Chapter 16

My College Experience


your POV


Sehun gets off so you can get your phone.


"Hello" you say


”______! Why aren’t you at school” Says Luhan. “I’m not coming to class today, I’m sick” You quickly say. “And Sehun too?” Luhan questions. “Sehun’s not in class?” You lie. “Oh since you don’t know about it, its fine. Hope you get better anyways are you going to the Halloween bash?  I know you’re sick but if you get better we should go” Luhan says “I might go but If I do I’ll probably go with Sehun, he asked me first” you say. “Oh…” Luhan says in a saddened tone. “Okay then hopefully I’ll see you guys later” He says. “Yea…okay bye” you quickly hang up the phone


You turn to see Sehun shirtless and your face turns red. ‘ohmygod I don’t know what to do’ you say to yourself. “Wanna see the marks?” Sehun asked. “Yea sure” You reply. You open up the laptop and log on “Ah an 82 not to shabby” he says smiling. He takes the laptop and logs on. His smile opens up “89…I beat you” he says “Seriously! Let me see!” you demand. You look at the mark and gasp. “Do you have a costume?” He asks. “Yea” you reply.


You look at the clock “It’s already 4!” you say. “Yea we slept through the whole day” Sehun says smiling.” I gotta go get ready for the party” you say. “Okay what time do you want me to pick you up. “I’ll come back at 6:30ish and we’ll leave together” you say smiling. “Alright, I’ll see you then” He says


You change and go home to get ready for the party. ‘Hmm what should I wear’ you think. You go through your closet and find the perfect dress. ‘Sehun will totally love this’ you say.



You take a bath and put it on and add makeup and Wolf like accessories. “Perfect!” you exclaim. Before you know it its 6:30 and you grab your black pumps and head out the door.



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f5sulli #1
Chapter 13: Hmm I wonder why sehun hasn't told her that he is her childhood friend(if he is) or is luhan right about the fact that sehun is using her...hope luhan and her get things sorted between them soon as well :)