Just When Things Were Great

Do You Want A Cup Of Coffee?


Eunyoung started getting better and better and later on the doctor said that she was ready to go home next week. N has been visiting Eunyoung everyday but one day it stopped. As Eunyoung walked into the practice room she was covered in hugs from all of her members. "Eunyoung!" they all said as they tried their best not to strangle their makenae. "Wow! I feel so loved!" Eunyoung said with flushed cheeks. "Yah! Eunyoung now that your back can you please tell N to stop calling us?" Eun asked with annoyance. "What has he been doing?" Eunyoung said with curiousity. "Aish! He been calling us asking were you ok and coming to our studio asking for u..it's really annoying" Eun said. Eunyoung coudn't stop her cheeks from buring with red. After practice was done Eunyoung went out for a walk as she started to regret everything. Here was N hand in hand with the person that she thought she could trust....Ellin. As Eunyoung turned to run someone yelled her name. "Eunyoung-a!" Ellin called for Eunyoung. Eunyoung did not want to answer as she kept on running from embaressment...from N. 

"Hey Eunyoung!" Ellin said as she grabbed Eunyoung's small arm

Eunyoung being the kind one to the older turned around to find Ellin's hands were wrapped around N. Eunyoung tried her best to take her gaze from the hands to Ellin's perky face. 

"Hi Ellin....N.." Eunyoung said in a quiet voice.

"I wanted to find you to tell you the great news!" Ellin said as she raised N's hand up. "We're dating!" Ellin yelled with glee causing many people to stop and stare. Eunyoung felt as her heart was ripped into two as she took a quick glance at N. For a minute Eunyoung could tellt that there was no joy in his face but sadness. 

I'm probably just imagining things that's all Eunyoung thought as she made a fake smile. 

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Chapter 18: N is jerk (I'm saying that with a poker face , okay)
Seriously?! I can't see why Eunyoung still love him , he broke her heart countless times
He never think before act , everything he do will only make Eunyoung's heart break AGAIN
I think even Seyong is better than him , atleast Seyong didn't break her heart countless times >.<

YippieM #2
Chapter 18: What....my heart broke for Eunyoung. I wanna see Seyong to be with her hehehe my imagination.
touchchandara #3
Chapter 8: I really want eunyoung pair with ken
wanda22 #4
Chapter 17: yeheet.. thanks for updating.. i'll wait for the next chapter.. ^^
wanda22 #5
Chapter 15: thanks for updating.. ^^
wanda22 #6
please update it soon, i really like ur story.. fighting ^^
Oh Yea I wanted to ask does my poster show I can't tell since i have y internet just asking...... O-O
touchchandara #8
Chapter 3: good please hurry to update it I can't wait to read it