Chapter 10

When We Say

You headed back to your dorm as soon as class ended leaving Dongwoo to go with his other friends. “Meet me at your car in thirty minutes!” You called to him before running off. You would’ve left campus right then and there but your parents didn’t let you bring your car to college with you, leaving you dependent on Dongwoo for rides back home. You wanted to be home as soon as possible to tell your parents about your plans and to also get away from your roommate. At your dorm you packed a duffle bag with personal belongings you would need and your backpack filled with school stuff you might work on during the break. You were ready to leave your room in peace when your roommate walked in.

“Leaving already? But there’s a party you’d be missing out on,” she said in her usual not-so-friendly voice.
“Yeah, I’m planning on going somewhere for the break so I need to get home asap.”
“Going to go see your other boy?” You thought back to the time when she was nice to you and you told her about Sunggyu, regret filling you.
“Maybe…” you eyed her as she turned her back to you.
“You know, he has a whole new life out there. You might not like what you see, so good luck.”
“Thanks… Hope you have a nice Christmas too,” you didn’t think about her words as you left your room quickly to meet Dongwoo.


“So what are your plans for this Christmas? Is Sunggyu coming home?” Your mother asked as you were all sitting down eating dinner. Christmas was usually spent with your parents but by now they’ve realized there were two other people who also wanted to spend the holiday with you.

“Hmm, plans… Well, to answer your second question: no. Sunggyu’s not coming home for Christmas.”
“So it’s just you and Dongwoo this Christmas?”
“Uhm…actually…” your voice started to trail off. It sounded like such a foolproof plan when you first thought of it but you forgot to factor in your parents.
“You want to go visit him then.” Your dad chimed in.
“…If you’ll let me.”
“Is Dongwoo going?”

You knew a yes was guaranteed from your parents if Dongwoo was going but he wasn’t and for once, you wanted to tell your parents the truth. “He would. But his grandma’s sick again and he wants to stay in case anything happens.”
“Dongwoo’s such a nice kid, I don’t understand why you don’t just—“
“So what’s holding Sunggyu back?” your mom conveniently interrupted your father.
“His school is having this talent show where people from record companies come and scout.”
Your parents acknowledged your response but kept eating. The rest of dinner passed quietly. 



Terribly sorry for the short update D:
I had my tonsils taken a few days ago and now I'm packing since I'm leaving for college this weekend. Hopefully I can update shortly after I settle into my dorm! (◠‿◠)

Thank you all for the subs and comments, I really appreciate it <3

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3