Chapter 1

Samurai Warriors

Wu Chun as ~Chikamoto Waki
Wang Dong Cheng as ~Wada Jiyuu
Yan Ya Lun ~Yoshida Akira
Chen Yi Ru ~Kamiya Kaoru
~Fujinaka Baichiko
~Fujinaka Wami
~Fujinaka Zai
~Fujinaka Leiko

“Samurai Warriors” by mbwzy

Another sunny day in Kanazawa, Japan. The four sisters woke up early for school. It’s their final exam today.
Wami: Breakfast is ready!
Baichiko: Zai and Leiko get up or you’re going to be late for school. Remember today is finals.
Zai: All right! All right! I hate school. I’d rather work than study. I don’t learn anything from there.
Leiko: C’mon lil sis, don’t be like that. You should be cheerful it’s the last day of school. Duh! Your only grade 9.
Zai: Now look whose talking’ You think your some kind of adult. Your also grade 9 duh I caught you up ‘cause I did summer school last year.
Leiko: Why you?!? Lil brat.
Wami: Hey you two cut it out. We’re sisters you guys. We shouldn’t fight.
Baichiko: our sister is right. Mom and Dad would be mad seeing us like this.
Zai: Well who cares? They’re dead anyway ‘cause of that stupid plane crash. It’s been a decade. They don’t care about us.
Leiko: Zai, watch your mouth. I will punch you if you don’t stop.
Baichiko: Stop! You two are always like dog and cat fighting all over again I know it’s been hard on us. We have to work to pay the bills and our education but we must keep on living. It’s not their fault that they’re dead and it’s not their fault that their plane crashed. It’s no ones fault. It was God who tested us of how far we could go without them. Don’t blame yourself or anyone.
Wami: Our Uncle Nawaki who is in Taipei worked so much for us to make sure we eat 3 times a day and he supports our education. I swear I’ll make the one who is all behind this. The person who killed our whole Fujinoka Clan 20 years ago. Even we’re not yet born that time, I’ll make him pay for all the things he had done to our clan. After 10 years from that disaster, he still killed our parents and our uncle since they survived that tragedy. I’ll never forgive this person, no matter who he is. Big sis, stop crying…it’s ok now…I’ll make my revenge at the right time, that, I promise you. Now let’s eat breakfast. We don’t wanna be late for the finals.
They ate breakfast and off to school. They had their final exams. Wami and Baichiko went to work as dishwasher and babysitter. Zai and Leiko went to do the household chores. Zai and Leiko are 14 and 15 years old while Wami is 16 and Baichiko is 17. All of them are high school students at Yusuke High School. The four of them managed to pass the final exam. Now that school is over, the school decided to go on camping next week.
Leiko: We’re going on camping! We’re going on camping!
Zai: Shut up! You’re so annoying…You know that??
Baichiko: Let’s just have fun during this trip.
Wami: I’m so excited. It was 3 years ago since the last time I went to camp.
The bus went to the foot of Kanazawa Mountain were the whole class plans to camp.
They finally arrived there by 2 p.m. The half of the class planned to go walking around the woods while the other half are building campfires and tents. The sisters went to go for a walk in the woods. Zai kept playing around when the sisters and the others are passing by the long bridge. It is said in the legend that the bridge is dangerous. Many have fallen down the bridge and never came back again. Zai kept jumping and jumping when they were at the middle of the bridge.
Zai: La la la la la jump jump jump
Wami: Stop jumping Zai we might fall down there you know that??
Baichiko: Yea I have heard of legends about this bridge. They said if you fall down here. You will never come back again.
Leiko: Do you really believe that legend, Big Sis??
Wami: She maybe right Leiko. I also have done some reading and research on the library and the internet.
Zai: Sis! Help me! I’m going to fall.
Baichiko: We already warned you.
Leiko: Quick hold on to me!
Wami: Pull guys! Pull!
The whole class passed the bridge except for the four of them. The bridge split into two pieces. Zai and her sister are falling down the bridge. Others tried to help them but it’s too late because their hands became slippery. They fell down the bridge.
All: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!
Their minds suddenly became blank as of all black and nothingness. Their memories remembering the good times they were with their parents as they are falling down the bridge. All of them lost consciousness. They fell down the river and they were flown to an island. After hours, they finally regain their consciousness.
Leiko: Where are we??
Zai: Why ask me that? Who knows?
Leiko: Oh yeah! It’s because of you, were nowhere right now. You knucklehead!
Zai: Hey you’re the knucklehead one if you pull me hard, we wouldn’t be here so it’s your own fault not mine.
Leiko: Say one more word, I’ll punch you.
Baichiko: Anybody here??Hello??
The sisters kept shouting for help or if there is anyone in there? Nobody answered and all they could hear are the echoes of their voices.
Baichiko: No signal of cellphones either.
Wami: Hey where are our backpacks??
Baichiko: We probably lost it from falling down but thank goodness I still have mine.
Zai: I’m starving.
Leiko: Me too. Hey Big Sis, you got any food in there?
Baichiko: Let’s see some snacks, sandwiches and blankets.
Wami: Your stuff saved us Big Sis.
Baichiko: Heh. Don’t say that. I’m your Big Sis after all. I’m responsible to all three of you. I loved you guys more than anything.
(They hugged with each other)
Wami: Now that I think about it, this place, I think it kinda looks familiar to me, I have read this somewhere in the book.
Baichiko: A book?
Wami: Yeah.
Zai: How would this place be in the book? Is this part of history or whatever??
Wami: I have so many book that I’ve read but now that you’ve mentioned it. I remember now. It’s from my history subject. This place is called the Kanazawa Empire.
Leiko: Why would this place be an empire? I mean isn’t an empire crowded with people but this place, there’s like the four of us here only.
Zai: I think Leiko has a point there.
Wami: Well you see…there’s actually a secret entrance to this empire.
Baichiko: A secret entrance?
Wami: Uh huh. But it said in the book that it is still unknown because the actual empire of Kanazawa is actually hidden underground.
Zai: Sissy, are you for real?
Wami: I’m not sure but it’s what I’ve read and studied at history class.
Leiko: Who knows? Maybe or maybe not.
Baichiko: let’s not talk about that now. We must think of a way of how we can go back to our camp…
Wami: It’s raining like a storm. We must find a place to stay and fast.
Baichiko: Move fast or were going to be wet. Let’s figure of how to get out of here later.
After walking for a few minutes, they saw a small cave. Nobody seems to live there. They decided to stay there while it’s still raining hard.

Leiko: It sure is cold in here.
Wami: Here have my blanket.
Leiko: Are you sure Sissy? Will you be fine??
Wami: Yea I’ll be fine. I’m strong so don’t ever forget that.
Zai: Leiko, you sure are weak aren’t you?
Leiko: who says I’m weak? I can punch your face right now. You’re the one that is weak ‘cause of your leg injury.
Zai: hmp!
Baichiko: Thank goodness the rain is gone. I’ll be looking for some woods to light up a fire.
Wami: Great idea! I’ll be coming with you.
Zai: don’t leave me alone with her!
Leiko: oh I get it…your just afraid of the dark aren’t you??
Zai: no, I’m not
Leiko: Yes, you are.
Wami: I can’t stop myself from laughing when seeing you two fighting like dogs and cats…Haha…it’s just too funny…
Zai and Leiko:????(Confused)
Baichiko: We’ll be going now. We promise we’ll be right back.
Zai and Leiko: ‘Kay.
Wami and Baichiko went to get some woods. Finally they came back and light up a fire.
Baichiko: Sleep tight, all of you. I promise we’ll find a way of how to get back at the camp.
Wami: I also believe we will get through this. How about you two?
Zai: I guess.
Leiko: What’s with that look Zai? Don’t you have hope or something? Have some confidence in yourself.
Morning came, the sisters decided to wash their clothes in the river and have a bath as well. While their bags are lying on the ground, a hungry looking-wolf took them away.
Zai: Oh no! That wolf took our only bag.
Leiko: I’ll get that wolf and punch him.
Wami: Leiko, wait! You shouldn’t run around just like that.
Baichiko: Girls, after her. We don’t know this place much so it might be dangerous for everyone.
The sisters run for Leiko and finally they caught up to her.
Baichiko: Leiko!! Stop right there.
Leiko: Big Sis, don’t stop me the wolf would get away.
Wami: Uh-oh I think the wolf didn’t get away.
Zai: Oh Crap! He sure is staring at us! Let’s run for it!
The angry-looking wolf is still hungry and he wants to eat the flesh of a human. The sisters run as fast as they could but suddenly Zai tripped while running.
Zai: My leg! It hurts.
Leiko: You can do it Zai. We have to run fast or we’ll be his next meal.
Wami: Are you all right lil sis?
Zai: I don’t think I can make it. You guys, run for it. Just leave alone here, I’ll be fine.
Baichiko: We can’t leave you alone here. Leiko, Wami, let’s carry her and fast.
Leiko and Wami: Right!
The sisters carried Zai but it was too late. The wolf caught up with them. The wolf is slowly walking forward while the four sisters are walking backward. They don’t know what to do.
Wami: Someone help us.
Leiko: It’s always your fault, Zai.
Zai: If you just carried me faster then the wolf wouldn’t catch us. Besides if you didn’t run around like that. We wouldn’t be in this mess.
Leiko: It’s my fault this time but we try to remember we ended up here because of you singing and playing around that stupid bridge.
Zai: fine but you can’t change what has happened and were here now. You can’t change it!
Baichiko: Guys no time for that. We have to save our butts right now. We have to think of a way.
The wolf is getting closer and closer. There was a big blue light. That the wolf and the sisters couldn’t see. A mysterious man appeared. He’s wearing all blue even his hair is blue.
Kaoru: Rocky, where have you been? I’ve been looking all over the empire for you. You always make me worried. Give that backpack to those girls. Didn’t you know they were the chosen ones? Go back to our house ok?
Rocky: Yes master. My apologies. I didn’t know they were the chosen ones. Here ladies. Here’s your backpack. Again, my apologies for being rude to you. I am Rocky, the wolf and I’m the servant pet of Master Kaoru.
Leiko: Erm, did the wolf just talk? I’m kinda dizzy. *faints*
Kaoru: Miss? Miss? Are you all right? Are you guys all right?
Leiko: So handsome. *faints*
Wami: Yea, we’re fine. Thank you. You saved us there.
Kaoru: No problem.
Zai: So umm, is that wolf your pet? How come he talks? Dude, what’s with that costume? You look silly.
Kaoru: Yeah he is my pet-wolf and my servant as well. He is actually a half-human half-animal. He can transform into human or a wolf whenever he wants. What costume? I’m a samurai warrior. I’m one of the Imperial Guards guiding the south gate. I am Kamiya Kaoru. Your sister, Leiko, she has a fever. I have to kiss her.
(Leiko unconscious was kissed by Kaoru in the lips)
Wami: How did you know Leiko’s name? What the? What did you that for?
Kaoru: I know all of you. I’ll explain later.
Kaoru: Her fever will be gone now in an hour. She’ll be fine.
Baichiko: fine? After you kissed her in the lips. How can she be fine?
Zai: If she was awake right now, she could have punched you.
Kaoru: Let me explain. You see I’m a Samurai Warrior. I have the skill to fight and heal others. My way of healing is by kissing them in the lips.
Baichiko: I see. So you healed my sister. Thanks again Kaoru.
Wami: I don’t get it. Why would we believe him? We don’t know him that much. Anyway, change of subject. Hey Warrior, what the heck is this place? I mean where are we?? We just fell down that bridge and ended up here.
Kaoru: You are here in Kanazawa Empire.
Zai: Hey why did Leiko said you were handsome before she fainted?
Kaoru: That’s because my lips has the power to heal and fall in love with me temporarily but sometimes it last forever.
Baichiko: forever??? Are you serious about this?
Kaoru: Yes but don’t worry I have kissed a lot of people to heal them but their love for me is just temporary.
Wami: If that’s the case, can you heal my lil sis? You see her body is weak and she has a leg injury. Can you? Please!!!!
Kaoru: Okay
Zai: No way I’m ever going to kiss that guy. Ewwie!!! I don’t even love him besides he’s not my type of guy.
Baichiko: Zai, behave and listen to your sissy.
Zai: fine, fine. Do it, quickly okay?
(Kaoru kisses Zai in the lips)
Zai: You’re so cool.
Kaoru: (smiles) 
Zai: thank you Kaoru my body feels great now and my leg, I can move faster now. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Don’t worry your charisma didn’t work on me. I’m tough unlike Leiko back there hehe…
Wami: Really, thank you Kaoru. We appreciate your great help.
Baichiko: Thank You Very Much!
Zai: The legend is true then. The book that you told me about Sissy.
Wami: How do we exit here? We shouldn’t be in this place.
Kaoru: You were destined to be here. The four of you. You were the chosen ones of this empire. You’re the only one who could help us.
Wami: Chosen ones?
Zai: Help you? How?
Baichiko: Can you please explain to us??
Kaoru: Why don’t we go to my house and chat there a bit so Leiko could have some rest. It’s not that far, just straight up ahead.
The sisters went to Kaoru’s house while Leiko is still unconscious and resting from her fever.
Wami: Are you sure this is your house?
Baichiko: Are you for real? This really is your home?
Kaoru: Yup.
Zai: Wow it’s so big I think your place is much bigger than the Whitehouse of the President of America. All I could say is wow. Do you live here by yourself?
Kaoru: No. Actually there are other 3 members of the Imperial Guards. They are also Samurai Warriors.
Wami: Where are they right now?
Kaoru: They are on their duty. Chikamoto Waki is guarding the north gate. Wada Jiyuu is guarding the east and Yoshida Akira is guarding the west. I’m guarding the south gate.
Baichiko: Shouldn’t you be at your duty right now?
Kaoru: Well I was given the order to welcome the chosen ones today and it’s you guys.
Wami: Chosen ones huh? How can you be sure we’re really the chosen ones?
Kaoru: It’s because of the hidden music inside your body. You haven’t notice but the four of you have a special power to awaken our bodies as full samurai warriors. We all need you to protect the Kanazawa Empire from our enemies, the Kaguya Empire.
Baichiko: What? We don’t understand. We do play instruments but hidden music in our body?
Kaoru: You see, the day when you were born the Kanazawa instruments are sealed inside your body. Wami was sealed with the Rockin’ Kanazawa Guitar. Baichiko was sealed with the Slammin’ Kanazawa Drum. Leiko was sealed with the Jammin’ Kanazawa Piano and Zai was sealed with the Hummin’ Kanazawa Flute.
Zai: base on what you said. We do play those instruments but if it’s inside our body how do we activate them???
Kaoru: You can’t activate them without us. The Samurai Warriors.
Wami: What?
Baichiko: Why would we need you?
Kaoru: It will only activate on real battle. They would automatically come out of your body. You would play the instrument and it will give us the power as a full Samurai Warrior.
Zai: So that means that this is the Kanazawa Empire south right? So is there some secret entrance?
Kaoru: There is but we don’t need to go there right now because the only one that has the secret entrance in it is the main empire.
Wami: Main Empire? Do you still have that here?
Kaoru: Yes it’s for the protection of our emperor.
Baichiko: Does that mean we can never go back to our own world?
Kaoru: You will go back to your own world after fulfilling your mission here.
Wami: I’m relieved.
Zai: Let’s do that mission right away. I want to go home.
Kaoru: I’ll leave you guys here. I have to go visit the emperor and report to him what happened. I’ll be right back.
Wami: Okay take care.
Kaoru went to the secret entrance of the main empire. The secret entrance was the waterfall by the North Gate were Chikamoto Waki is assigned.
Kaoru: Sire, the chosen ones are at my house right now.
Taguhare (Emperor): Good. Well make sure they don’t come back to their own world yet without fulfilling their mission here. Make sure they stay at your house and give them everything they need.
Kaoru: Yes, Sire.
Taguhare: Are you sure they are the ones?
Kaoru: Absolutely, it’s them. I can prove it with the marks on their forehead. It’s definitely them.
Taguhare: Very well. You are dismissed.
Kaoru: Yes, Sire.
While the 3 sisters are cleaning the Samurai Warriors house, they saw the pictures of the other Imperial Guards.
Wami: they’re all cute I guess. I like that guy with the red hair.
Baichiko: Me too. He looks awesome.
Zai: I like the one with the yellow hair. He has a nice smile. I want to meet them soon.
Leiko screamed from the bedroom. The sisters couldn’t tell which bedroom it is because the place was very big. The Kaguya Empire Ninja strikes and kidnapped Leiko.
Leiko: Help! Sisters! Help me!
Ninja 1: We have to kidnap you. So the Kanazawa Empire won’t hold the ceremony for their warriors.
Ninja 2: Kaoru of the South would be here anytime. Quick!
What will happen know that Leiko was kidnapped by the Kaguya Empire? Next time: Rescuing Leiko! Stay tuned!
Kaoru arrived at his house and saw the three ladies crying.
Kaoru: Ladies, what happened?
Zai: Ninjas kidnapped Leiko. We saw them but they were so fast.
Kaoru: I’m sorry ladies, I took so long. I’m sorry this happened. Where’s Rocky?
Baichiko: He left the house awhile ago. He said the North Gate is being attacked by the Kaguya Empire.
Kaoru: I have to go then. I have to help Waki at the North Gate then I have to go report again to Emperor Taguhare and I’ll come and rescue your sister Leiko.
Wami: Can we go with you?
Zai: Uh-huh can we?
Baichiko: Please???
Kaoru: Sorry Ladies but it’s too dangerous to be outside at this rate. How about this…I help Waki, We’ll go to the emperor and report and then I’ll introduce him to you and then we make a plan to rescue your sister Leiko. Does that sound good?
Zai: Yeah…pretty good. You got foods in here right? I’ll go eat them while you’re gone.
Wami: Zai…Yeah I agree to that. Thanks for your concern.
Baichiko: We’ll think of a plan while you’re gone.
Kaoru: I’m off then!
At the North Gate:
Waki: Arrgh! We need more back-ups. There’s too many of them.
Kaoru: Sorry for being late Waki! I brought my soldiers. I have a bad news; Lady Leiko was kidnap by the Kaguya Empire. We need to save her.
Waki: We have to finish them off then…
A tall man appeared. He has a mask on his face, riding on a white horse.
Man: I am the emperor of Kaguya Empire. I am here to give this letter to your emperor Taguhare. I have kidnap Leiko in order to defeat his warriors. Then I would defeat him and kill him in my own hands. I hated that man. He ruined my family. Now this is my chance for revenge. Kanazawa Empire will be mine! (evil laugh)
The tall man walked away with his soldiers. Waki and Kaoru went to see the emperor and report what happened.
Waki: Sire, please punish me. It’s my entire fault that Lady Leiko was kidnap. I am a Warrior after all yet I can’t protect the North Gate that was assigned to me. Please do whatever you want to me. I don’t care I’m not a warrior. I don’t deserve to be a warrior.
Kaoru: No Sire, it’s not his fault, it’s my fault. If I didn’t leave them at my house by themselves, this wouldn’t be happening. So please, I’m the one who needs to be punished. Take my powers and kill me.
Taguhare: You two are overreacting. I wouldn’t punish you. You are my loyal warriors. I trust both of you. You both never intended this to happen. I know. Past is past so let’s move on of how we should rescue Lady Leiko. Without her, the three of you could still fight together with the chosen ones. Even though, they’re only three right now, they still have the instruments inside their body.
Waki: The three of us? We’re four Imperial Guards, remember?
Kaoru: He is right Sire. We’re four. How come you mentioned three? Do you have an Alzheimer’s disease or some sort of amnesia? You really are getting old.
Taguhare: Do you want to get punished right now?
Kaoru: Sorry Sire, I just wanted to lighten up your mood a bit.
Taguhare: I was just kidding but I understand. Akira, the Imperial Guard of the West Gate is at Kaguya Empire spying and investigating about Lady Leiko.
Waki: Okay so what about Jiyuu? What is he doing?
Taguhare: Well he has to stay here because he’ll be our guard in case Kaguya Empire sends soldiers again.
Waki: You think he could do it? I mean he always just tells jokes all the time and he was never serious about his duty.
Kaoru: Yeah but he always lighten our moods. I think pretty soon I will catch his flu.
Waki: What flu are you talking about?
Kaoru: It’s the Jiyuu H1N1 funny flu. I’ve been telling jokes lately. It really spreads quickly.
Waki: Haha!
Taguhare: Jiyuu maybe like that but I know deep inside his heart, he is serious…It’s just that he doesn’t let others know what he feels inside. You may go now.
Kaoru and Waki: Yes Sire!
Kaoru and Waki traveled from the North Gate to the South Gate to their home. When they arrived, Rocky was there.
Rocky: Sorry Master Kaoru. I’m really sorry. I left them here earlier and now Lady Leiko was kidnap. Please forgive me.
Kaoru: Let’s not talk about that right now. Ladies, did you have a plan?
All: We do! (whispers to Kaoru and Waki)
Baichiko: By the way, is he the Imperial Guardian of the North? Nice hair greenish-guy.
Waki: Thanks Lady Baichiko. I’m Chikamoto Waki. Call me Waki for short. Seems that the rumor is true. You really are a pretty girl in personal Lady Baichiko. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.
Baichiko: Well your cute but I like the red-hair guy more.
Wami: No, no…Don’t say that. We’re honored that we have met you and this place…it’s really amazing.
Zai: Hey Waki, what’s your power anyway?
Waki: My power is ice and fire.
Zai: Cool. So is your sword umm a icing sword with flames? Hahaha…
Waki: yeah..yeah..very funny Lady Zai but base on what you said it is true, my sword is icing with flames on the top. Cool huh?
Baichiko: pretty much.
Wami: I have never seen anything like that but I can’t wait to see it on battle.
Kaoru: Anyway enough about chatting so now you guys know each other. Now, can we proceed with the rescuing thing? I just have to contact Akira on Kaguya Empire.
Wami: How come he’s in there?
Zai: Don’t tell me he became an enemy?
Baichiko: Oh no. Will he kill our sissy?
Waki: Ladies, calm down. He’s not our enemy and he wouldn’t even dare kill your sissy. He is just spying and investigating about where Lady Leiko is. We just have to contact him.
Wami: I see.
Zai: so he’s a not a bad guy then.
Baichiko: Woot! I’m glad.
Kaoru: It seems like we can’t contact him.
Waki: that means he is using his power right now. Let’s go with your plan Ladies.
The ladies went to Kaguya Empire by themselves.
Zai: Sissy, I’m scared.
Wami: Shhhhh! Be quiet or we’ll screw it!
Baichiko: Just pretend we’re walking the street.
Ninja 1: Hey aren’t you the chosen ones? How lucky of us to have caught you easily. Emperor will be so happy he’ll give me a raise. Soldiers! After them!
Wami: Now!!!
Kaoru attacked the ninjas while the ladies run at Kaguya Empire. The ladies reached the entrance of Kaguya Empire. The guard spoked to them.
Guard: Ladies. I’m your ally I’m Yoshida Akira. I’m the Imperial Guard of the West Gate. Just straight up this hallway, turn left then turn right. Lady Leiko is in there.
Zai: And how should we trust you?
Guard: You see my hair? (Show his hair) It’s yellow.
Zai: That’s right. The one on the picture frame it was you. I remember now. Then why do you look like a ninja?
Akira: It’s my power. I can copy a person. A look-alike. I’ll back you up later. I have to help Kaoru.
Wami: Girls, lets go!
Baichiko: So it’s this way.
The sisters finally reached Lady Leiko. A big man appeared. He looks hungry that he can eat humans.
Big Man: Who are you ladies? What are you doing here? You’re all cute. But I’ll have to eat you.
Waki, the Imperial Guard of the North Gate appeared.
Waki: Sorry to keep you waiting. But I am here now. I’ll protect you all from this Big Man. Baichiko! Activate the Kanazawa Slammin’ Drum!
Baichiko: Activate! The Kanazawa Slammin’ Drum!
Baichiko has release the Kanazawa Slammin’ Drum. Drum belongs to North Gate; Guitar belongs to East Gate, Flute to West Gate and Piano to South Gate. Without the chosen ones, the Imperial Guards would only be 50% strong but with the Kanazawa Instruments, it can awaken their Samurai Sword and make their strength 100%. Baichiko will be the sidekick of Waki, Wami will be the sidekick of Jiyuu, Zai will be the sidekick of Akira and Leiko will be the sidekick of Kaoru. Without each other, their powers are decreased by 50%.
Waki: Die you big monster!!!
(Baichiko playing the drums)
The Big Man was defeated by the Imperial Guard Samurai Warrior, Chikamoto Waki with the help of Fujinaka Baichiko.
Leiko: Sissy’s! I’m glad you’re all okay. Can you guys explain to me what exactly is going in? Where’s Kaoru? I already missed him.
Wami: Let’s talk about that later we have to untie you before reinforcements came.
Lady Leiko was saved and they all came back to the Samurai Warrior’s House.
Wami: Your icing sword with flames on top is awesome. It sound pretty funny but you did a great job there, Waki.
Waki: thanks, it’s all for you sake. Lady Baichiko, you did well back there.
Baichiko: If it weren’t for my sissy.Hmp!
Leiko: Okay now that it’s all over. Now tell me, where exactly are we??
Wami: We’re here in Kanazawa Empire. It’s the legend I told you about the book we studied in history class.
Leiko: So why are we here? Why don’t we go home?
Baichiko: It’s because we are the chosen ones. The exit to this empire won’t be opened until there is peace between both empires.
Leiko: What chosen ones thingy? What? There’s another empire?
Zai: We are destined to be here. Remember the instruments that we played. You play the piano remember? And the marks on our forehead that we don’t understand why it’s there. We are born to help the 4 Imperial Guards of the North, East, West and South. The 4 of them are also Samurai Warriors but their powers are only 50% because their Samurai Powers aren’t awaken yet and were the ones to help them awaken it. Kaguya Empire is against Kanazawa Empire but we still don’t have a clue what their motive is.
Leiko: I still don’t get it.
All: T_T
(Kaoru explained the rest to Leiko)
Leiko: I get it now. You explained it to me simply my sweetheart, Kaoru.
Kaoru: it’s because of your sunshine smile, Lady Leiko. 
Akira: Ladies, let me introduce myself again. Our meetings weren’t good last time. So my name is Yoshida Akira. I’m the Imperial Guard of the West and I’m also one of the 4 Samurai Warriors. It’s an honor meeting you all.
Zai: OMG! OMG!
Leiko: Are you nuts lil sis?
Zai: Nah, I’m not I’m just glad your back. I kind of miss you our dog-cat fight. (Thinking in mind: it’s him it’s him!!! I like him so much he has a very sweet smile and he is so adorable. He looks exactly the same in personal. My heart is beating fast! Aw gosh! I think I’ll faint. He’s staring at me. What to do??? What to do???)
Leiko: I think I could punch you right now if you like.
Akira: Lady Zai, are you all right? Your face is all red? Are you okay? Lady…Lady Zai…Your not blinking….
Zai(in mind): OMG! OMG! He is holding me right now. He actually is! I ca..can’t blink. His face…I wanna kiss him.)
Wami: cute…our lil sis has fallen in love.
Baichiko: She’s too young but she fell in love at first sight.
Leiko: Whatever. Kaoru come here…kiss me…
Kaoru: Get away Lady Leiko. I like you but let’s have it as that for now, okay?
Leiko: Yay! You like me. Kaoru likes me…Kaoru likes me…(in singing tone) Okay with a big smile in her face ^__^
Next time: Emperor Taguhare meets the Chosen Ones…Stay tuned!!!
Zai: No I’m Okay. It was just the wind.
Leiko: Wind? C’mon don’t be a liar…We can see you’re in love! Duh!
Zai: I told you I’m not in love or anything like that… You’re the one who is in love with that Kaoru guy…don’t mind me…mind him…
Akira: It’s ok if you deny it Zai… I understand how you feel… thanks for admiring me…
Zai: (blush)
Waki: Is Jiyuu staying at the main empire?
Akira: yeah..he’s staying there for tonight only.
Waki: I’m going to miss his meals. I mean he’s such a great cook. Rocky! Is dinner ready? I’m starving to death...
Rocky: Yes…Master Waki..this way please…
(Eating dinner while talking)
Kaoru: Ladies, by the way we’re going to the secret entrance tomorrow.
Wami: Really?
Kaoru: Yeah..You’ll meet the emperor.
Zai: Cool I can’t wait. This is going to be another adventure.
Leiko: Wow! I think I won’t be able to sleep thinking of you Kaoru.
Kaoru: o_o”.. Right Hehe!
Baichiko: Akira so beside from copying a person does your power has any other feature?
Wami: Yea I was also going to ask the same thing.
Zai: Umm let me guess. You can walk on water and air?
Akira: Haha Wrong!
Zai: Aw (a sad puppy)
Waki: Zai you really look funny right now.
Kaoru: Actually walking on air and water is my another power.
Leiko: You really are amazing…baby <3>
Jiyuu: You’re a nice girl Baichiko.
Baichiko: Why nice girl only? Why not a cute girl? Why not say that?
Jiyuu: Sorry but it’s what I think about you. We’re friends right? So don’t be mad. Since the ceremony is done, why don’t we have a toast?
Taguhare: He’s right. That sounds good. Soldiers tell the chef to make the best dishes right away.
The Emperor, the warriors and the chosen ones had their dinner. After that, Wami went to play the guitar by the terrace of the empire. She was playing it in a very touching rhythm. She was thinking about her parents and her Fujinaka Clan. She wanted revenge but she doesn’t know where to start. All that she knows is, it was the ex-boyfriend of her mother who did it. Jiyuu went to the terrace because he heard the guitar playing.
Wami: (crying)
Jiyuu: Are you crying?
Wami: No, not at all.
Jiyuu: It’s all right. We’re friends right? You can tell me what you feel. I’m here. Here’s a handkerchief. Use them.
Wami: thank you Jiyuu. It’s just that I remembered my parents. They we’re killed in a plane crash accident. My uncle who lives in Taipei, Taiwan was murdered by several men. Then our whole Fujinaka Clan was murdered and rumors began and said that it was my mother’s ex-boyfriend. It’s all that I know and I want to make revenge. I cannot forgive him no matter who he is. He ruined our lives, our family, our whole clan. (Crying) I’ll get my REVENGE!!!
Jiyuu: (hugs Wami) there there there…I admire your strength for being this strong but revenge won’t solve anything. You might have your revenge but it will not do anything good. Your parents won’t come back… Will they if you killed that someone? Will your Fujinaka Clan revive? Time won’t rewind even if you have your revenge. Will your parents be happy seeing you like this? Will your clan be happy that their new generation is getting revenge? Nobody will be happy. You’ll just ruin your life. I believe if your parents are seeing as you are right now, they’ll be worried because they don’t want them to see you like this, crying and ruining your life with your hatred.
Wami: You don’t even know me that much. You don’t know how it feels. Do you know how it feels being all alone? This pain has caused me so much that I wished my memory was erased. I wished I had amnesia so that I could forget everything easily.
Jiyuu: I may not know that much yet but remember you’re not alone. You still have your sisters, don’t you? They need you and you need them. You love each other right? You must learn to forget the past and move on. I know how it feels…being all alone with no parents. Since the day I was born, my parents abandoned me, they said they just saw a basket floating in the river and inside that basket was me. It hurts so much thinking that your own parents abandoned you. They didn’t even give me a name. They we’re thinking of killing me that’s why they threw me on that bridge. I’m glad Emperor Taguhare adopted me and trained me as a Samurai Warrior. When I was a child, I was just like you. Thinking of having revenge on them but suddenly I thought that I should be thankful because I found my home and it was this empire. I know your situation is totally different from mine but past is past, nothing can be changed. You can’t change the time and saved them. Can you? (His tears flowing on his eyes)
Wami: Jiyuu, thank you. Really, I don’t know what to say. If I hadn’t met you maybe my hatred have eaten my heart. Maybe I wouldn’t realize what is right and that is to forget about the past and move on. I also admire you, after all what happened to you, you still keep on living and I have thought that I’m still lucky because I still have my sisters. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you went through. Can I be your best friend from now on?
Jiyuu: Your Welcome…I’m glad that you finally have realized what is right. I’m also happy that I met you because I never told my story to anyone except you. So keep it a secret okay? From now on, we’ll be best friends.
Wami: Okay I’ll keep it a secret.
Jiyuu: wahahahahaha wahahahaha
Wami: Why are you laughing?
Jiyuu: You’re cold. I can see it…Wipe it off!
Wami: You’re so mean! Smiles 
Jiyuu: Best friends forever!!!
Wami and Jiyuu are now best friends.Next up putting a barrier! Leveling Relationship! Stay tuned!
Wami: by the way best, why did you become a vampire? I mean you’re a human aren’t you?
Jiyuu: It’s because when I was a kid, I had a high fever. Emperor Taguhare called the Kanazawa Doctor’s and they said that the only thing they could do is to get a vampire to give me blood. They called an AB type Vampire and gave me blood that’s why my blood infinity is only AB type humans.
Wami: So that’s why…Why don’t we go back inside now?
Jiyuu: yeah…ugh…
Wami: Jiyuu are you okay?
Jiyuu: yea I’m okay my head hurts a bit. I think I’ll just need a good night sleep.
Wami: Okay. Let me accompany you.
Jiyuu collapsed by the terrace while Wami is accompanying him. Wami accidentally kissed him on the lips when he collapsed. Jiyuu and Wami are so close to each other and they stayed like that for a few seconds then Baichiko suddenly came.
Baichiko: (shocked) Hey Wa--!, Why are you kissing Jiyuu? Get off from him. He’s mine.
Wami: Big Sis, don’t react! It’s totally a misunderstanding…Let me explain. Um… You see Jiyuu collapsed but I don’t know why and I was accompanying him. Then I tripped and accidentally kissed him. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose.
Baichiko: I’m telling you Wami…he belongs only to me. Hao? If I have proven that you did it on purpose forget we’re sisters.
Wami: you’re overreacting….We’re just best friends… There’s nothing to worry about. This is not the time for us to fight. Call the others for help. He’s unconscious.
Baichiko: Now you’re best friends? I’m just reminding you. Well you call for help…I’ll stay here.
Wami: fine!
Wami run fast as she could. She told Emperor Taguhare and the others what happened.
Taguhare: This is bad! Soldiers setup the barrier immediately to protect our whole empire. Call Doctor Kanazawa as well.
(Doctor Kanazawa came)
Dr. Kanazawa: An enemy from Kaguya Empire is controlling his mind that’s why he won’t regain consciousness.
Wami: What do we do?
Dr. Kanazawa: You need to get the Kanazawa Plant.
Wami: Where can we get it?
Dr: Kanazawa: At the Kanazawa Mountain.
Wami: fine I’ll go and get that plant. I can’t let my best friend down.
Baichiko: I’ll get it before you do.
Zai: Sissy and Big Sis, what is happening to the both of you?
Leiko: If you say we’re like dog and cat well you’re like a cat and a mouse fighting. Is it because of Jiyuu?
Wami: He’s my best friend. I have to save him no matter what.
Baichiko: He’s my dream guy I’ll do anything for him.
Waki: Isn’t that impossible?
Kaoru: Yea it is impossible…The exit here is locked. Kanazawa Mountain is by the bridge where you guys fell.
Akira: Doctor, do you know a way of how to get there?
Dr. Kanazawa: I’m afraid I don’t know.
Wami: Are you telling me he’s going to die?
Baichiko: No…this isn’t true…
Zai: *sniffles*
Leiko: It’s not fair. We just became friends the other day.
Kaoru: are we just going to stand here doing nothing?
Waki: there’ got to be a way to save him.
Akira: I won’t abandon my comrade. DOCTOR!! Tell me there is another way is there??? SPEAK TO ME!!!
Dr. Kanazawa: o_o I’m not yet finished. Geez why the heck are the characters in this story so overreacting all the time?? *sigh* I haven’t finished my statement yet. There is a way to get to Kanazawa Mountain. You have to go to Chikako Village. It’s the village outside this Empire. You must find Chiyoko. She has the power to teleport anyone to the top Earth since this is the underground of the Earth.
Zai: Wait does that mean I can go back to Japan?? Yippeeee!!!
Leiko: Woot! I’m so excited…oh Yeah!!
Wami: Guys we should worry about Jiyuu. He’s our priority…
Baichiko: we’re a part of him now because of this stones on our forehead remember?
Dr. Kanazawa: the teleportation will only last 24 hours which means that you only have one day to find the plant in Mount Kanazawa.
Leiko: that only one day…
Zai: Well at least I can stop by at a restaurant at least.
Wami: Zai we have to find the plant first then we can go at the restaurant.
Baichiko: Yea Zai we’re your big sis okay? Listen to us.
Zai: All right! All right! I wish I was the big sis…
Leiko: What did you just say lil brat? Anyway how does Kanazawa Plant looks like?
Dr. Kanazawa: It’s a plant that is in color red, blue, yellow, and green. When you have found it, chop it and boil it and let Jiyuu have a drink. He should regain consciousness afterwards.
Taguhare: Warrior Ones… you heard what he said. Go now and good luck! Come back as soon as you can…
Kaoru: Warrior Ones?
Waki: Huh?
Akira: Wha-at?!?
Leiko: Hmm?
Baichiko: why??
Wami: did you call us that?
Taguhare: It’s hard to say Samurai Warriors and Chosen Ones. I decided to make it shorter and effective today. Sound cool right?
All: Lame!!!
Taguhare: aww…
The Warrior Ones traveled to Chikako Village to find Chiyoko. While they we’re walking, Kaoru and Leiko had the chance to chat.
Leiko: I’m glad I finally have the chance to talk to you.
Kaoru: What do you want to talk about? Your family? I already know what happened to them. I heard Jiyuu and Wami talking about it last night so I walked away because I couldn’t help myself but cry.
Leiko: Oh…since you already know about my family…Why don’t you tell me something???
Kaoru: like what something?
Leiko: About you and your family.
Kaoru: I was from the Kamiya Clan. Our clan has a favor to return to Emperor Taguhare because our Clan suffered crisis from the Kaguya Empire that’s why we promised ourselves that Kaguya Empire will be our enemy. That was why I became a Samurai Warrior because Emperor Taguhare trusts my loyalty to him.
Leiko: I see…Do you have siblings?
Kaoru: Actually yes. I have a younger brother and sister. They are seven and ten years old.
Leiko: Can I meet sometime?
Kaoru: Actually Kamiya Clan lives in Chikako Village. We’ll stay at my house there while we haven’t found Chiyoko.
Leiko: Wow! Really? I’m so excited. I want to meet your parents and your siblings. I’m sure they’re cute just as you. 
Kaoru: Hehe…We’ll see…
While Kaoru and Leiko are talking. Three ladies appeared. The first lady is all white. The second lady is all pink and the third lady is all orange.
Waki: Who are you ladies?
Eliza: I’m Eliza. Hey there cute boy!
Waki: Hmp! Sorry I already love someone else.
Heidi: I’m Heidi. Yellow hair-boy…you’re so adorable.
Akira: All pink? You’re like a Barbie doll…Haha!
Heidi: How dare you insult me?
Say: I’m Say. Don’t cha worry my sis; I’ll teach that boy a lesson. I won’t let you allow pass through here. We’re the Imperial Guardians of Kaguya Empire!
All three: Where the Samurai S.H.E.
Akira: Ahahahaha….Ahahahaha…I don’t get your name T_T hahahahaha…hahahaha…
Kaoru: Akira…stop laughing be more serious…
Waki: Then we’re going to beat you. Ones…let’s go!
They had a showdown. The S.H.E. powers are singing while the Warrior Ones power is the stones on their forehead. The battle has started.
Next time: S.H.E VS. Warrior Ones!!! Stay tuned! ^__^
Say: Let’s sing Suan Tian!
Warrior Ones: Activate Kanazawa Instruments!
The Warrior Ones powers are only 90% since Jiyuu is missing. The power ones have defeated S.H.E. The S.H.E. disappeared as if they we’re illusions. The man from before appeared. His face is still covered with the mask but he’s not riding a white horse this time.
Man: (clap, clap) Very well. So you call yourselves Warrior Ones now? Heh… What a funny name.
Waki: Hey… he’s that guy from before…
Kaoru: what man? You think you’re so cool with your outfit?? Think whatever you think of our name but we’ll never let out comrade down whatever it takes.
Akira: If you plan on fighting us now…well c’mon!
Man: Hehehehe…Hehehehe… I didn’t come here to fight Warriors. I came to see the Chosen Ones.
Wami: Are you the one controlling Jiyuu’s mind?
Man: I am indeed.
Leiko: I’ma punch you!!! Why the heck did you do that to him? Huh? You got some nerves?
( Leiko punched him but it didn’t hurt him, not even a single scratch)
Man: my…my that wouldn’t do…you see my power is great strength and it nobody has ever defeated me. Leiko…Leiko…you’re still that kid I have known. Zai, such a cutie with those big eyes and Baichiko, you have grown into a young lady. Wami, I just hate you.
Zai: Who are you?
Leiko: How do you know are names?
Baichiko: Your voice sounds familiar.
Wami: Yeah well whoever you are, I hate you too. Stop your craziness. Stop controlling Jiyuu’s mind.
Man: I am the Emperor of Kaguya Empire…the right time will come. You all know me from your past. Hate me. It’s the only way to kill me. You will know what I mean when the time is right. I’m not yet done but bye for now.
Zai: What the?
Baichiko: Just poof out???
Wami: that guy is really something but I don’t like his attitude. Who cares if he’s the emperor?
Leiko: whatever…he looks silly anyway.
Akira: Stay Alert! He said he’s not yet done.
Waki: So um Kaoru…since you live in Chikako Village...are we there yet ‘cause I’m kinda hungry…hehe well you know me…
Kaoru: Don’t worry we’ll get there in 15 minutes.
Akira: Man, I can’t wait… I wanna dig in woot…
(15 minutes later)
Kaoru: Mom, Dad, Ayako, Genjo… I’m home everyone!!!
Kaoru’s mom: Welcome home, son…your father is not home right now. He’ll be back later in the afternoon. I see you brought your friends. I have prepared lunch for you guys.
Kaoru: thanks mom. We’re really very hungry… I miss your meals. I haven’t eaten them for a long time.
Kaoru’s mom: Aw you’re such a baby. You’re a man now so act more manly. Hao?
Kaoru: mom, everyone’s staring at me. C’mon you guys let’s eat…
Ayako: Big Brother! ^__^
Genjo: I’m glad your home now…
Kaoru: Ayako…Genjo… I miss you guys.
The Warrior Ones and Kaoru’s mom and siblings had their lunch. They decided to search for a lady named Chiyoko and luckily they found information that she lives by the tunnel. They came back to Kaoru’s home and the others became shocked and Kaoru’s eyes were shocked of what he has seen. He saw Ayoko and Genjo stabbed with a knife in the heart. The one who killed them was her mother.
Kaoru: Mother! Mother! What are you doing? Why? Why mother? Why did you? Why did you KILL THEM?
Kaoru’s Mom: I’m not you mother. I killed her. I’m your father.
Kaoru: Father! How??? How could you? How could you do this to our family?
Kaoru’s Father: I’m sorry son… I tried but myself is not the me that you know.
Kaoru: Father! Father! I don’t understand. Your not yourself?
Kaoru’s Father: Yes. Kaguya Empire did this…ugh.
Kaoru: father! (crying) Why Kaguya Empire? What did we do to you? Why did you have to kill my family??? Why-sama?
The next day, Kaoru’s family was buried on their house.
Leiko: Kaoru…we can talk about it…don’t keep the pain to yourself…
Wami: We’re worried about you…
Baichiko: Every since yesterday, it’s not like the Kaoru I used to know.
Zai: You stopped talking…are you all right?
Waki: Ladies, let’s give him time. Let’s try to understand him.
Akira: Waki is right. He’s in pain and sorrow right now. Kaoru… Do you still want to go with us?
(Kaoru nodded)
The Warrior Ones went to the tunnel where Chiyoko lives. They explained what happened to Jiyuu. Chiyoko agreed to help them teleport to Kanazawa Mountain.

Chiyoko: Remember Warrior Ones, you only have 24 hours to find the Kanazawa Plant. It is very rare. It awakens by the wishing well but beware because other creatures like vampires and wolves are also after them.
They were teleported to Kanazawa Mountain.
Leiko: Woot! I miss this place.
Zai: yeah like so much…
Wami: Now is 11:50 p.m. and 10 minutes more. We must find it right away.
Baichiko: yea let’s move!
Waki: Good news guys! Over here… I found the wishing well.
Akira: Great… Just in time.
The Warrior Ones managed to get the Kanazawa Plant…luckily they got it before the vampires and wolves strike. They teleported back to Kanazawa Empire. Jiyuu gained his consciousness. Everything was back to normal at Kanazawa Empire except for Kaoru.
Wami: Jiyuu! Jiyuu! I miss you so much! Your cute face! I’m glad you’re okay now. I don’t want you to die my best!!!
Jiyuu: Aw! That was a great sleep. Sorry for troubling you guys… Kaoru…what’s with you? You don’t look happy… did something happen?
(Kaoru walked away)
Baichiko: don’t mind him Jiyuu…
Leiko: it’s because his family died because of the Kaguya Empire
Jiyuu: are you serious?
Zai: yes…it’s not a joke
Jiyuu: it’s my fault…I have to do something…it’s my entire fault…his family died just to save me. (In panic)
(Kaoru walked in)
Kaoru: Jiyuu, it’s not your fault. It’s my fault. I’m a warrior yet I couldn’t save my own family. Don’t blame yourself. Nothing will be change. (Crying)
(Walks away…AGAIN!)
Leiko: Kaoru! Wait!
Kaoru and Leiko had a talk.
Leiko: I’m glad you’re talking again but I’m sorry for what happened to your family.
Kaoru: I’m all right. Just don’t remind me that. It makes me cry everytime I remember what happened. I saw it…I saw it…yet with my own eyes.
Leiko: I’m here. You can cry on my shoulder. I don’t mind. Just let it all out. How you feel.
Kaoru: it’s so hard to accept. I love them…I love them so much…I love then more than anything…I’d give my life just for them but when I was there…I was such a fool…a complete idiot! IDIOT! I can’t do anything… I just stand around there… watching them die… our powers…it can’t even heal them…my powers…can it heal my heart? The scars on my heart will never fade. It will be here… (crying)
Leiko: Kaoru… I’m proud of you! You’re the best big brother anyone could ever have and you’re the best son too! I know your parents and siblings feels that way and if they were alive right now, they’ll say how proud they are to you…it’s just that they didn’t have much time to live…but in your always in their hearts…they may be gone now in this world but they’ll be alive in your heart forever wouldn’t they? The memories that you had with them…try to remember now…I’m sure…it’ll make you feel better. It’s what I did when my whole Clan was murdered. It helped me move on. I know it’s hard to move on right now but giving time…it can heal…
Kaoru: Leiko…such courageness…I bet your parents are also proud of you if they we’re alive…thanks for listening…and comforting me at this time in my life…maybe this is destiny that I have met you…I think I have found my ideal woman and that is you…I just realized it just now…your words gave me strength to overcome my weakness…now I have another reason to smile again each day…and that is to protect you…the one I love…I love you…Leiko!
Leiko: I love you too, Kaoru.
Zai walked in and saw Kaoru and Leiko kissing each other.
Next time: Get ready for another mission!!! Stay tuned!
Zai: Ehem…ehem…Hello? Erm…I can see the both of you kissing!!!
Kaoru: It’s all right Zai, you see me and your sister Leiko are now a couple.
Leiko: Yeah Leiko…he just said he loves me…
Zai: Gosh, am I dreaming or something…Sissy…slap me will ya?
Leiko: How about a punch?? Haha…
Zai: Ouch! That hurts… Well congrats to the both of you… you’re a great man Kaoru...don’t hurt my sissy hao? If you do…I’ll kill you for sure haha…
Kaoru: Of course I won’t hurt your sissy… I love her more than anything…
Leiko: I’m so touched!
Kaoru: let’s go back to the others…I’m so excited to bring the good news to them…
Leiko: ^__^ me too!
The newly couple announced that they love each other to Emperor Taguhare and the rest of the Warrior Ones.
Taguhare: Congrats Kaoru and I- I’m so…I’m so sorry for—
Kaoru: Sire, there’s no need to apologize. Well that’s life and we have to move on and what happened has happened already so let’s just forget about it.
Wami: I’m so happy…Leiko you finally got him! Hehe..
Baichiko: Big Sis is so proud!
Jiyuu: Wow Kaoru…you really are fast in getting a girlfriend…hehe I wish I could have one too and I think she’s right here…
Baichiko: Oh Jiyuu is it me you’re talking about? I’m so happy…
Jiyuu: it’s not you duh…it’s common sense…
Baichiko: Oh I get it! Hmp! Its Wami all right…Hey Wami…Jiyuu is only mine…remember he only is mine…
Akira: you’re so popular with ladies Jiyuu I mean two girls…
Waki: (crying) Baichiko… why not me?? Pick me!!!
Taguhare: Anyway, Warrior Ones, I have a new mission for you to accomplish…
Akira: Ugh…here we go again…
Taguhare: My daughter…my long-lost daughter…It’s been sixteen years…I wish I could see her again…Her mother and her step-father took him away from me by kidnapping her.
Wami: that’s so sad…what’s her name Taguhare?
Taguhare: her name is Fuji MeiMei but since they kidnapped her, they probably changed her name into something else.
Jiyuu: So how would we know where she is right now?
Taguhare: I’ll use my holy sword to show the top of the earth then when we find her; you have to teleport there again and bring her to me…
Akira: But Sire, how would you know if she really is your daughter??
Taguhare: she has a big birthmark on her back…you may be dismissed…let’s do it tomorrow…
The Warrior Ones went home. Wami was thinking while she was taking a shower because she has a big birthmark on her back too but then she hesitates because she thinks many people her birthmarks and not only her.
Wami (thinking in mind): What if? What if I’m emperor Taguahare’s long lost daughter? I mean there’s no way Taske is my father and that’s the truth…what if I’m an adopted child? Does that mean Baichiko, Leiko and Zai are not my sisters? But ugh it’s so confusing… I mean if they’re not my sisters, why would I have a mark on my forehead?? This is so complicated.
Wami finished taking a shower and she wear a backless top then she got stuck on the bathroom because Baichiko locked the door from the outside.
Wami: What do I do?? Someone help me please!!! Akira! Kaoru! Waki! Jiyuu! Somebody here? Zai! Leiko! Big Sis! Help me!
She got stucked there for 3 hours and finally Jiyuu came and opened the door and saw her.
Jiyuu: Wami! Wami! Wake up will ya? Wei, can you hear me? Guys! Help! Wami collapsed! Wa-wait a second… Wami…you…you have a birthmark in your back?? Could it be that you’re the Sire’s daughter? No one should know yet… Who the heck locked her up in here?
Baichiko was hiding there with an evil smile in her face but then she walked away. She didn’t saw Wami’s back.Jiyuu wrapped Wami’s back with the bath towel so nobody should know about it yet because he has to ask Wami’s first…After 2 hours, Wami woke up in her bedroom and Jiyuu was sleeping in the couch…
Wami: Jiyuu…is that you?
Jiyuu: Yeah it’s me…I’m glad you’re fine. About the erm…the birthmark on your back…are you the daughter of Emperor Taguhare?
Wami: Jiyuu…please don’t tell them…don’t tell anyone just yet…tomorrow I will ask Taguhare one on one…I have to confirm but maybe I’m not his daughter…there’s lots of people who also have birthmarks but I’ll just double check because it really is making me worry.
Jiyuu: All right then…well good night…Wami.
Wami: Wait, Jiyuu…thank you…thank you for saving me…
Jiyuu: it’s nothing we’re best friends and you saved me too last time, remember?
Wami: yeah I remember I’m just glad that I found a true friend it’s because I always have lots of friends and best friends but they we’re not actually true friends…they always leave me…in times, they need me, I was there for them but in time that I need them, they were, they we’re not there for me. Jiyuu could you stay here just for tonight? I can’t sleep… please??
Jiyuu: I also found true friends…it’s the Warrior Ones…of course that includes you…don’t worry I promise you…I’ll never leave by your side…whenever you need me just call my name and I’ll come…that’s a promise!^__^ sure I’ll stay…I’ll play the guitar for you…
Wami: I promise you too… I’ll always be here…whatever happens… I won’t leave you…our friendship will lasts forever…aww…thanks that should make me sleep…hehe…
Jiyuu: (sings Zai Shui Yi Fang)
Jiyuu fell asleep on the couch and Wami is sleeping happily on her bed. Baichiko got mad because they’re bond became more stronger…it’s the bond that he can never had with Jiyuu…she is so annoyed with Wami and now she discovered that Wami could be Emperor Taguhare’s daughter which made her more angry with her sister because she can own the Kanazawa Empire. The next day, the Warrior Ones came to the Main Empire. Wami told everything to Emperor Taguhare.
Wami: Taguhare I have something to tell you. Well I have a birthmark on my back and it’s a big one just like what you said about your daughter. May I ask what the name of her mother was? Is it Fujinaka Miami?
The emperor’s eyes grew big and he was shocked at that moment.
Taguhare: Yes, I was…I was your mother’s ex-boyfriend. I’m the one who killed them. I was so angry at that time that I was in a panic. I didn’t know what to do because they kidnapped you and I love you so much MeiMei. Zai, Leiko, Baichiko…please forgive me… I just wanted to protect my daughter.
Leiko: You deserved a punch! (Punched Taguhare)
Taguhare: Do whatever you want to do to me. I know it’s my entire fault that your lives became miserable. I know forgiving me won’t bring back the lives of your parents but please accept my apology.
Zai: (crying) did you kill our whole Fujinaka Clan? You killed our uncle?
Taguhare: No I didn’t…it was not me…I only did the plane crash accident. MeiMei please forgive me…
Wami: Why would I believe you? Why would we? Father I can’t believe you killed my mom and my stepfather just to rescue me…do you think I’d be happy? I’m sorry but I can’t talk right now…(walks away)
Jiyuu: Wami! Wait! (Jiyuu runs after Wami)
Baichiko: I’m speechless… I don’t know what I can do to you right now…You ruined our lives…my parents…they’re gone forever…(walks away)
Waki: Baichiko let’s talk this over!! (Runs after Baichiko)
Leiko: hey old man, I’m gonna punch you to death… that’s the only way I can forgive you…
Kaoru: Leiko…
Leiko: Kaoru I have to do this…for the sake of my parents!
Taguhare: it’s all right Kaoru…I’ll bear it!
Zai: (crying) I’ll stay here… I won’t run away…I’m not like them who run away… I’m tough…you got that?? Crying like a baby won’t solve anything. I’ll just hate you…maybe in time…I can forgive but I’m sorry it won’t be right now…
Baichiko: Stop following

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
Visiting old fics!