Chapter 8

Samurai Warriors

The Warrior Ones went to Kanazawa Japan Museum. They saw the Great Kanazawa Instruments. The alarm went on and they we're accused of stealing it. They explained the reason but the owner of the Museum didn't believe them. They we're about to be send in jail but then the Great Kanazawa Instruments started to glow into their colors, the Guitar glowing red, Piano glowing Blue, Drum glowing green and Flute glowing yellow.The staff of the museum we're shocked. Their eyes grew bigger then they were all frozen by Chikako or Maaka. She erased their memories about the whole Museum thing.
Chikako: Warrior that you remember everything...your parents also remembered. They all went back to the Kanazawa Empire. Taske declared peace with Taguhare and Miami. Everything is safe now. You still appear as teenagers in this world and the Kanazawa Empire because your old body is gone forever but still even their gone, your body is still the same as before, the difference is that your appear much younger now. *************************************************************************************
The Warrior Ones remembered everything. Waki and Baichiko loved each other and this time it's for real. No such thing as jealousy about Jiyuu or Wami. Taguhare and Miami are living together now and Taske decided to handle the Kaguya Empire alone and he is glad to find peace in his mind.
Chikako: One more thing, you have to go to Beijing,China.Kung Fu needs you!

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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