Chapter 3

Samurai Warriors

Fahrenheit School Season 2 Chapter 2
Principal: Ehem! Students please go to your own respective class're late!

All: Yes Principal!
They went back to their classrooms and they found out that Jiyuu, Wami, Baichiko and Waki are in the same class. Leiko and Kaoru are in the same class as well, also Zai and Akira.
Principal: High School Students! This will be different...all high school students will be in one class...since there's only fourty of you's much buts!
Fahrenheit High School is a very exclusive school...Families with royal blood are the only ones who can enter this school because the tuition fee for the whole school year is so expensive, too much expensive like $10,000.00 a semester. The Fuji Family luckily entered this school because they received a scholarship from winning in a competition at Fahrenheit Company. It was a contest of cooking between teams and they won the grand prize two months ago because it was held during summer break.
(Students blahberring)
Principal: Quiet! Since we still don't have a teacher in here...I'll be your teacher and your principal at the same time. Mr. President don't want lots of staff because he wants to save money. I'm Chiquitita Ayuki. Call me Ms. A for short. Introduce yourselves please.
(students introduced theirselves to one another)
Ms.A: Now we need to elect presidents and vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. Any volunteers?
Baichiko: I nominate Wami Fuji.
Wami: I nominate Jiyuu Fujinaka.
(students voted Jiyuu won)
Ms.A: For vice president, a girl is good.
Jiyuu: I nominate Wami Fuji.
Zai: I nominate myself!
(everyone laughed)
Ms.A: you're too more nominations??? fine...Wami is our vice president. How about for secretary and treasurer? Any volunteers? No one? I'll choose then. Kaoru, you're the treasurer and Leiko you're the secretary. Got it?
Kaoru and Leiko :Yes m'am
continuation chapter 2 tomorrow :)
Ms.A: Now that we have our officers...let's move on to our new project. Make a group of 8 people each. Then make your own club.I'm giving you 3 days to practice with your club. Then on Friday, bring your parents at school and you're club will show your performances. They're a grand prize for the winner. There will be 3rd place, 2nd place and 1st place. The prizes are still unknown.
The Fahrenheit Boys and the Fuji Girls became a group. They still haven't decided what to do in their performance but they are confident that they will do their best.
Next time: Chapter 3! Club! Club! Club! Who'll win? Stay tuned!~^__^~

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
Visiting old fics!