Chapter 21

When We Say

The wedding itself went smoothly and you were more than happy to see the other five boys. But you felt uncomfortable during the ceremony as you struggled to not look over at the man who would at times gaze at you, only to fail and meet Sunggyu’s eyes.  Your heart twinged as you looked back into the eyes of the man you loved before but had forced yourself to forget. You immediately looked away not wanting to remember those feelings and continued on, pretending that your heart and mind were at the wedding and not in the past, but of course it was easier said than done. Hoya and his wife look so happy to be together, you thought, I hope one day I can be happy with someone too… but who? These types of thoughts controlled your mind until you heard the snap of a stem breaking in the bouquet you were holding. You shook your head slighty and this time, you really focused on the wedding.

It was now time for the reception and you became anxious as thoughts of what could happen ran through your mind. For the most part, you stayed next to Dongwoo, giving him and yourself some peace of mind. The reception was held at a hotel on the beach, the ballroom level with the ocean. The speeches were done and at this point everyone was mingling, so you decided to take advantage of the open doors leading to the sand. The fresh air felt good in your lungs and you felt as if you were actually breathing in life and not just breathing to live. You took of your heels for the first time in hours and let your feet sink into the sand before proceeding down to where the water met the land.  The beauty and the serenity was all you could think about, refusing to think about anything or anyone else. You knew this peace wouldn’t last forever, though you wished it did. Destiny, on the other hand, did not think your peace was ending soon enough.

The ocean disappeared from your view and instead a hand holding a juicebox filled your vision. Your eyes slowly followed the extended limb to see who had disturbed your peace, though deep down you knew who it would be. You were unable to meet the eyes of the person, as his eyes were already set in the shape that followed that all too familiar smile of his. Only having the strength to smile slightly, you took the juicebox from his hand carefully and sat in the sand. Sunggyu followed and sat down next to you.

Time went by in silence, knowing that silence doesn’t bother either of you. But you were beyond bothered at yourself. You wanted to go back inside to be with Dongwoo, whom you were sure knew Sunggyu was with you, but you didn’t want to leave where you were either, especially with Sunggyu right next to you. How long had it been since the two of you were physically and emotionally this close? Who knows when this would happen again, if there will ever be a chance for this to happen again? You figured Dongwoo would understand, he’s been understanding ever since you met him, right? But that’s what killed you. You hated that you felt like you took Dongwoo for advantage, only making him second to none when your first messed up. The scene was starting to become a real-life flashback to your last day with Sunggyu on the beach. The emotions you felt were different then than they are now, but regardless, the situation was becoming too much for you. “I should go now…,” you said solemnly. You mustered all that you could of yourself just to stand up, only to be stopped before you could even start walking away. “I missed you,” Sunggyu said suddenly, the words barely registering in your head. You looked back at Sunggyu, still sitting in the sand, only to see him looking out at the water. Am I losing my mind? You thought as you believed you were going crazy and hearing things.  “I still miss you… and… I’m sorry.” Oh no. You haven't lost your mind but you were just about ready to. This time his words weren’t so quick and the last part resounded in your head and even down to your heart. You wanted to hear more from him, but knew it would have no good for not only your relationship with Dongwoo but with how far you have come without Sunggyu. You didn't want to just give in, the suffering you've gone through would seem pointless if you did.  At this point, your only option was to leave. Please stay, Sunggyu wanted to tell you, but he knew that would’ve been selfish of him. And he was less than surprised to see you had gone back to the reception. He knew he had his time and he messed up but he also knew that it was time for him to get you back.

Dongwoo went up to you right as you walked through the door, “Hey baby, where have you been?” He tried to sound nonchalant but you could hear the undertones and knew that he shouldn’t have even asked that question. “Just down to the water, it’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach,” you replied with a smile to keep the air light. And like this you ended your moment in the present living in the past only to make you question your future. 




Long time no see~ ヾ(^∇^)
Sorry if it's short and not exactly what you wanted from me after being gone for so long :c
But look! I updated the poster to match the maturation of the story and the characters lol
Anyway, thank you guys (⊃ ´ω`)⊃♥⊂(´ω` ⊂)

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3