Chapter 12

My College Experience

"Since when did you two get so close? Coming out of the same house so early in the morning. Sehun, she’s not a baby, you don’t need to pick her up to go to school" says a voice. You and Sehun turn your heads. It’s Luhan.


"Says the guy who’s waiting in front of her house. At least I got in" he says with a wink. "Wai..what? did you two…" Luhan looks at you wide eyed. "Don’t think things you impulsive leech" Sehun snares. "Unlike you, I don’t jump at a girl as soon as I’m alone in a house with her" "Sehun, stop it. Can we just go" you beg. "Wow! You told him? Why? So I look bad" Luhan angrily yells. He walks to you, grabs your arm and pulls you away. 


You both go to a secluded area “How could you tell him? Seriously ______!” and since when did you guys become so close. That guy is a good for nothing idiot” He holds you at the side of your arms. “The only reason you think he’s a bad guy, is because you don’t know him. He may seem like a jerk on the outside to you but he’s actually a caring individ…” “SHUT UP!” Luhan interrupts “He’s playing you ______. He’s going to grab you and control you until he gets what he wants and then he’ll throw you away” “So what does that matter to you?” you say “It matters to me because I care about you”. You pause. “If you care about me, you would respect my wishes” you say quietly “I’m making such an effort to mend our relationship and you back stab me like this?” You snapped “Sorry, you can’t control who I befriend. Anyways we’re late. I’m gone. If you were really ‘my friend’ you wouldn’t act like such a jerk towards Sehun without actually getting to know him”. You leave in an angry haste but Luhan grabs your arm again. “Get off!” you say “I’m not done talking to you!” he says. He keeps holds your arm tighter “Seriously, get the f off you yell” He finally let’s go. “I’m sorry, do whatever you want, I give up. ______ I really like you and I can’t handle you hanging out with other guys, to me it’s just really unsettling”. You look back at him. He’s trembling and his eyes are filling up with tears. You feel some sort of guilt in your stomach. You turn to him and say “I will work on our friendship but as for your liking towards me, I’m sorry. I may have fallen for someone else” You walk away leaving Luhan speechless


"Good thing, I didn’t have to come out" Sehun says walking out from a corner. "You were there the whole time?" you ask. "Yea, I was worried something bad would happen" He says shyly. "You my friend have just gained creeper status" you jokingly say. "I heard something along the lines of ‘Sorry I can’t accept your feelings, I like someone else’ wanna tell me about that?" He asks. "Ummmmm…" Sehun puts his arm around you. "I was kidding, don’t worry, sooner or later we’ll find out who it is. If it’s you telling me or me using my superior stalking skills we will definitely find out"

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f5sulli #1
Chapter 13: Hmm I wonder why sehun hasn't told her that he is her childhood friend(if he is) or is luhan right about the fact that sehun is using her...hope luhan and her get things sorted between them soon as well :)