Chapter 2

Samurai Warriors

Fahreneheit School Season 2 Chapter 1 
It was the first day of school at Fahrenheit High School. Fuji Wami MeiMei, 4th year high school, appears to have blackish reddish hair, brownish eyes, 2nd daughter of Fuji Taguhare and Fuji Miami. She is quiet and shy type but when you know her, she really is noisy, a computer whiz too. Fuji Baichiko, 4th year high school, 10 months older to Wami, oldest daughter of Fuji Taguhare and Fuji Miami, appears to be skinny, blackish greenish hair, brownish eyes. She likes texting on the cellphone, her load is unlimited forever, she's crazy, she can make you laugh when your sad. Fuji Leiko, the 3rd daughter of Fuji Taguhare and Fuji Miami. Appears to have blackish blueish hair, brown eyes, 3rd year high school, good and friendly, likes to confront Zai. Fuji Zai, the youngest of the four children of Fuji Taguhare and Fuji Miami. Appears to be small, cute and adorable, blackish blonde hair, brownish eyes. She likes to confront Leiko and act like a child but a bit mature sometimes. She is in 2nd year high school. 

Miami: Get up sleepyheads! You're gonna be late for school's the first day remember??Your dad is also late for his work as a businessman. 
Wami: Yawn! I'm still more minute mom...please 
Baichiko: I'm still tired...*sigh* 
Leiko: Can't we be late? It's the first day...not much to do... 
Zai: Yeah =.= I'm not in the mood to go to school today... 
Taguhare: Honey! Look! Isn't is really them...we're so lucky we're the neighbors of that big mansion over there...the owner of Fahrenheit High School...they're so lucky..,aww the Fahrenheit Boys! 
Wami: Did you just say??? Fah-- 
Baichiko: Ren-- 
Leiko: Heit-- 
Zai: Boys??? 
All four: Where? Where are they?? 
Miami: Oh dear...your really good... 
Taguhare: they already left with their limo...if you had just woken up could have seen their handsome faces... 
Zai: Dad are you gay or somethin'? 
Taguhare: o.o of course......N-O-T!!! 
Leiko: So did you just trick us?? 
Wami: So we'd woke up? 
Taguhare: no it was true...right honey?? 
Miami: i don't know about that... 
All four: Daddy!! We'll punch you!!! 
Taguhare: No!!! My youth!! My flawless body!! Don't ruin it kids... 
Wami: umm...we're teens really have an Alzheimer since from season 1...tsk tsk tsk... 
Baichiko: you really should go to the doctor... 
Taguhare: No no...Dress up my're gonna be late...Oh gosh! I think I am too...gotta hurry! ciao! 
Miami: Honey! Here's your kiss! Mwah! <3>

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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