Chapter 9

My College Experience

After about 3 hours of studying you guys take a break and head downstairs for a snack. “I’m gonna make some coffee you want some?” you ask “Sure” he replies. You put the coffee on the stove to boil. You then get some cookies from the pantry and place it on the table. You sit down at the kitchen table waiting for the coffee to boil. “So how do you feel about this week’s test” Sehun asks. “I don’t want to jinx myself but I feel that I’ll do well” you reply. “I’m glad” he says smiling “How about you” you ask “I think we’ll both do well” he replies.


The coffee comes to a boil and you rush up to go attend to it. Sehun comes behind you. You take the pot off the stove and *crash* you spill the hot coffee all over Sehun. *omo…IM SORRY” you yell out. You put the pot in the sink and wet a towel with cold water. “It’s burning!” Sehun yells. You tell him to take off his shirt and to put the cold towel on the burning skin. You take him to the nearest bathroom, get a cold wet bath towel and put it on his body. You leave him in the bathroom to look for first aid supplies. Sehun attends to himself for the time being. You come back with burn medicine and Band-Aids.


"Ok I’ll take the towel off and apply this" you tell him. He takes off the towel exposing his chest and apply the cream.


"You know how awkward this is" he says. You come to the realization of what you’re doing. You jump back. "Oh god, my bad…I was just in a shock and did whatever…" "Its fine, I was worried if you were uncomfortable" he says. "Nah, I’m okay with it, I’m used to taking care of people" you say. He looks deep into your eyes and smiles "Thanks"


You look for a shirt that would fit him and all you find is one of your old gym clothes from high school. “Here, I don’t have much. But hopefully this’ll do” Sehun takes the clothes and changes in front of you “C’mon there’s a washroom less than a meter away. “I thought you knew how to take care of people and were ok with other people’s bodies and stuff” he said “that doesn’t mean you should change in front of me” you said turning away. “Here how do I look?” he asked. You turn around to see that your gym top is a bit too short. “It’s ok when we’re done I’ll go home and change.


You both go back to the kitchen to clean things up. By the time you were done it was already 1am. “Holy s that late already?” Sehun exclaims. “Oh wow, the time just flew by” you say. “Alright, I guess it’s time for me to go home” he says sadly. “Since it’s so late you can sleep here” you blurt out “Plus I kinda owe you from that night”. He takes a couple seconds to think it over. “Sure why not” he says “Plus you have to clean my shirt.

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f5sulli #1
Chapter 13: Hmm I wonder why sehun hasn't told her that he is her childhood friend(if he is) or is luhan right about the fact that sehun is using her...hope luhan and her get things sorted between them soon as well :)