Restaurant Drama

Do You Want A Cup Of Coffee?


As Eunyoung walked in she noticed that Ellin brought someone along with her. It was Seyong......Before Eunyoung could have time to escape Ellin already called her name. "Eunyoung-a! Over here!" Ellin yelled telling Seyong to wait for her. As Ellin walked over Eunyoung tried her best to hide her tears from falling. "Hey!" Ellin said as she grabbed Eunyoung's arm to lead her to the table. Eunyoung slapped Ellin's arm of hers and told her quietly to talk to her outside so she doesn't make a scene. Once they were outside Eunyoung started screaming. "How could you bring him Ellin?!" Eunyoung yelled but Ellin just smiled. "Oh since we were in a drama together we started getting really close and then something happened and here we are!" Ellin said with glee now knowing the pain her best friend was feeling. "Don't you care about me Ellin?! He's my ex-boyfriend!!" Eunyoung yelled as two young couples glanced at them before they walked in. 


Eunyoug suddenly felt a sharp sting on her right cheek as she opened her eyes and she saw that Ellin's smile was gone. "Care about you....Care about You?!" Ellin screamed. "I never did! Now that I noticed that I finally got you at your weak end I'm done being your friend!" Ellin said with a smirk. "W-what are you talking about?" Eunyoung said as she raised her hand to soothe the pain from her cheek. "The only reason why I was friends with you was to get close to Seyong" Ellin said as she opened her compact to check her eyeliner. Eunyoung could not believe what she just heard from her "best friend". "You were pretending?" Eunyoung said as she tried her best to wipe her tears before her mascera messed it up. "Awww little Eunyoung-a is crying" Ellin said as she formed her perfect lips into a sad face. "Well too bad cause I'm done with you goodbye......oh yeah don't think about getting in my way again and if I see if you with the guy I like you will be sorry sweetheart" Ellin said as she sashayed back into the restaraunt leaving Eunyoung on the floor with a red right cheek and a broken heart.........

* * *

As Eunyoung came home she noticed someone was waiting for her at the front steps. He seemed to be asleep while sitting on her front door.Who Could That Be? Eunyoung thought as she walked to the man and noticed it was N. N! Why would he be here? Eunyoung as she carefully tried to carry him up while opening her door. As she gently placed N on her couch she went to find someone food thinking that N must have been tired from waiting so long. As Eunyoung came back N was already awake. "Eunyoung-a can you tell me how I came into your house?" N said as he shook his head trying to remember what happened. "It's nothing"  Eunyoung said trying her best to hide her face. Well I brought you some food cause you left with only a note and I just wanted to check up on you" N said blushing. This made Eunyoung forget about the Ellin incident as she raised her head to face N. "Eunyoung-a what happened to you?" N said as he ran to find a towel to wipe Eunyoung's face. Eunyoung was glad that N was just a helpful person. Later on N told Eunyoung that he was going to stay at her house for the night to see if anything happening to her. Eunyoung was too tired to complain as she sat on the couch and slept for the first time peacefully.

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Chapter 18: N is jerk (I'm saying that with a poker face , okay)
Seriously?! I can't see why Eunyoung still love him , he broke her heart countless times
He never think before act , everything he do will only make Eunyoung's heart break AGAIN
I think even Seyong is better than him , atleast Seyong didn't break her heart countless times >.<

YippieM #2
Chapter 18: heart broke for Eunyoung. I wanna see Seyong to be with her hehehe my imagination.
touchchandara #3
Chapter 8: I really want eunyoung pair with ken
wanda22 #4
Chapter 17: yeheet.. thanks for updating.. i'll wait for the next chapter.. ^^
wanda22 #5
Chapter 15: thanks for updating.. ^^
wanda22 #6
please update it soon, i really like ur story.. fighting ^^
Oh Yea I wanted to ask does my poster show I can't tell since i have y internet just asking...... O-O
touchchandara #8
Chapter 3: good please hurry to update it I can't wait to read it