The Kiss, The Letter, The Dream

It's Just a Dream

    When I woke up, I was in the school infirmary and I noticed Sehun sitting at the edge of the bed, reading a book. I nodded his way and he looked up, a wry smile playing on his lips.

You’re awake.

Why am I in the infirmary?

Your face was about as red as a tomato. Jongin thought you had a fever so he brought you here.


What did you dream about? He got up and sat on the side of the bed.

I… I dreamed that I was in a hospital and… There was this guy named Minseok. It felt so real… But I know that this is more real than that. A dark looked passed over his face when I talked about the hospital but lightened up again.

Ah, yes. He leaned closer and put a hand on my forehead, checking my temperature, I guess. Slowly, I moved closer, hoping he wouldn’t pull back, and he didn’t, he just leaned in closer, putting his right hand on the other side of me. Just briefly, our lips touched, but that brief moment was exhilarating. I felt my heart flutter and the thoughts about Minseok had completely disappeared. Once we pulled back, I felt my cheeks heat up as I covered my face.

I-I-I… Stupidly, I stuttered, unable to stay calm. I mean, who wouldn’t be after they just kissed someone who was a perfect as it got. And, he was my first kiss. It’s not like I ever had a boyfriend though. How many homoual people would you be able to find in a public school? Probably not very many.


I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… Uh… Force it on you… I don’t know what got into me.  A small smile crossed his lips and Sehun chuckled.

Don’t apologize for anything. I enjoyed it. Sehun leaned closer and pressed his forehead against mine, causing me to blush a deeper red as I looked into his deep, chocolate brown eyes. All I could think about doing was smiling and laughing.


Before I got home, I had stopped by the house Sehun told me to and lightly knocked on the door. Inside, I heard shuffling and muffled voices before a woman opened the door. She was wrapped in a blue bathrobe and it seemed as though she was crying. Behind her, a man appeared and he seemed just as broken as she was.

Oh hello, I’m sorry for looking like a wreck. She smiled bitterly. Did you need something?

Um, yes ma’am. I’m sorry for troubling you. I bowed as I handed over the envelope with both hands. She hesitated at first before taking it and opening it. Shakily, she read it and the further her eyes traveled, the more her hands shook.

Ma’am? Are you ok? The woman smiled through tears and embraced me, to my surprise.

Thank you, Luhan.

Ma’am? She handed me the letter and covered , holding onto her husband’s arm for support. As I read, my eyes widened and I was unable to process the letter.


Dear mom, dad, and my beloved Luhan,

By the time you get this, I’ll be long gone. Sometimes, I wish that these diseases weren’t real. Who wouldn’t? I just want you to know, I always love you, even when I’m no longer physically there. I’ve fought it off long enough and I can feel myself already getting weaker. I told the doctor not to tell you until I was gone. I didn’t want to see your crying faces as I took my last breath. I just wanted to know you were happy when it happened. I know you’re mourning me now, wishing you would’ve known earlier but it has already happened.

Luhan, I don’t know when you’ll receive this letter… But do know that I wish I could’ve stayed longer so we could grow old together. That’s odd to think that I won’t be with you then. Just know that I will still be watching over you and that I’ll love you more than anything else in the world. I just want you to remember, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”


I love you so much,



I nearly dropped the letter. I mentally could not understand what was going on. Were the times I had with Sehun just his imagination? Was the kiss fake? No, it couldn’t be fake. They were definitely real. Or was my mind playing tricks? Was I imagining this just because I lost him? I don’t understand. How could I not remember someone like that? HOW?! I bowed and handed the letter back to Sehun’s parents and sprinted back to my house.

I burst through the door as the hospital sounds were coming back to me.






Luhan? What’s wrong?

Who is Sehun? My mom bit her lip. TELL ME.

The beeping sounds were getting louder and my vision was clouding up.

He was your boyfriend… He died because of cancer and… You lost your memory when running to the hospital. You were hit by a car. I didn’t want to tell you about it because I thought it would be better that you would forget about him, I’m sorry Luhan.

My mom’s crying filled my mind but was muffled by the heart monitor beeping as more of my vision disappeared and I was falling, darkness swallowing me up.

Wake up, Luhan. A voice rang through the darkness.

A/N: DAT DRAMA THO... What is gonna happen?! OOOOOOOH. I almost cried while writing the letter. Although it's not at angsty as I want it to be, it's the best I can do. Geez, stop judging. Hope you enjoyed! Please vote subscribe and upvote! 


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Sequel to this story! Yay!


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Chapter 7: I know it took me forever but I've finally gotten around to reading it. And wow! I'm glad I did! The comatose Luhan part was unexpected and clever. It was also just sad enough to put some cracks in my heart ^^; haha I really like this Lovely! And now on to the sequel I go! ^^
Sherynel #2
Chapter 6: please update
Sherynel #3
Chapter 6: I love this too ... so sad though! I hope they can somehow be together :(
leedino #4
Chapter 6: i justs started reading today and i love it!
update soooon! the suspense :D
Chapter 6: Arghhh!! This story just killed me! I feel so upset right now >< Seriously, good story<33 I love it so much! Can't wait to read your next update!!! Fighting~!!<33
Chapter 5: Wooaahhhhhhh this is strange but very good. I wonder why Luhan's mom had a pained expression on her face when he mentioned Sehun... Im looking forward to your next update :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh sehun is just so y XD luhan is already being captivated by him hehe i really love your story <33