Chapter 5

Samurai Warriors

Fahrenheit School Season 2 Chapter 4
Taguhare: Mr. President pleased to meet you! I'm Fuji Taguhare

Miami: Nice to meet you Mr. President I'm Fuji Miami.
Taske: Don't be so polite. Nice to meet you as well. I'm Fujinaka Taske. Call me Taske for short.
By the way, are they your daughters? They're very pretty and they're pretty good in acting too.
Nice to meet you all!
Wami: I'm Wami...over here is Baichiko, Leiko and Zai, their my sisters. We're all pleased to meet you.
Zai: Sissy, we can talk.
Leiko: Yeah...
Baichiko: we have mouth you know...
Jiyuu: Dad before we go to disneyland next week, can we invite them over to our house?
Waki: Yeah dad...
Akira: please!!! their our won't mind, right?
Kaoru: let's go celebrate!!
Taske: yeah I don't sons friends are welcome at my house.
Kaoru: wooooT...
Miami: Is it really okay? we're not rich or famous or anything like you
Taguhare: our house is only the garage of your house
Taske: Don't worry from now on our family our friends now...I don't mind your house or your job or if your poor or rich because I'm not like others who treats others like a piece of trash. So shall we go?
The Fuji family went to the Fujinaka Clan's house and they were amazed. They had dinner there.
Baichiko: OmG! Your place is so nice...your house is so big!
Waki: Thanks for the compliment...
Taske: Say umm Taguhare and Miami right? Do you have permanent jobs?
Taguhare: I'm a businessman of a small shop but it's only a part-time job.
Miami: I only stay at home.
Taske: So how did your children entered my school?
Miami: It was a scholarship that they have won.
Taske: I see well I'm looking for a new driver and a maid...maybe you want to apply?
Miami: Really? Yeah I will apply.
Taguhare: Me too. Thanks that would really help a lot.
Taske: No prob.
Miami: Erm..Taske, where's your wife?
Wami: Mom! (whispers)
Miami: Oh dear I'm so sorry for asking you...
Taske: It's all's been five years something already...past is past and I moved on. I have a suggestion. Since the two of you work here already, why don't you live stay-in in here?? You can live here with your children.
Taguhare: Sorry but that would be too much...we can't accept it.
Miami: He's right thanks...we appreciate it but it's too much already...
Taske: No, no, I insist. There's twelve rooms in here and only five rooms are occupied.
Wami: Thank you so much!
Jiyuu: Yay! You guys we'll be here then...
The next day, the Fuji family moved to Fujinaka family's house.
Leiko: Ugh. that was so tiring...but I'm glad...I have my own room now...
Zai: yeah like our old room is only one and it's so small...
Kaoru: Guys I'll tour you around your room. Leiko this is your room.
Leiko: OMG! it's blue my fav color ever!!!
Kaoru: Zai this is your room...
Zai: so big even I'm small...nice color...yellow just like my hair...haha
Kaoru: Wami, here's your room...
Wami:'s looking good and hot!!!
Kaoru: and Baichiko, you got the green room...
Baichiko: I see thanks for touring us that way we won't be lost 'cause your house is freakin' big and we even got our own bathrooms and plasma tv's...totally I'm surprised no shocked??? I don't know but I'm freakin' excited my heart goes screaming out haha...
Waki: overreacting?? haha but we're glad you like it....
Akira: Yeah and c'mon guys I'll tour you around the house
Jiyuu: And me for the's really nice out there...
Akira and Jiyuu toured them around the house and the garden then Waki asked the others to watch some tv. When they finished watching, they all fell asleep in the couch. Wami had a dream. It was his idol Venji Varo, a comedian-actor who is as well good in singing and dancing. She had this dream that they were living in a house together. It was a house with three rooms, then they just realized when they we're about to go to their own rooms, the door was unlocked and a man came screaming and screaming and looks like he's looking for a fight. Venji and Wami suddenly rushed down to the attic of the house and then the bad guy didn't found them. They looked into each other eyes that they we're about to kissed but then Wami heard Jiyuu shouting.
Jiyuu: Wami! Wami! Wake up you sleepyhead! It's morning already...
Wami: why did you wake me up? I'm so's like 5am only...yawn!Omg! Jiyuu I just had this weird dream about that Venji guy on tv. I was with him and we we're about to kiss. So romantic...he's so cool...
Jiyuu: stop daydreaming...face the reality...pack your things, remember tomorrow is Sunday and our flight will be tomorrow morning. We're there for seven days, got that?
Wami: Yeah...but how come we're the only two awake? Look at them all sleeping and snoring...
Jiyuu: Do what I say...STRAWBERRY!
Wami: Meanie! that's why I hate you...always calling me's Wami okay??
Jiyuu: I'm just trying to cheer you up...hehe...c'mon don't be mad...
Wami: hmp!
Jiyuu: Wanna eat breakafst together?
Wami: Okay but didn't you just tell me to pack my things?
Jiyuu: Oh yeah pack that quickly then let's eat together.
(Wami and Jiyuu packed their things)
Jiyuu and Wami ate breakfast together.
Wami: If I happen to see Venji in person...Gosh I would hug him to death...hahaha...I feel like he's my soulmate...
Jiyuu: that Venji guy is old...
Wami: he's not duh do you even read the newspaper and the magazines? he's only sixteen...don't you know that??
Jiyuu: No, I'm always busy exercising...and playing the guitar...
Wami: Guitar? I don't know to play guitar but I think I have played it before...
Jiyuu: haha in your dreams...since I was little, I had the talent to play the guitar.
Wami: whatever!!!let's eat...
The rest of the others woke up and saw the two of them eating together.
Akira: Ehem...looks like the two of you are having a date over there...
Baichiko: Why didn't you wake us up to join you in your date??
Jiyuu: What the?It's not a DATE or something! (he's face blushing)
Wami: we were just talking about Venji...he's my ideal it's not a date besides you call this a date? a date is not like inside...a date is outside...don't you guys think?
Leiko: She has a point there..
Waki: hmm...yah....
The next day they had the flight to Hong Kong Disneyland.
Wami:'s our first time abroad! Gosh it's my dream to be in Disneyland and I can't believe I am here right now with you guys...someone pinch me!!! I maybe dreaming or something...
(Jiyuu pinches Wami)
Wami: Ouch that hurts Jiyuu!
Jiyuu: not my fault you said someone pinch me...
(Wami pinches Jiyuu)
Jiyuu: Why did you do that?
Wami: You said it!
Jiyuu: I was just--
Kaoru: Cut it out you two!
The eight of them stayed their for a week. They took lots of pictures and went on lots of rides...they also bought souvenirs. They always have fights then they became friends again...always like that everyday...They went back to the Philippines after a week. They became closer than before.
Leiko came to Kaoru and gave a picture of a wolf.
Leiko: Hey I saw this just fell down the ceiling...Here...whenever I see this picture it reminds me of you but I don't know why...
Kaoru: Yeah...this picture...this wolf...I've seen him somewhere...I wonder where did this picture came from...
Leiko: What if what if we really knew each other before?
Kaoru: How could that happen? but if we knew each other before, I want to know who you are in my life...
Leiko: Yeah I'd do the same thing too.
Akira: Hey Zai, what's on on tv?
Zai: nothing much it's just a new technique they're inventing the cloning and the invisibility but I kinda think it's impossible...
Akira: Cloning and Invisibility??? makes me think...
Zai: I'm also thinking because the four of us was born with our hair dyed with color yellow, green, red and blue. I wonder why because normal people are only born with one hair color but how come ours is two colors?
Akira: You mean it's all natural? Wow I thought you went to parlor or something...
Zai: How can afford that? we're not rich like you...
Akira: your a part of our family know I mean your parents work here so don't think your poor because we live in the same house...
Zai: I guess you're right...
Waki: Baichiko...there's something weird about me...
Baichiko: What's that? I don't think your weird.
Waki: I can eat ice and hot food in an instant...
Baichiko: Holy Crap! Are you freakin' serious?
Waki: Yeah one sec I'll show you...
(shows Baichiko)
Baichiko: How the heck did you do that? that is weird I mean that but not know what our names...I wonder about the legend of the Kanazawa Empire...I wonder why their the same name as ours...we don't know our ancestors...
Waki: well we don't know them as well...don't you think maybe the Kanazawa Empire is our ancestors?
Baichiko: Haha right like anyone would believe what you said...
Waki: yeah they'll think I'm crazy or something...
Wami: Jiyuu!
Jiyuu: What is it? Ms. Strawberry?
Wami: Stop haha...teasing me always...can you teach me how to play guitar??
Jiyuu: Sure...
(their hands touched the guitar)
Jiyuu: there's something in this guitar
Wami: Yeah makes me reminds of the Kanazawa Legend. I feel like I'm still acting on stage but this is for real...maybe we should search more about the legend at school tomorrow...
Jiyuu: yeah i'll inform the others as well...
Next time: Search the library! The Kanazawa Legend! Stay Tuned! ~^__^~

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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