Chapter 18

When We Say


“Sunggyu!” Sunggyu looked up as he was exiting the café only to meet up with eyes belonging to the last person he wanted to see right now. “Soya,” he said reluctantly.
“Where have you been? You haven’t responded to any of my texts or calls!” She nagged.
“I’ve been busy. Getting ready to go back home, you know?”
“When are you leaving we need to spend time before you go!”
“I don’t have time for—Hey, where’d you get that necklace?” Sunggyu would’ve finished his previous sentence and been out the door if something shiny hadn’t caught his eye.
“Oh this thing? I found it.”
“Outside the door of the bedroom that we spent the night in. It’s pretty, isn’t it? Good way to end my night, if you ask me,” she said pridefully.
Sunggyu tried to keep his voice calm despite being upset that Soya had your necklace, “That’s not yours.”

“Oh? Says who?”
“I do. Now give it back.” Sunggyu was slowly getting frustrated.
“Why should I?”
“Because it’s not yours. It’s mine.”
“This is definitely not yours. Who’s it for?”
Sunggyu thought quickly on his feet, knowing that if he were vague with his answer Soya would assume it was for her, “My mom. I must have forgotten it in my jacket pocket and fallen out when we were at the party.”
“Well fine, take it then. But on one conditio--” Holding the necklace out, giving into Sunggyu's lies while also trying to play with him.
“Bye Soya!” Sunggyu said as he took the necklace from her hands, exiting as quickly as possible to avoid any more conversing with her leaving Soya frustrated as she hoped she would sit down and have a decent conversation with him for once.  Sunggyu arrived at his place only to sit down and contemplate more on what he should do.


You woke up happy, thinking about what happened the day before with Dongwoo. You looked at the ring Dongwoo placed on your finger only to ruin your own happiness as you thought about Sunggyu and the necklace he had given you. Why am I doing this to myself? you thought, sighing aloud. Sunggyu doesn’t want me, so I shouldn’t want him either. But why does it make me want him more? Getting out of bed became difficult as a mixture of confusion, frustration, and guilt weighed your mind down. Confusion because you don’t know what you want; frustration as you thought about that fact that you couldn’t have both or couldn’t even choose one; guilt because of the confusion, you weren’t sure if telling Dongwoo that you loved him was the right choice. You didn’t want to be leading Dongwoo on, making him think he was the one. You thought about the off chance that maybe Sunggyu would realize he wanted you. What would I do then?  you questioned yourself. Could you learn to love Dongwoo more than Sunggyu? There was something about that one week that you spent with just Sunggyu before you met Dongwoo that made you think even an infinite amount of time with Dongwoo couldn’t equal it. You thought on, thinking about a future with Dongwoo. You imagined it well and of course, you wouldn’t mind spending it with Dongwoo. But why did you feel like you would be settling if you did?

You were still imagining when you heard the sound of pots and pans clattering from Dongwoo in the kitchen downstairs, working their way into your daydream. He would be such a great father to the children, you imagined. He would cook his delicious food for them, play with them joyfully, and watch them grow with smiling eyes. The part of your heart that belonged to Dongwoo started to will you out of bed as you realized that you needed to see his eyes, the eyes that made gave you relief whenever he looked at you when you felt like this. It was nice thinking about the future, but it bothered you that you were still unsure about it. Your negative thoughts were pushed to the back of your mind as you remembered what your mom would tell you the few times she has encouraged you, “Just take everything day by day.” You got out of bed and did your morning routine with a small smile on your face, ready to see the man that you wanted for now.

Dongwoo cooked in a daze, feeling bittersweet at this whole situation. He wanted to feel like he deserved you, like he fought for your love. But who was he going to fight against when Sunggyu took himself out of the game? Though Dongwoo seemed to always be happy, he was only human and had his not-so-happy times as well. He started to think of your love for him as just a convenience. He knew that you knew how he felt and knew that you cared about him just as much. But with Sunggyu out of the picture for now, why do I feel like the love she’s giving me is just what is supposed to be Sunggyu’s? His thoughts when on like this until you came down the stairs.

“Good morning,” you said happily with a smile that is your first genuine smile in a long time. Dongwoo turned away from the stove to look at you and was taken aback feeling the positive aura you were exuding making it seem like you were glowing. Dongwoo was able to gain positive energy from you, now thinking, I’m going to make her smile like that everyday. 




New year, new update! \o/
Sorry it's taken so long, I didn't want to update and have it be a short chapter but I've also had writer's block and I kinda questioned myself on where I was taking the story. Though I did have an idea of how I wanted this to end when I first started, it has changed constantly as I kept writing. But I really know where I'm going now...maybe lol
I'm also starting a new fanfic! &when I mean starting I mean it's in my head and I wouldn't allow myself to let it out until I updated this story.
So yeah, I'm hoping that I'll be able to update both stories regulary now that I'm done pledging for my sorority and I found out I have quite a few gaps in between my classes this semester! 

Thanks again for reading and subscribing! ♡ 

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3