
Accident? More Like Fate [will be rewritten]

"Yeah. Pretty sad, huh. A fairy loosing its wings is like a demon loosing their horns." Luhan continued. The cashier nodded as he continued to ring up the items. Once he finished, he handed them back in a plastic bag and wished them well. Then with a small nod, the two stepped out into the bustling mall. 

"Where were we supposed to meet Baek and Yeol?" Luhan huffed, looking around the store, but failing because of his short stature. Sehun glanced at the demon and smiled slightly before looking over the heads of the other demons. Unfortunately Baekhyun and Chanyeol were no where to be seen. Just as Sehun had turned to Luhan, someone crashed into the back of him. This resulted in both Luhan and Sehun stumbling and holding onto one another for dear life as if it were an earthquake. However they quickly let go of each other when they realized their predicament.

"I'm so sorry! I hadn't looked where I was going and I was in a-" the stranger stopped when his voice cracked. Sehun and Luhan exchanged amused glances before assuring him it was alright. "Really? I'm so sorry and I'll look next time!" Again, he paused when he looked at Luhan. "You... You're Luhan!" he exclaimed. Luhan sighed and nodded.

"And does that really matter?"

"It's such an honor! I'm Kim Minseok! I hope I haven't bothered you!" 

"You should be saying that to Sehun. You ran into him, not me."

"That reminds me, why are you with him? I've never seen him around. Is he new? Why does he get special treatment? You guys are going shopping, aren't you?" Minseok asked, motioning to the shopping bag in Sehun's hand.

"I'm not answering any other questions, ok? It's just because." Luhan grumbled before grabbing Sehun's wrist and pulling him away from Minseok who stood there dumbfounded.

Once they were far away from Minseok, Luhan dropped Sehun's wrist and glanced around him. Only a few people, thankfully. Then he turned to Sehun and asked, "Did we even come up with a meeting place?" Sehun shook his head and looked around too. No Baekhyun or Chanyeol in sight. Well, it would be hard to find them because of the size of the mall, Sehun thought to himself.

"Wow, this is just... this is just great. I am so ready to get out of this place, I could scream." Luhan sighed in exasperation and stomped around like a child. Sehun smiled internally, thinking the elder really looked like a 5 year old--what, with his cheeks puffed up and being short. However, he didn't have much time to observe when Luhan began to walk away from him. In haste, he followed and quickly fell into step with Luhan and even walked slightly ahead of him.

"Where are you going?" Sehun asked, walking sideways but still being wary of his surroundings.

"It's better than just standing there, isn't it? We can't expect them to just walk by. We'd be waiting all day!" Luhan replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the word and Sehun was just being stupid. The latter didn't really know what to say to that, so he simply nodded and followed. During their journey to find the other two bumbling idiots in love, Sehun glanced over Luhan; maybe a little too closely. He noticed the way Luhan's eyes were quite large; how his face was like porcelain and could be broken at any moment; how, despite his furrowed brows, he naturally soft features; and how he had a body much like a woman's. Sehun also couldn't help but notice that his horns offset Luhan's femininity, making him look more like a young child than a full grown demon.

"I would appreciate it if you stopped looking at me." Luhan muttered and reached up to make his hair cover his ears that were slowly turning red. How cute, Sehun thought to himself. Can one call a demon cute? It's like an oxymoron; cute demon. Usually to him, the word correlates with black, evil, spilled blood, and sharp teeth. However, Luhan was the exact opposite. Bubbly, child-like, colorful, and anything but evil -- mischeivious, maybe, but evil? No.

"Such a kid," Sehun had found him saying this aloud when Luhan picked up his pace.

"Who are you calling a kid? I'm probably older than you!" Luhan protested. "In human years, I'm 2,400."

"Do I need to buy you a cane, grandpa?" 

"Don't be a wiseass!" Luhan whined angrily and slapped Sehun's shoulder. The younger shrugged and smiled for the nth time. 

"What would you be in Underworld years?" Sehun asked.

"I'm only 24. I'm not that old."

"On Earth I'm-"

Before Sehun could respond, someone came at them, yelling and screaming with excitement. Suddenly Luhan was on the ground with Chanyeol sprawled on top of him, laughing. However, Luhan wasn't; he was huffing angrily and shouting for someone to "get this beanstalk" off of him. The people around them stopped and stared, but walked by; some were laughing, others were giving them strange looks. Followed calmly by Chanyeol was Baekhyun who disregarded Sehun's questioning of the bow that sat atop his perfect hair. He then proceeded to pull the larger off of poor Luhan as if he were a feather. Then he dusted Chanyeol off and gave him a good smack on the arm.

"You idiot. You could have crushed Luhan. He's a fragile thing, you know." Baekhyun scolded and Chanyeol looked to his feet in embarrassment. Luhan picked himself from the ground and stood next to Sehun to observe the scene going down in front of them.

"Apologize to Luhan for almost crushing him."

"I'm sorry Luhan. I was running from Baekhyun because he was trying to tickle me and I saw you so I just went for it." Chanyeol winked, only to earn another smack from the shorter.

"So technically it was Baekhyun's fault for making you run." Sehun commented and Baekhyun glared at the younger.

"Well-! Chanyeol was being annoying!" Baekhyun huffed.

"Does this have anything to do with that large, large bow that adorns the top of your head?"

"Maybe..." Baekhyun trailed off, smiling sheepishly.

"Baek looks cute, doesn't he?" Chanyeol said with a smile and s his arm around the shorters waist which was quickly rejected. Disappointment and hurt replaced the previous happy look and he retracted his hand, rubbing it. 

Suddenly, Luhan jumped in between the two idiots and put their hands together and made sure they were clasped tightly before letting go. He rolled his eyes, "The between you two is so thick, it hurts." The two were about to respond, but Luhan beat them to it. "If you don't hold hands until we get back, I swear, I will saw off both of your horns." Ok, maybe not so innocent after all, Sehun thought with amusement. 

"Our ? What about yours?" Baekhyun said in exasperation, motioning to Luhan and Sehun. "I mean, the way you look at Sehun, it's obvious you have a man crush!"

"Is that true, Luhan?" Sehun asked with a teasing smile.

"He...! He's talking crap! When have I ever done that?" Luhan protested.

"Uhm, when he was sleeping. You were like, staring at him and I could tell you just wanted to cuddle up next to him." Baekhyun replied with triumph.

"No I didn't ok," he said, more reassuring himself than anyone around him, "and let me tell you how many times I've seen you and Chanyeol curled up in bed together. I mean, why do you even sleep? There's no night and there is certainly no day time either."

"Not everyone is like you, Luhan, with your fast regeneration abilities. Some people have to sleep, you know." Baekhyun retorted.

"Guys! Stop! Please!" Chanyeol interrupted suddenly, looking as though he could burst into tears at any moment. Seeing this, Baekhyun stepped down and squeezed Chanyeol's hand gently. Luhan took a deep breath and he, too, stepped back only to find that there were people around with wide-eyes. At this, the whisperings began. The Devil's son was at the mall, fighting with some other demons and there was a guy with him that they had never seen before. Once he realized that this could spread rumors, he pivoted on his heels and dashed out of the mall at break neck speed; Baekhyun and Chanyeol too. This then left Sehun to stand in their dust, confusion covering his face.

This one demon who looked much like a reported walked up to him and asked, "Who are you? Why are you with Lord Death's son? Isn't he supposed to be studying? Why was he fighting? Who are the other two?"

"I... I have to go. I'm thorry." he said with his lisp coming out from nervousness. Then he pushed through the thick crowd to find that he was completely lost. So he just keep forging ahead until he reached an exit which didn't take too long. However when he stepped out of the mall, he found himself lost in an unknown world and suddenly felt very scared. To him, demons were frightening and at this point, all different scenarios flashed through his mind. Some crazy demon could come from the shadows at any moment and claw his guts out and then eat him for dinner. The thought of his flesh being torn made him shudder. Not wanting to be killed, he sprinted towards the direction he remembered they came from. 

As he ran, he saw a bright bow and a awkwardly tall person running towards him. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, Sehun thought, thank god. In no time, the two had caught up to him (still holding hands) out of breath. Before talking, they held up a finger as an indication to let them catch their breath. Once they could breath, they began talking at a rapid speed, finishing and overlapping each others sentences.

"Luhan is-" Baekhyun huffed.

"Not in a good state." Chanyeol finished, but continued. "He's become uncontrollable. This isn't good. You can't be near him. He'll probably rip your guts out and not figuratively speaking."

"His eyes are clouded and red and his horns have grown longer. He even grew really long finger nails and spikes began appearing on his face-"

"We don't know why. We don't know what to do."

"We know why, Chanyeol. He doesn't like publicity. He doesn't want to be the laughing stock of everyone like in school. He can't control his Rage either, remember? That's why he was taken out!"

"Yeah, because he nearly clawed someone's eyes out because they had laughed at him." Chanyeol said as if it was the most ordinary thing that could happen. Then he turned to Sehun, "He never learned to control his Rage like the rest of us. He was put in a special class in school specifically for this and he was the only one. He was lonely and because of this, he felt as if everyone was laughing at him for not being able to."

"The classes didn't help either. They just made him feel more angry and eventually they had to take him out. It was also right around the time we had become friends." Baekhyun finished.

"Don't hate him, though. He's a sweet person and Baekhyun and I really love him like a brother. That shouldn't deter you from being his friend," Chanyeol said solemnly. "Or maybe something more..." This addition earned a playful smack from Baekhyun who said it wasn't the time for fooling around. Before Sehun could even think up a response, there was a demonic cry from the distance and they all looked to the source. Baekhyun and Chanyeol glanced at each other before the latter grabbed Sehun and hoisted him over his shoulder. Then Chaneyol and Baekhyun made haste towards the sound with a flailing Sehun.

A/N: I don't even know if people still want to read this story. Uh, you may have noticed that my writing style changed drastically and that their personalities changed slightly to accommodate that change. Well, tell me what you think about the new chapter.

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I edited chapter 1


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natsoraa #1
Chapter 6: Cuteeeeeeeee hahaha XD
loveluck #2
Chapter 5: Hhaha its interesting! Keep updating^^
Chapter 3: I like this!!XD update shoon. Pleasheee; 3 ☆★☆★♥♡♥♡