Chapter 6

Samurai Warriors

The next day at Fahrenheit High School.Wami and Jiyuu informed the others about the Kanazawa Legend, they think they should search more about it.At the library:

Akira: Guys check this out! It says that these warriors have been reborn on Earth by Lady Chikako. Their memory was erased.
Zai: Then we're?
Waki: Could it be? that...
Leiko: We are the Warrior Ones?
Wami: What do you think guys?
Baichiko: maybe...but we don't have enough evidence and even if we told this to our parents or to someone...they won't believe us or they would just laugh at us...
Jiyuu: I guess we're thinking too much but I have an idea...
The Fahrenheit Boys and the Fuji Girls went home after school. They did their homework and after that they watched tv.
Wami: OMG! OMG! I think I'm gonna faint!!! Look you guys!!! Venji will have a concert at our school!!! Isn't that great???
Zai: yeah... T_T
Leiko: guess so...
Baichiko: I don't know....but okay
Jiyuu: Wami let's get tickets tomorrow morning right away! It's your dream right? to see that guy in person??
Wami: Yeah yeah gosh! I think I wouldn't be able to sleep today...Are you guys coming?
Waki: Yeah I think all of us!
Wami: that's great then...
Wami and the others got the ticket the next day and that night was the concert of Venji Varo at Fahrenheit High School. Wami met Venji Varo in person.
Wami: Hi! I'm Fuji Wami. I'm so your number one fan! I support you like to the edge!
Venji: Hi nice to meet you Wami! Thanks for the support! Here's my's for you...
Wami: OMG! Thanks! I always dream of you...I hope I can talk to you like I'm doing now and I'm dreaming that you we're smiling at me when your on tv.
Venji: Next fan please!
Wami: (almost crying) in mind(why? why is he like that? after he shaked my hands and gave me the autograph...that's it? I expected more...I expect that we'd be friends or something like that)
Jiyuu: Why are you crying? It's okay. I'll talk to him.
(Jiyuu went to Venji)
Jiyuu: Hey dude! What's your problem?
Venji: Who are you??
Jiyuu: I'm the child of Fujinaka Taske that's all...
Venji: So what do you want? Who cares if your the child of the owner?
Jiyuu: You got some nerves? huh? I can go ahead to your network station and fired you at that spot...don't treat my friend like a trash...
Venji: Okay...okay...what does she want?
Jiyuu: She wants to know you more...didn't you know she stays late at night just to watch your stupid show?
Venji:'s my number...I'll meet her tomorrow...
Wami: You would? (eyes blinking)
Venji: Yeah T.T (in mind) stupid fan...
The next day, Wami and Venji went out. Jiyuu was there as her choperon.
Venji: Wami right?
Wami: Yup.
Venji: I'm sorry...I'm sorry for being rude to you about's just that my schedule are to hectic...I don't even have a time for myself...a time to relax...
Wami: No there's nothing to worry umm I should be the one who needs to apologize because because your so busy and all that but still your time was wasted just for me...all I want is to know you more and be friends and I'm kinda shy because I don't know what to say...
Jiyuu: Wami c'mon don't apologize to that guy...
Wami: Jiyuu it's our date your just my choperon...
Venji: Wanna eat lunch with me?
Wami: Sure!
Jiyuu: Count me in guys!
Venji,Wami and Jiyuu ate lunch together at a lunch buffet nearby. Wami and Venji chat with each other. A few weeks later, their friendship leveled up to lovers.One day, Jiyuu was walking by the tv station where Venji works when he saw Venji kissing another girl.He didn't know what to do. He was so confused if he would tell it to Wami or just let Wami found out about it. He wanted to punch Venji but he thinks that it would just make the situation worse. He just took a video on his cellphone seeing Venji kissing another girl up close.He gambled and decided to tell Wami about it. He showed Wami the video. Wami was shocked and decided to breakup with Venji. Wami was heartbroken and kept crying and crying. Jiyuu is also worried because if he didn't tell Wami then she wouldn't cry like that but if he didn't tell her, she'll be a fool for the rest of her life with that Venji guy.
Jiyuu: Wami...I'm sorry...I made you cry like this...slap me if you want...
Wami: *sniffs* No Jiyuu...don't didn't do anything did what is right...thanks for telling me...I know it was hard for you to decide what to do that it made you to the point where you were confused. Thank you...I appreciate it a lot...thank you for caring about me...your a great friend.
Jiyuu: Just cry it all out...I'm here to shoulder is here for you to cry on...(in mind: why do I care about Wami so much? I mean it's none of my business but why do I care so much for her it's not like I have done this to anyone before...I'm confused...have a fallen in love with her? no, no of course I wouldn't fall in love with Ms.Strawberry...she's just a friend and that's all and nothing more...we can't be more than friends and of couse not at a time like this...)
Wami: (crying) I have a question to ask if you don't mind...
Jiyuu: go on..i don't mind at all...
Wami: Why do you care so much about me?
Jiyuu: I don't know it's just that I don't want to see you crying I mean I don't want to see a girl makes me unhappy...
Wami: I see...thanks for being times that I'm down...because of that...I decided that you'd be my best buddy you promise?
Jiyuu: I promise to be Wami's best buddy ever!!! *hugs Wami*
Kaoru: Ehem! Ehem! What on earth is going on???
Baichiko: two of you hugging??
Waki: Something sure is fishy...
Zai: Yeah..yeah...
Akira: I can tell...right Leiko??
Leiko: You said it!
Wami: Erm,, no no it's not like what you think...we just promise to be best buddies ever that's all
Jiyuu: yeah don't be malicious...
Wami: he was just there for me...that's all...
Waki: Well okay hahaha...
The rest of them laughed. Next time: Dreams! Friends or Love? Stay tuned! ~^__^~

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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