with no movements or sounds of motions whatsoever.


Now suspicious, So-Hyun silently crept onto her toes, joining the groups of sounds being silent.


Creeping towards the kitchen is where the nightmare began. So-Hyun stood there, now beginning to hear the silent murmurs of what was recognized to be her parents’ voices,


“She isn’t going to take it well.” The male voice had said, surprising So-Hyun that her dad had been home. It had been weeks before he came home this early. And..who was ‘she’ about?


She pressed her ears against the wall, now slumping down on the wall towards the floor to get a better hearing of the quiet whispers. She must’ve looked stupid but she could care less at this point in time,  So-Hyun was  interested in learning about the situation.


“Yeah, well, it’s for the best.” The female voice had now replied, the sweet voice she recognized as her mother’s  gracing in the dining room area.


Looking towards the living room in confusion, she pondered on the possibilities of what they could be talking about;


New business?


We were moving houses?


Dad got fired? She wandered endlessly, jumping from one conclusion to another.


Soon enough, she couldn’t take it anymore, pushing onto the door silently to question these conversations. Of course, due to her unfortunate luck, as she pushed the door, the door had been pulled from the other sides as well colliding the two figures into each other.


“Omo, what are you doing home so early?” Her dad asked in surprise, backing up in defense as if he knew he was in huge trouble.


“No club meetings today. Cancelled.” So-Hyun sharply answered, now intrigued at her parents’ strange behavior.


Having no replies to her answer, she bluntly continued the conversation, “What were you guys talking about?” She asked.


Her parents turned their heads towards each other, looking at one another with desperate faces filled with guilt. No reply came out of either human beings until So-Hyun started tapping her feet on the floor impatiently desperately wanting an answer.


What could be so important that they couldn’t even have the courage to tell her.


Being the dad, he spoke first slowly,  “Well..we have an issue to talk about.”


So-Hyun raised her eyebrows, slowing walking towards the chair to sit.


After comforting herself upon the chair, she asked her father, pointing her head at him, “What issue?”


She had slowly asked the questions in response to his slow behavior. Her father continued the half spoken thought, now looking down at his feet and ruffling his fingers through his hair,


“Erm..” He stuttered, not being able to get an official word out of his mouth. So-Hyun had now turned into a panicked stricken person, skeptical about this secret that had been held against her ever since she got home


I should’ve stayed at school a bit longer, she thought to herself, now regretting the early yearnings to reach home as quick as possible.


It was her mother’s turn to speak now, “We decided..that it’d be best..if our family moved back to South Korea. Except your father of course, he can’t leave the business here, especially after getting promoted.” Her mother explained sadly, leaving her head hung low.




The words had left So-Hyun in a shocked trance. Not a single word came out of .


Just a gasp.


No words.


The silence had now turned the room into an awkward atmosphere, with her parents’ looking down at the floors to admire the marble tiles, while she sat herself on the chair, now glaring angrily at her parents. She couldn’t believe this joke they were trying to pull on her.


“What do you mean? It’d be best?” She asked, trembling in her words refusing for the tears to fall out.


It was too early.


She didn’t find this a very amusing joke...if it is one.


“Well..Grandpa’s a bit sick at this point, and Grandma can’t really take care of him really on her own. So, you, me, and your brother and sister can go over there to take care of him.” She calmly explained, knowing the frustrations that were laying in So-Hyun.


The tears were forming at this moment, stinging her eyes though she blinked to keep them back.


It wasn’t a joke anymore. As soon as the mention of her grandparents were brought up, she knew it was no longer a funny way of amusement.


It had been serious.


Frustratedly, she yelled out in exasperation at her parents, “What?! I don’t even talk to Grandpa! And yet, you’re making me go with you? Why can’t I stay with dad?”


Shrugging at her husband, her mom had replied gently still, not wanting to cause a commotion from this situation, “It’d be best, you’re struggling a bit here at school.”


“And moving to Korea would help me?”


She nodded, bringing up a sly smile, that would hopefully change her daughter’s mood.


“It would be a fresh start.” She said encouragingly, now hoping that her daughter would smile back at her.


She didn’t.


“Well?” Her mother continued, after a long moment of silence between the three. The distance between each people increased largely in awkwardness yet physical distance as they began backing away slowly.


“Well it won’t. And I’m not moving.” So-Hyun stubbornly declared after a while, crossing her arms onto her chest slowly. Her behavior didn’t seem to affect the adults in any way. They had expected her rebellious outcomes.


“Too late.” Her dad said coldly.


She opened into the shape of an O.


“What do you mean?” So-Hyun asked, turning her head towards her father who now gazed back at her.


“We already arranged it and enrolled you into a school. You’ll be attending Hanyoung High School. It’s a foreign language school, so it should give you a slight advantage.” Her dad explained, no longer caring for her attitude that she gave towards them.


“That doesn’t help.” She said nonchalantly, glaring at her parents with anger. She ignored the first half of the message and just decided to not cooperate whatsoever.


They couldn’t bother to give her an eye contact back in reply.


“I’m really sorry So-Hyun, but it’ll be good. It’s a new experience. And plus you could get closer to what’s her name again, Sarah? No…” Her mom guessed confusedly, managing to make slight eye movements at her.


“It’s Suzy.” Her dad replied, turning to the floor as if it had some amazement to it.


“I haven’t talked to her in years, literally years. I bet she doesn’t even remember me.” So-Hyun cried at her parents, still hoping that this was all a joke.


She knew it wasn’t though. No possibility whatsoever.


You know whenever you have that slight gut feeling of hope though? That’s what she felt.


“Well, I don’t know, you figure it out. I have a job to get to, and this is for the best of you. So don’t get an attitude with me, I’m just trying to take care of your grandparents yet get you a better education. You treat this like I want to get you away from me. You think I want to? No, I don’t.” Her dad now sternly finished off, walking angrily towards the door, shoving it open in frustrations.


“It’ll be fine.” Her mother comforted the 16-year-old now hearing the muffled sobs coming from her own daughter after the father had left the room.


Pulling up a chair next to her, they sat for what seemed like hours, making the time pass by talking about the endless possibilities. They had only a month to pack up and get going to South Korea before the new school year would start in the new country. It was summer then, but due to her failing grades, she had attended summer school hoping to not flunk.


“Arasso.” She whispered softly, now understanding the situation in full clarity. Her mother nodded in content and got up leaving So-Hyun in deep thoughts,


It was an opportunity.





Entering the school automatically brought back the regrets she had in her minds.


Aish, I should’ve just been stubborn and stayed home anyway, the young girl thought to herself.


The hallways were lit up with lights at every corner, shining the sleek floors elegantly perhaps even having the capability to show reflections. She wasn’t impressed with the interior designs. Though the school had a nice interior to it, doesn’t mean the whole school thing would be dandy. Though still being a teenager, her curious mind scanned around the entrance to the school. It splitted into two parts, one leading to what happened to be the core classes while the others led to the more classical, creative classes.


A hand was tugged onto her shoulder tightly, causing her to wince in pain for the most shortest period,


“Let’s go.” Her mother nervously ushered, pulling So-Hyun with her towards the main office area which was laid with a few rows of leather-cushioned seats. Most seats were empty while rarely a few were filled with adults looking calm. Some stared at the TV which laid on the outer walls, while others just stared into nowhere, waiting for their turn to be called into the offices.


It reminded So-Hyun of the juvenile delinquents from her old schools where they would wait in the office after getting in deep trouble.


Wish I could be like that. So-Hyun thought to herself, glancing around the so-called office. Staff workers were piled upon the desks and cubicles busily typing away on their electronic devices.


Her mother had tugged onto her hand again, now pulling her in a rush towards the farthest room in the back, the counselor’s room.




“You must be So-Hyun.” The old-aged lady greeted her, not letting the warm smile on her face leave her.


So-Hyun returned the manners, smiling and bowing down to the elder, though she didn’t want to be here whatsoever.


“And you must be her mother.” The counselor now said, turning towards the more aged woman, though not as aged as herself.


“Neh, we’re just discuss about So-Hyun and her enrollment here.”


“Ah, yes. Well, everything seems to be in order. All the papers were signed, I assume. And, we’re currently printing her schedule and homeroom. Give us a minute, please.” The counselor said, waving the pair to the seats that remained empty.


“Still can’t believe you’re making me do this.” So-Hyun mumbled, not making any contact with her mother after sitting down.


Her mother frowned and turned towards her, scolding her, “Don’t cause such a scene. You know how much work it took to get you enrolled in here? Nevertheless, get the nice house we own right now in Korea. Stop taking things for granted.”


Sighing, the young aged girl of the pair quieted down and just stared at the busy workers carrying on their businesses. She didn’t really want to do this. She never wanted to ever leave her perfect life in the States despite her education, she never wanted to start a new life here. Where she knew no one whatsoever. Where she didn’t belong.


~~ Unknown’s POV ~~


Sitting besides So-Hyun, the black figure shadowed over her, though she didn’t see it of course.


The counselor had now gotten up from her chair to hand the two human beings a mid-sized piece of paper, which contained the So-Hyun’s new schedule for this tiring school.


Fading into her mind, the figure could feel the tiredness and stressfulness the youngling had despite not even starting school yet. Feeling emotionless, the black figurine had now dissipated into balls of ashes, fading away into the thin air, leaving no trace of existence behind. He carried on his job.




So-Hyun was given a short tour of the school, ranging from the classes she could take to the common core classes everyone was obligated to take in order to achieve a high education.


She was only a third-year student, putting her in the most disadvantaged situation she could be in at the moment. She couldn’t start fresh with all the first-years, yet she couldn’t end late with all the last-year students. Instead, she was put in the middle of all the high school students.


“Here’s your homeroom, Class B

-2. It’s a pretty large class, so try to fit in, but I’m sure you’ll do fine.” The lady assured So-Hyun, seeing the emotionless face that laid upon her face. Her mother was walking besides her, giving So-Hyun short breaths signalling her to not show any signs of emotions or attitude that would get both of them into a hectic situation.  


“Ah, okay.” So-Hyun nodded, looking at the brown paneled door. The counselor had unlocked the door, pushing it slightly to reveal a large classroom filled with about four to five rows of desks laying in a symmetrical order that showed neatness and sleek. She glanced around finding a teacher’s desk, which had nothing piled on it yet though that would change whenever the school year started. Posters were plastered upon the creamed walls, showing equations to suggestive math problems to boring facts that showed no interest in So-Hyun.


“That should be all we have to show you for now. We’ll see you when school starts.” The woman ended the tour, handing So-Hyun back her schedule for her to keep.


“Arasso, thank you so much.” She thanked the woman, bowing slightly once again to show respect.


The counselor finally nodded in approval and left towards the direction of the main office to resume her daily workings.


“I’ll be out in the car to start the heater. You get a glimpse of the school for a bit more. Be back outside in the front in five okay? Don’t get too lost.”




Her mother had strolled off to the side entrances, pulling a hat to cover her head from the coldness. After seeing that her mother had disappeared from her eyesight, So-Hyun began walking backwards tugging her hands into her pockets.


God damn, education. God damn, my own grandparents. God da--




She was very clumsy.


Backing up into another figure, a loud thud was created upon the collision of the two people.


“Watch where you’re going.” So-Hyun said coldly before even facing the muscled figure, turning around to face a tall male, who frowned in displeasure at the incident.


“How about you watch where you’re going? Walking backwards. Tch. What’s wrong with you?” He replied rudely, not even helping the girl up.


She narrowed her eyes at the jock, not believing that she was already getting into trouble before school even started. Mostly though, she was surprised at his rude behavior, expecting more gentle people to greet her.


Bending down to grab her schedule that had fallen onto the floor, the male stared down to look at the homeroom number finding that it was his homeroom as well.


He said nothing.


“Arasso, well move so I can leave.” She struggled, as his tall body ruined her capability of moving past him.


He scoffed one last time, before pushing through her to the other end of the halls where other people stood chattering loudly. Not interested in eavesdropping within the conversations, she quickly regained her composure and began to leave the same side doors her mother did.


She could tell, this was going to be a long school year.


And she wasn’t going to like it.


One bit.          



First chapter holla. I actually had this chapter wrote down for  a few weeks but I just never got the courage to upload it. If you haven't noticed, this story took huge different changes from the past one but hopefully you guys will still like it! Keke, okay i'ma go now byee ~ <3


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i'm back. check the story out it's called the balloon.


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Chapter 24: Waa Sohyun kissed him. I wonder what Dongwoon feels toward her...
Suzy and Kikwang are so adorable.
Chapter 19: I am glad that she decided to give him another chance :)
Chapter 17: Sincerity makes it all better
Chapter 14: I cried so much.
Chapter 10: I wish i had a friend like Doojoon...
Chapter 9: This is intense...
Chapter 8: Story is getting interesting :) Sorry for commenting so late :/
Chapter 1: No offense but SOOOO much better!
Poster lookin great too ^~^
Good luck writing angst. The people will love it. FIGHTING! :D
Lastly, I may sound annoying, but you made a tiny word choice error I with wandered. *Should be wondered*