Where am I?

It's Just a Dream

During lunch, I sat uncomfortably next to Jongin and his friends. Although his one friend, Chanyeol, tried to get me to talk with his goofy puns and silly faces, I just ate my food in silence. Every once in a while, I thought I caught a glimpse of Sehun but I soon realized it was all my imagination. I sighed and threw my food into the garbage that clearly hadn’t been taken out in quite a while.

    That’s so gross. I mumbled before hastening out of the lunch room. The hallways were tranquil, save for the couple teachers rushing about to get ready for their next class. I leaned against the wall outside of the cafeteria and closed my eyes, hoping to get at least a little more sleep since I was up practically all night with the hospital sounds making quite a racket.

    Xiao Luhan.

    I opened one eye and looked up, eyes widening. Sehun took a seat next to me and folded his hands in his lap, closing his eyes.

    I- You- why? I fumbled with my words making myself feel like a complete and absolute idiot. He chuckled a bit and opened his eyes, turning to me, speaking softly, Can I ask a favor?

    I-I guess. As long as it’s not too hard or embarrassing.

    It’s nothing of that sort. I wouldn’t ever do that to someone.

    Okay… Then what is it? I turned my body so I was facing him, showing that he had my attention. He leaned close to my ear, close enough where I could feel his warm breath on my neck and whispered to me. When he pulled back, I nodded as he handed me a little envelope.

    Thank you. I owe you one.

    N-no problem. I stuttered, still flustered by how close he was, and flashed a nervous smile. When he returned the smile with one of his perfect ones, I felt relieved. I don’t know why. It was as though there was something weighing me down that just… Just, poof. Disappeared.

    You were sleeping before I came… Weren’t you? I blinked in confusion. Why did he ask that?

    Y-yeah, why?

    Sorry for disturbing you.

    No no no, I had just sat down and all.

    Really? Why don’t you just go back to sleep? I’ll wake you up when Kim Jongin comes out.

    No, it’s fine, you don’t have to. I averted my gaze and focused on a childish banner made for our school. It just had the word DISCIPLINE on it with cute little characters everywhere. Just the thought of him seeing me asleep made me feel nervous. I truthfully didn’t know why. I wasn’t usually uncomfortable sleeping in front of someone. I had slept at Jongin’s house all the time when we had a project to work on. Something about Sehun just had me flustered with so many butterflies that I felt like I should’ve just run away.

    Do, you look like you need it to.

    His voice was so soothing and my eyelids drooped as I nodded and yawned. I was then stopped from sleeping again when I heard the hospital sounds I heard last night.




I ignored the noises and fell asleep, head falling to rest on my own shoulder.


When I woke up, I wasn’t in the school. Sehun wasn’t there, nor were there any noises coming from

the cafeteria. I was in a stale white room, machines hooked up to my arms and a thin white blanket draped over my legs. There was a chair in the corner near the large glass windows and someone was occupying it, reading. He glanced up at me, large round eyes growing even larger than before.

    Luhan! You’re awake! Once he started talking, I recognized his round face and voice but I just couldn’t place a finger on it. I tried to talk to him but my lips wouldn’t move, nor would my hands. I felt helpless as the boy waved his hand in front of my face, saying things like, Hey Luhan, Luhan! It’s me! Minseok! Talk to me! He grabbed my hand and tried shaking it a bit but I just couldn’t do anything.

    Minseok. Minseok. I knew the name but I didn’t know where from. I don’t ever remember meeting a “Minseok.” Slowly, my eyelids grew heavier and I caught a glimpse of pain in “Minseok’s” eyes before I fell back asleep.


A/N: If you are confused about the whole hospital thing and the noises and such, I changed something in chapter 3 so go check that out if you haven't! I swear, this was way longer on Google docs and I'm SO sorry for the short updates! Gosh sometimes this website can piss me off. Especially that I can't hit tab and indent chapters. Including the fact that there aren't many fonts to choose from. 

┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

And when there are tabs, they get messed up.


(シ_ _)シ

SO SORRY! Hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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Sequel to this story! Yay!


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Chapter 7: I know it took me forever but I've finally gotten around to reading it. And wow! I'm glad I did! The comatose Luhan part was unexpected and clever. It was also just sad enough to put some cracks in my heart ^^; haha I really like this Lovely! And now on to the sequel I go! ^^
Sherynel #2
Chapter 6: please update
Sherynel #3
Chapter 6: I love this too ... so sad though! I hope they can somehow be together :(
leedino #4
Chapter 6: i justs started reading today and i love it!
update soooon! the suspense :D
Chapter 6: Arghhh!! This story just killed me! I feel so upset right now >< Seriously, good story<33 I love it so much! Can't wait to read your next update!!! Fighting~!!<33
Chapter 5: Wooaahhhhhhh this is strange but very good. I wonder why Luhan's mom had a pained expression on her face when he mentioned Sehun... Im looking forward to your next update :)
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh sehun is just so y XD luhan is already being captivated by him hehe i really love your story <33