Chapter 7

Samurai Warriors

Night came and all of them were asleep. While they were sleeping, they had a strange dream, it was a painting of the Warrior Ones in the art gallery. Once they touched the painting, they were teleported in a strange land. Then they we're awake.They all ran out of their rooms to drink a glass of water. They saw each other then.

Kaoru: Hey! What the heck are you doing guys?
Leiko: Isn't it obvious...getting a drink...
Zai: I just had a dream a strange one...
Akira: A nightmare Zai?
Zai: of course's like a painting something in an art gallery.
Wami: well now that you mentioned the art gallery thingy...I think I had the same dream as yours were I was teleported with you guys...
Baichiko: that's the same as mine
Jiyuu: me that means we all have the same dream then...let's get some sleep...tomorrow's weekend anyway...let's go to the art gallery at the city.
Akira: Yeah I think that'll help.
The next morning, they went to the Art Gallery. They saw the paining of the Warrior Ones. They touched it just like in the dream. Then just like the dream they were teleported into that painting. Chikamoto Maaka, the Fahrenheit Boys mother appeared.
Jiyuu: Ah Bu! Is that you?
Akira: How did you get there?
Wami: Wha--at?? your mom??
Kaoru: Yeah...we've been looking for her everywhere...
Waki: finally we found you...
Maaka: Fools! I'm not your mom, I was also reborn in this form and this name but it's me Chikako.
Baichiko: Chikako who?
Zai: That's a funny name....
Leiko: haha...yup....
Maaka: Warrior Ones, you really are the Warrior Ones. Here take this stone and put this on your forehead and you will remember.
The Warrior Ones put the stones on their forrehead, the stones were sealed again in their forehead but still they don't remember all of it just yet. They only remember that they were lovers before but they don't remember that they were a part of the Warrior Ones and the Kanazawa Empire.
Akira: Chikako! We remember you now...
Wami: But still about that Warrior Ones thing, we still don't...
Waki: We only knew that we wewanting revengere lovers
Baichiko: Guys...duibuqi...I-I was...I was eaten by my hatred...
Wami: past is's nothing...right guys?
All: Yeah!
Baichiko: Really...xiexie ni I promise...I'll make it up to you Chikako or Maaka right? Does our parents remember something about this?
Maaka: Nope not a thing...just don't tell them for that it's settled...I need you guys to fly to Kanazawa Japan and go to the Kanazawa Empire Museum...there lays the Kanazawa's guarded so be careful...when you gained them, another 50% of your memories will return. You may go now!
The Warrior Ones were teleported to their bedroom as if it was just a dream but in their hearts, they know that it's not a dream. They decided to fly to Kanazawa Japan. Stay Tuned! ~^__^~

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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