Chapter 4

Samurai Warriors

The Fahrenheit Boys and the Fuji Girls decided to have a drama for the contest on Friday. The drama that was given to them is about the legend of the Kanazawa Empire. The Samurai Warrior's story about the Warrior Ones. The other groups decided to have a dance club,singing club,puppet club and anime cosplay. They we're rehearsing for three days and finally Friday came.

Jiyuu: Lady Wami, I promise you, I will protect you 'til the end.
Wami: Jiyuu, my blood.
Leiko: Kaoru, Wo Ai Ni!
Kaoru: Lady Leiko, thanks for being by my side.
Baichiko: I won't let you be happy Wami. Jiyuu is mine!
Waki: Why? Why don't you love me Baichiko?
Akira: I admire you, Zai.
Zai: Your powers are awesome Akira!
The play ended. The audience gave them a big round of applause.The third place goes to the puppet club. The second place goes to anime cosplay and the 1st place goes to the drama club. They won the grand prize. A trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. The whole school campus called them Warrior Ones because they have performed the drama well just like the legend about the Kanazawa Empires and as for the Grand Prize, they will have a trip to Kanazawa Empire Museum at the end of the school year since. The Warrior Ones of the campus seems happy but seems complicated too because they feel like there's something about that legend that has something to do about them but they can't remember. Finally, on the backstage, the so called Warrior Ones had the chance to talk to one another.
Akira: Guys, don't you feel something about that drama the we performed.
Zai: Yeah, I also think that way, it's weird but I feel that I really can relate to that drama.
Jiyuu: there's something...really...I just can't remember...
Wami: Yeah, I think we all feel that way...but change of topic...wanna meet our parents??
Waki: Sure thing...
Kaoru: yeah, we'll also introduce you to our dad...
Baichiko: Where's your mom?
Waki: our parents, they were divorced, five years something...
Wami: sorry to hear that...we didn't know...
Akira: it's's the truth so don't worry a thing about it...
They introduced their parents to one another and their parents felt kind of strange around each other because they also remember something but can't remember it.
Next time: Hong Kong Disneyland! The Adventure Begins! ~^__^~ Stay Tuned~!

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow this looks really interesting will read soon
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