Chapter 02

When We Say

The second week of school had started and the beginning of your day went the same as it did for the past week. The only difference was that there was a new student in your first four classes. You noticed him in first, second, and third period and thought he wasn’t going to be much to you, just another classmate. He was better looking than the rest of them, but a classmate nonetheless. Little did you know, he had noticed you as well and had the same mindset. Just another classmate, he thought, prettier than the rest, but a classmate nonetheless. But in the back of his mind, he kinda hoped that you be more than just that and was already thinking of a way to talk to you.

You didn’t really start to pay attention to him until your fourth class. “Dongwoo, you’re back!” one of the boys in class shouted as the new boy from your previous classes walked in. So that must be Dongwoo, you thought as you sat down in your usual desk. You didn’t realize you were staring until he made eye contact with you. His eyes were deep and dark, almost making you wish you weren’t looking at him. You suspected he wouldn’t be just a classmate but didn’t dwell on that thought much. You didn’t bother introducing yourself either, you’d meet him at lunch anyway.

You left class as soon as possible, meeting Sunggyu before Dongwoo got the chance to see him. You and Sunggyu sat together at the table, backs faced to the entrance of the cafeteria. Both of you unaware of the arrival of Dongwoo until the other 5 boys smiled and started greeting him. He looked down just as you looked up.

His previously dark and deep eyes softened as he looked at you almost in shock. It’s her, Dongwoo thought. You looked calm at first knowing that you would be meeting him at this time, but you couldn’t help but to react at the face he was giving you and laughed as you introduced yourself. “Oh Dongwoo, I think you’re in my first four classes.”
“Yeah, I am,” he said shyly as he changed his shocked expression to one that hid his inner feelings. She noticed me, Dongwoo thought happily. 

You knew from the first time you saw Sunggyu that you liked him, but there was something about Dongwoo that just attracted you to him.


Over the next four years, you and the 7 boys grew incredibly close and they were basically your brothers. But you were closer to two of them and they didn’t fall into that “brother” category either, Sunggyu and Dongwoo. You found out more about Sunggyu and Dongwoo, learning that they were the two oldest and closest out of the seven.

Your feelings for Sunggyu hadn’t changed since the first time you met him and if anything they grew. Dongwoo had a large part in your heart as well, but it seems like that extra week you had with Sunggyu in the beginning made his section a bit bigger.

You thought about it often, Sunggyu and Dongwoo were so different yet so alike at the same time. Their personalities were similar, both had cute and silly, almost childish sides to them and had the most adorable eye smiles. But their dreams and aspirations reached the opposite sides of the spectrum. Dongwoo wanted to be Pharmacist; you had this in common with him so the both of you were going to same local university that had a praiseworthy pharmacy program. He wanted to be one as soon as his grandma got sick, wanting to know what medicines could help her. While Sunggyu wanted to become a musician, a singer to be specific, and he definitely had the voice for it.

Dongwoo was outward with his feelings towards you and while you enjoyed the attention he gave you, you were always worried about what Sunggyu thought and how it might affect your relationship with him. You knew that what was between you and Sunggyu was more than just friendship, but it was never spoken of. Sunggyu was more reserved, which sometimes made you doubt he felt the same towards you. But then there would be times where you knew you were the only girl he looked at.
Everyone at school knew about you three, thinking you were completely selfish, keeping the two boys for yourself. All the other girls were jealous and would go as far as to think that you were playing the both of them. That was hardly the case.

The two boys were aware of each other’s feelings for you. And because of that, they didn’t do anything that they thought would jeopardize not only the friendship between the two of them but also the friendship between the three of you. They never said anything about it, but you knew. You knew that no matter how much you wanted one of them for yourself, you couldn’t so you usually kept your feelings to yourself not letting either of them see that you wanted them. You thought you would always have them both. You didn’t think far enough into the future to realize that you would eventually have to choose one even if that meant hurting one of them. 

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3