Chapter 13

My College Experience

Class ended and you start to leave “Hey ______, you going to the Halloween Bash this weekend?” A classmate asks. “Hmm, I’m not too sure. I haven’t really thought about it” you reply. “Well if you want to go, there’s a group of us going together, here I’ll give you my number if you wanna come with” she says. “Oh, Okay thanks” you say happily,


"Ouuu, Halloween Bash, sounds interesting" A voice came up from behind you. It’s Sehun. "So, you’re planning to go?" he asks "I’m not sure, I’m not so ecstatic about Halloween. I usually spend it at home watching movies" you say. "So you watch scary movies?" he asks "No. I can’t watch scary movies on my own, I’d get nightmares and suffer from insomnia for two weeks afterwards. If I did watch a scary movie, I would have to be with someone who can take my constant mini shrieks and jumps" you say.


"Ah I see, we should go, after all it is our first year in college" He says. "I’ll have to get back to you on that offer" you say "Let’s bet on it" he requests. “What are you willing to sacrifice?" you ask. "If you win, I’ll watch a movie with you and if I win we go to the party". "That’s not fair, either way you get something out of it" you proclaim. "Trust me, I don’t" he lies. You actually like this be because either way you get to spend time with him. "So what do you wanna bet on?" you ask. "Whoever gets the higher mark on tomorrows test" He exclaims. "Alright then, it’s on" you say. You both shake hands and head on home"


You and Sehun find two seats at the back of the bus and sit. You realize how tired you are from barely sleeping last night and doze off.


"Excuse me?….Excuse me sir, miss" You wake up. "Where am I?" you ask. "It seems that you and your friend fell asleep together" said the bus driver "Wait my friend?" you say then look next to you to see Sehun’s head on your shoulder. "You guys need to get off, I’m done my shift" The bus driver says. "Okay give us a minute" you say. The bus driver goes to get his stuff then gets off the bus.


"Hey Sehun, we need to get off now" you say in a soft voice. He doesn’t wake up so you shake him but that doesn’t work either. You don’t want to yell or scream. Instead you move a little and his head falls on to your lap, then you his hair softly until he slowly wakes up. "Sehun, we have to go home now" He gets up and looks around in a daze. "How come we’re in a bus?" he asks. We foolishly fell asleep on our way home you say recalling the whole day. He stands up and stretches. "What time is it now?" he asks again. You look at your phone "6:34" you say surprised. "Okay let’s go" he says taking your hand. You both catch the next bus to your neighbourhood. The bus ride was short and sweet.


You both reach in front of your house. “Good Luck tomorrow” he says. “You too”. He smiles and nods you to head in” You have a lot of studying to do” he says. “You have more than I do” you say back. “Okay I’ll see you tomorrow” he says. “Bye sweetie” you say in a joking playful voice and head in. He smiles and heads home.



"Alright class, the test will be starting so put all your cell phones and gadgets away. The only things you should have are; a pencil, eraser and calculator" Ms. Lee announces. "Your marks for this test will be online by 12 tonight"


*She hands out the tests*


"You may begin" she says


The class writes the test


***After the test***


"So, you ready to go to that party tomorrow?" Sehun teases. "Have you thought of a movie that you wanna see" you tease back sticking out your tongue. “So we should meet at my place until we get our marks, we can’t have any cheating liars can we?" Sehun proposes "I guess that’s fine" you say trying to act cool. "Alright then, it’s a mini date" he says

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f5sulli #1
Chapter 13: Hmm I wonder why sehun hasn't told her that he is her childhood friend(if he is) or is luhan right about the fact that sehun is using her...hope luhan and her get things sorted between them soon as well :)