About Luhan..




      I love my brother, but in the same time.. I hate him.


     Sehun, our parents always kind to him, give him whatever he want. But me? None. I'm jealous of him, but i still love him. He always be there for me, whenever i'm in trouble, he always there helping me. Even when i haven't have any friend, he's the one who introduce me to his friends. Not only one, but ten.

     I feel safe when Sehun with me. Yeah, i'm the oldest, but i'm a shy person and always alone. So i can't help Sehun in anything, i feel like a burden to him. He was just 13 years old, and i’m 14.


     At last, i enter my brother's group, EXO. They was shocked when they give me a make over, they said my face was good-looking and even prettier than a girl.. Is it? I become more active after enter EXO, i can talk easily with other student, i don't feel shy anymore and it was a good thing. EXO wasn't the kingas in the school, it was just a group of flower boys. I still can't believe i enter it. Thank you Sehunnie, i own you to much.


     "A-an-anyeong.. C-can i be your friend, L-luhan oppa?" A girl asked, i turn my head to see her. She was very pretty, that was my first impression. "Oh Anyeong.. Sure, we can be friend." I smile at her. I was shocked when i see her blushing madly, did she like me? Ah.. It can't be. I though the girls was jealous of me, because of.. my face.


     The girl name is Eunmi, we become friend from that time. She always talk to me before the school started, and i often send her home. I don't know why, but i always feel like a pair of eyes was spying us. But i don't know who.


     Eunmi introduce me to her friends, my eyes turn widder when i realise that her friend was the queenkas of the school. So, Eunmi was a queenkas? From that on i become close to the queenkas.


     I really own Sehun for this, if he never introduce me to EXO. I won't be like this. "Can my brother meet you girls?" I smile. They ask who is my brother and i just answer "Sehun.." They nodded, and let me call him in the class. I feel happy, because at last i can do something for Sehun!! I knew that he has a crush on Bomi, one of the queenkas.


     I walk to the class, but i don't see Sehun. I just see Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Kris. I was about to go, when i hear my name was called. I turn back, but they're still chit-chating. Are they.. talking about me? So i hide beside the door, and eavesdropping.


     "We shouldn't let him enter EXO, now he got the queenkas. Really? Was he that handsome?" Kai roll his eyes.

     "Neh.. Even Kris still can't talk to the queenkas." Chanyeol said, and look at Kris. "YAH!! Don't say that! I'll talk to her one day!" Kris yelled at Chanyeol.


     "Yah.. Your voice. Turn it low, or someone might hear us." Kai sighed and look around to see if there someone there, but he doesn't see me. "Well.. I hate Sehun too. Luhan and Sehun, brothers. I hate both of them." Baekhyun start to talk, and i feel like going to punch him when he said he hate Sehun too. He can hate me, but not my brother.


      Kai chuckled, "Baek-ah.. They are brothers, no different!" And they all nodded. Am i that bad in their mind? What did Sehun and i did to make them hate us like that?

      "Yeah.. Love to monopolize girls." Baekhyun cross his arms and the others laughed.

      "Well.. I don't really think so, if Sehun like that." Chanyeol blink innocently.

      "Yah! Just shut up and say yes already." Kris yell Chanyeol, and Chanyeol roll his eyes.


     I was about to walk in and yell at them, just when a pair of arms hug me. "Bwoh?" I look back and saw Sehun hugging me. "An--" Before he could say anything, i pull him away from class. So they don't know that i hear their conversation.

    "Yah! What the heck. I just want to say hello to you, hyung..." Sehun pouts. I laughed and ruffled his hair, "Ne.. Anyeong too!" I said. He asked me if something has just happen, but i shook my head.


     "Sehun-ah! I've a surprise for you~!" I sang, his eyes turn widder. "Oh! Ani! Ani! Don't give me that again!! NOOOO!!" He yell and step back from me. I just remember, when it was Sehun's birthday. I give him a surprise.. yep a surprise.. A bucket full of worms. "Sehun-ah! This wasn't a bucket of worms. I'm sure you'll love it!" I said, "Promise?" "Neh.. Promise." And he walk with me to the queenkas classroom.


     "Surprise~!" I sing again, and the queenkas attention turn to us. Sehun's eyes grow widder as the size of Kyungsoo's and his face become red as a tomatoes. "Yah! Hyung!!" he hit my arms lightly, and push me out of the room. Leaving the queenkas confused.

     "Whendidyoubecomeclosetothequeenkas??!!!" Sehun said rapidly. "Yah! Slow down.. I'll tell you later. But now, just talk with Bomi." I said and pull him back to the room. "Ehm.. Sorry, my brother just kind of shy." I said to the queenkas, and earn a glare from Sehun, i gulped.


     "Haha! You guys are so funny." Bomi laughed, and make Sehun turn red. I push Sehun to a chair beside Bomi, and sit between Sehun and Eunmi. We always talk together adter school from that on. Sehun follow too, he really want to be closer with Bomi. Day by day, he can talk normally to Bomi, not stuttering. Haha!!


     One day i walk home alone, Sehun send Bomi home while Eunmi have something to do. But just before i reach the bus stop, a car drive fast to my direction like it has been planned. I was shocked and look back at the car, and i regconise it. My vision become blurry, but i still want to live.

     "Yah! K-kai! What had you done?!! OH MY!!" It was Tao's voice.

     "It was our plan though." Baekhyun smirked.

     "Neh.. Just leave him!" Kai walk back to his car.

     "But hyung! What if he regconise us?" Tao asked again.

     "So? Do you mind to stab his chest with this knife?" Baekhyun said as he pull a pocket knife, Tao shook his head and look at Baekhyun in horror. He run back to the car, Baekhyun put the pocketknife back and enter the car too. Everything turn black, just when they leave.


     I wake up, when i hear a pip sound.. I try to open my eyes, and blink to get my vision clear. I feel like someone grab both of my arms, i look at the direction and found Sehun in the right, yet Eunmi in the left. Are they always there for me? A smile form in my lips. I'm happy there is someone who really care about me, like both of them.


     "Ah! You're awake! At last!! Sehun-ah wake up!!" Eunmi look at me just when she burst into tears, and wake Sehun up. "Ah hyung!! What happen to you?!" Sehun said again and help me to sit. "Eumi-ah.. Don't cry. And i'm fine Sehun." I smile at them, i don't want to tell them the truth.

     Then someone enter the room, and push the door hard. "Ah!! Luhannieee!! You're alive!!" Xiumin cried and run to hug me, i smile at him. "Oh gosh!! You scared me!" Chen and Suho enter the room and walk to me too. Then one by one EXO enter the room.


     I was shocked when i saw Kai, Baekhyun, and Tao. Whenever Tao didn't mean to hit me by a car, but still. I hate him because he doesn't even help me. I look at them coldly. "Ah, thanks god you're alive, hyung!" Tao cried, but i just look at him with my cold eyes. EXO look at me, confused. Why i'm being cold to Kai, Baekhyun, and the cry baby, Tao. But they just shook it off.


     The queenkas enter the room too, and greet me with tears. "Omo, Luhan-ah! I thought i can't see you anymore!" Bomi cried and hug me, i hug her back. "haha.. Don't think that way." I said, and she nodded. I feel like Kai's gaze where on us, so he like Bomi? No wonder he hate Sehun so much. I'll make sure he won't get her!!


     I need a month to recover. My parents always come, i was shocked when my mom cried harshly when they see me. So, they love me too, and i feel really happy with it. Eunmi, and the queenkas come everyday too. Sehun and EXO too.. But Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Kris often come, they said they have work to do. I don't believe them, i know they wasn't doing anything but gossiping about me.


     "You can go back home tomorrow sweetie!" My mom said, she was really happy with that news. "Yay! We can play together again in the school in a week, hyung!!" Sehun said and hug me tightly. Everyone laughed.


     A week passed, it’s mean i can enter the school tomorrow. Today was the first day of April, Sehun’s birthday was near now, and so am i. We’ll go to our villa on the 19th of April, and party. Last year was on Sehun’s birthday, so now.. it’s on mine.

     Because we have the same month of birthday, our birthday party often celebrated together and just invited our relative.  We’re fine with it though.


      “Hyung! Let’s invite EXO and the queenkas, neh?” Sehun asked.


      I nodded, because i can’t say anything. But i doesn’t want Kai and Baekhyun, especially, to come. I still feel angry with them, not just because they nearly killed me. But they also talk bad things about my brother, Sehun, and i HATE it. I want to tell Sehun, but i just can’t.


     Day passed really fast, it was the time for us to go to the villa. “Yah, Suho! Don’t forget to tell the others to go to my family’s villa tomorrow!!” I said to him when i was about to enter the car. “Just leave it to me, hyung!” He winked and make Sehun and me laugh.

     “Don’t wink you look ugly, hyung.” Sehun laughed, and i nodded. “Fine..” Suho pouts.


      After we arrive,  i choose a room and Sehun too. We prepare some food for tomorrow when EXO and the queenkas come, we can’t wait for it. I’m going to have my 15th  birthday tomorrow, while Sehun, 14. Well.. he was still young.

      That night we sleep peacefully, thinking about tomorrow party.


      Night passed so fast, it was already morning. I hear a knock in my room, “Luhan-ah.. Your friends are here.” My mom said. “Neh!” i reply and took my clothes and enter the bathroom.


      I walk downstairs and was greet by Eunmi and the queenkas, “Yah! Sleep head! Happy birthday!!” They said and they give me a bear hug, one by one. I laughed and thank them, i could feel Kai was staring at me with his hatredfull gaze. I gulped and walk to Sehun, ignoring his gaze.


      After the party was finished, we walk to the garden. Sehun walk with Bomi, he was trying really hard to talk to her. And i guess, Bomi like him too. Well i can see from her eyes, the same type of gaze that Sehun has everytime he saw her.

      “Lulu oppa!!” I turn around and found Eunmi who was running to my way, then she hug me. “You really like to hug me huh? And what is it with lulu?” I chuckled. “Yes, i love it, haha. Lulu was your new nickname!” She said happily.


      We talk, and walk along the garden. “Do you love the flower?” I asked, she nodded. “Nae! It was so beautiful....” She smiled. Eunmi was a really cute girl, she was a funny person too. I think i could fall f--  “..... Just like the fower, hyung. I love you oppa!” She blushed.

      “W-what?” I was shocked, did she just said that she..

      “I said.. I.. I lo.. love you! You don’t need to answer it now. Eumm.. See ya!” She run away.


     I stood there frozen, i can’t say anything. I think i’m blushing right now, because i could feel some heat in my cheeks. I.. I feel happy. I smile by myself, i think i should accept her.

     But without us knowing, someone was watching us from the start.


     “Sehunnnnnniiieeee!!!?” I called as i run to him, who was walking beside Bomi. “Neh, hyung?” He asked. “Ah.. Anyeong, Bomi-ah!” I said, “Anyeong, oppa.” She reply with a smile.

     “Can i borrow Sehun?”

     “Oh.. Neh, sure.”




      “What do you want to say hyung?” Sehun asked, as we walk to the back side of the villa. “Sehunnniee..” I pouts, and hug him. “Yes, my childish hyung?” He laughed. “Yah! Don’t call me that way!” I said, and i started to tell him about Eunmi.


     “Well.. She................. “

     “Then she................”

     “Just now, she said that........”


     “BWAHAHA!! I can’t believe she like this childish creature!” Sehun laughed after i finished my story, and earn a punch in his arms from me. “Ouch!!! That’s hurt!” He pouts while rubbing his arms.


     “Wow.. Sehun-ah! Look!” i said while pointing to the scene infront of us, it was so beautiful. There was even a pond, “Hyung.. I never see this..” Sehun reply, while looking around with a wide eyes.

     "Sehun ah. Come here. Let's play!" I said and smiled at him, he nodded excitedly.

     "Wait for me, hyung!" He laughed and run to me.


     We're running and chasing each other. We're so happy playing around the field behind the villa, our parents never tell us about the scene like this, behind the villa.

     Butterflies flying here and there, the wind blowing softly and refreshing. Colourfull flowers everywhere, and some small animals running around.


     "Sehun ah! Let's check out that pond!" I ran to the pond near the villa and he follow me.

     "Hyung! There's a duck! Look.." He pointed at the ducks, it’s just so cute.


     “Uhm.. Hyung.. I didn't know there's a woods here." I heard Sehun said. I look at his direction, and look at where he pointed. I was surprised. "Yah! I didn't know about it too.. Let's check it out!" I said.


    I walk to the front of the forest, the duck is walking beside me too. "Wow.. It's looks creepy." I said, Sehun nodded in agreement.

     "Ah! Wait ducky!" I look at the duck, it enter the woods. And i follow it, and run to chase it.


     "Hyung! Don't go inside!" I heard Sehun shout, but i don’t know why i keep on running to chase the duck. *Ah.. I’ll just chase this duck and go back as soon as possible.* I though. "Hyu--" It was the last word i heard from Sehun. I stop chasing the duck, and let it walk away.

     *Did something happen to Sehun?*


      *I need to go back no--* I was shocked, when i turn around all that i could see was trees. Omo!! I’m lost?! How can i’m lost.. I wasn’t walk to far right? Or.. I was.. Oh my!! I need to find the way back.

     “SEHUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shout, but no answer. Am i walking to far into the woods?

     “SEHUNNNNNNIIIEEEE!!!!” A tears start to roll down my cheeks, what if i can’t return back home? Sehun.. Eunmi.. I really need your help now.


      “SEHUNNN!!!”  “MOM!!!”  “DAD!!!??”  “EUNMIIIII!!!!” I keep on shouting, while i walk to find a way back. But everytime i walk further, i feel like i’m just enter the wood deeply and just walking around. Because all of the tree look the same.


     Without me knowing, the time passed really fast. The sky soon become dark, i sighed. *Umma.. Appa.. Sehun.. and you, Eunmi.. I’ll really miss you if i can’t find a way out.* I though while tears keep on rolling down my cheeks.


     I keep on walking for hours, i don’t even know what time is it now. Why this has to be happen on my birthday? I walk.. and walk. Until i found a white light moving far away infront of me, so i run there. Hoping that it was help.

     I run faster and faster,  scared if the light will disappear. And i was right, it was the end of the wood. I run out and found Kai with a torch there,


     “Bwoh?! Luhan hyung!!! All of us was looking for you!! Geez.. Sehun was in the hospital. We found him laying in the ground, without.. you!”


      Kai said rapidly, “ah.. Mianhae..” I said, and painting after running really fast just now. “Yah.. Kai! Who are you ta--“ I turn to the source of voice, it was Kris and Tao.

     “Oh hyung! At last we found you!” Tao said.


     “YAH! Where had you been?! “ Kris shout at me.

     “Woods..” I said while painting.

     Then i heard a voice of foot-steps and some plant crashing together sounds. “Luhan-ah..!! At last.. Eunmi is worry sick of you, you know?!” Chanyeol appear. Then his eyes turn widder when he see Kris beside me, “Omo! K-kris.. I don’t know that you were there..” He was panic.


     “huh? Why is it about Kris?” I asked, innocently.

     “Uh.. he.. Eumm.. he..”


     Then i feel someone grabbing my neck, and squish it tightly. I can’t breath properly, “Ah!! I c-can’t b.. bre..ath!!” I said, and trying to release my neck from Kris’s hand, but it was useless. I had lose at lots of energy.

     “W-why??!!” I try to release his grab again, but he just squish it more tightly.

     “Hyung!! That was enough!!!” Tao cried.

     “Yah hyung!! Are you insane??!” Kai was panic.

     “Omo!! Hyung!!” Chanyeol shout again.


     “I WON”T LET THIS KID SURVIVE!! I LOVE EUNMI! But why he was the one who get her!! I was more... more handsome... than YOU!!!” Kris face turn red because he was really angry, and squishing my neck more tightly.


            I haven’t see Eunmi and Sehun..

                      I just survive from the woods. And now.. He.. want to kill me.

     I didn’t even say any hi, or goodbye to my parents.



If i die today because of you... I’ll be back.

              I’ve a revenge on you for taking my whole life!!

Just wait and see..

               I’ll make sure.. you go to the hell by my own hand!!



     "K-kris! I.. I'll be b-back.. and.. k-kill yo.. you!"


     It was the last sentence i said, before all turn black. And i release my last breath..







At last i can update ;p

Comment what did you think? I'm kind of hurry when i update this though.

I need to sleep now~ Nite, readers~



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Sorry, for the long hiatus. I've been busy updating my outher FF. I'll try to update the last chapter of this FF, in 2 days >< Neh??


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shompishompi #1
Chapter 9: authornim i need sequel for this story... it was amazing :)))
roseheartbookie #2
Chapter 9: Please write an epilogue! This was really good!
please write a seconde session i like this story so so much *o*
I got scared less when reading this story.. Now I'm afraid of staying home alone XDD
Giggles02 #5
Chapter 9: plost twist !!! omggg awww if only you can make like one more chpatwr about finding luhans body!!! i love this story thanm you!!!
Giggles02 #6
Chapter 3: omg finally got the chance to read this holy luhan lol
Giggles02 #7
Okay i wanna read this but that poster and your intro gave me the maddest goosebumps ever...ill read it during the day lol
ps_loveU #8
Chapter 9: AMAZING!!!! i cant describe from words how much i love this story!! *shout loudly* i really love it *faint*
Chapter 9: I loved this!
Chapter 3: Isn't it 10 instead of 11? since Sehun and Luhan is not included.