Will Things Change?

...Do I Love You?

      I opened my eyes slowly to the blinding sunlight leaking in through the open window. With a yawn, I let the remains of my dream sink in. I had had a really good dream last night; one that I wished never to fade. I dreamt that Luhan and I slept in the same room; unrealistic by all means but it felt so real it was almost frightening. Staring up at the ceiling, I smiled, remembering his warm breath on my neck as his strong arms wrapped around my waist. His soft lips as he kissed the top of my forehead when he thought I had fallen asleep. How he whispered so daintily into the engulfing silence those three words that almost made my heart explode. 

      A blush crept onto my cheeks as I remember those words: "I love you"; the words had gone straight to my heart as he fell into a deep sleep. Taking a leap of fate, I had pressed my lips against his own. Even if it was just a dream, I could still feel the touch of his lips on mine. And then, much to my dismay, the dream ended. I rolled to get out of bed only to run face first into something. 

      "Sehun-ah? What are you doing?" I jumped as the object I currently had my face pressed into spoke. That soft voice, it couldn't be? I slowly looked up and almost screamed. 

      "Luhan! What are you doing in my bed?!" I rolled away from him,  running roughly into the wall. He laughed as I sat up rubbing my head. Wait a second, this wasn't my room. This was the room I spent my entire dream last night in. This was Luhan's room! I would of claimed to have been dreaming again but that ing wall hurt. There was no way it could hurt that much in a dream no matter how realistic that dream seemed. No freaking way. So that mean I hadn't dreamt all of that stuff? Everything that happened was real? I in a sharp breath to keep from screaming as realization sunk in. I actually had kissed Luhan! 

      "You're so silly Sehunnie," I blushed at the new nickname, pulling myself out of my thoughts. Before I even had time to react, he grabbed my hand. "Let's go get some yummy breakfast!" My only choice was to follow behind in a daze, trying to divert all thoughts away from the fact that Luhan was still holding my hand as he skipped to the kitchen table.

      I heard a snot of laughter from the person next to me as we sat down at the table. Normally, I would of told Jongin to shut up and keep his obnoxious thoughts to himself, but right now my mind was going crazy as Luhan released my hand, rest his own on my thigh. "So, did you two sleep together last night?" Jongin's voice pierced through my racing thoughts. My face redden when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Luhan simply shake his head "yes". I knew how Jongin and practically the rest of the table were thinking when the sudden eruption of laughter was the only response. "Get you some Sehun," he whispered in my ear just loud enough for Luhan to also hear, making the corner of his beautiful mouth slightly twitch. With a bright red "poker face", I jabbed the dancer angrily in the ribs with my elbow. 

      The rest of breakfast went on as normal; Tao and Jongin fighting over food with Kyungsoo trying to separate them, Suho and Lay once again immersed in their own little world, Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Chanyeol being as loud as they possibly could be, and Minseok and Kris just watching quietly as they drank their cups of coffee. Luhan and I ate in a comfortable silence, both stealing slight glances at the other. My mind was only on my action from last night however.

      Did he know I kissed him? He was asleep when I did so I doubt it. I can't believe I did that.. Oh my god. Wait a second... Did I take advantage of him? Does it count like that? What's wrong with me?! I wrinkled my eyebrows in disgust with myself when I realized what I had done. Sehun, you're such a ert! You completely took advantage of your sleeping, defenseless hyung and kissed him straight on the lips! You should be ashamed of yourself-

      I was pulled out of my mental lecture to myself as the hand on my thigh started to tap me. "Sehun-ah, are you okay? You're making a really weird face." Luhan's sweet voice melted my heart. I smiled as I couldn't help but notice how amazing he still looked without makeup, a bad case of a messy bed head, and still bearing eyes glossed over with the remains of sleep. "Now you're making an even weirder face! Stop staring at me weirdo," he laughed, playfully punching me in the arm. Sehun, you idiot. Stop getting distracted and hold a conversation with this mesmerizing creature like an other normal human being.   

      "Sorry hyung! I guess I'm still a little tired." I lied through my hearty smile. He laughed at my excuse and turned away to continue eating. God, I've only been awake for about thirty minutes and I've already put myself in such an awkward situation. This was going to be a very long day. 


      After breakfast, I was suddenly wheeled away by two pairs of strong arms and three sets of eager footsteps following close behind. "Let me go!" I shouted as the five boys threw me down on my bed. With a mischievous look in their eyes, they locked the bedroom door. I shivered as I couldn't help but to feel slightly terrified.

      "So," Tao started once all five of them had taken seats around the room. I raised my eyebrows in confusion as he gleamed from his spot on the floor. "How was it?"

      "How was what?" I asked in confusion, cocking an eyebrow. The other boys laughed at my simple question. "Seriously, what are you guys talking about?" Only more laughter followed.

      "Who topped?" Jongdae doubled over with laughter at Baekhyun's blunt question. I didn't see what was so funny about it. What did they mean by "who topped"?

      "I'm not sure I'm following this conversation," I muttered earning even more laughs from the now dying boys. They clapped their hands and slapped their knees, flailing their limbs this way and that to the joke unknown by me. Was this some big inside joke I wasn't apart of or something? I felt my face heat up as I started to get annoyed.

      "So I'm guessing this means Luhan did? I always knew that little deer could do it!" Chanyeol practically yelled through his laughter; a large cheeky smile covering his face. Realization started to fall upon me as that sentence sunk in.

      "I always knew Sehun would bottom." Jongdae replied with a wink in my direction when he noticed that my eyes had widened to the size of Kyungsoo's and my mouth had fallen open; now I knew what they were talking about! "Sehun, how was your first time?" 

      "We didn't do anything!" I practically yelled at five boys. "Nothing happened at all! We merely slept together, meaning actually just sleeping in the same bed. You all are ing disgusting! Why...I mean..." I took a breath from my rant trying to gather my thoughts. "I'm speechless at your stupidity, all five of you. I just... I can't. I can't believe you're all my hyungs. Oh my god, you all are such erts. Please, out of my non-existent life and go back to your boyfriends for heavens sake!" I exploded into the now silent room, ignoring the five gawking boys who have never seen me yell like this in our entire time of knowing each other. I closed my eyes and fell back on my bed angrily. "Why would you all even think that? You would of freaking heard it!" 

      "We just wanted to see how you would react. And, trust me on this, your reaction was way better than any of us ever expected!" I groaned at Jongdae's loud laughter as the five evil boys started to leave the room. "Have fun with your non-existent life." And with that comment, I was left alone in the comfort of my room; just me and my mind thinking up ways to kill those idiots. 

      Yes, it was going to be a very long day.



      "Luhan-hyung, your boyfriend is hilarious to mess with!" I glanced up from the game I had been playing on my phone just long enough to see five boys parade into the dorm living room with huge grins plastered on their faces. They highfived and laughed some more before all going their separate ways. I sighed and shook my head as the noise died down.

      "He's not boyfriend," I corrected Jongdae as he took a seat on the opposite couch from me. He raised an eyebrow with a mocking look. "Fine. At least not yet." He cracked a smile that I couldn't help but to return. 

      "How are you going to ask him out?" Minseok asked as he entered the room, taking a seat on Jongdae's lap. Jongdae gave me an eager nod before wrapping him arms protectively around the older, resting his chin happily on the crock of his shoulder. I smiled at the sweet couple before turning back to the issue at hand. "Do you even know if he likes you like that yet?" I glanced at my concerned hyung and his boyfriend as my face grew red hot as a sudden memory played back in my mind. 

      Touching my hand to my lips lightly, I smiled."I think he does," I whispered so softly that the two had to lean forward and strain their ears to hear me. "No, I know he does." With a happy giggle, I stood up and waved goodbye to the confused couple, before skipping to the room where my favorite person lay. 

      "I'm coming in!" I sang happily into Sehun's room as I opened the door. I laughed as the younger boy sat up and stared at me dumbfounded from his bed. He rolled his eyes before laying back down and closing them. 

      "There is this neat thing called knocking, you should try it sometime." He muttered when I shut the door and proceeded into the room. Eyeing me as I took a seat on the bed next to me, he sighed. "I didn't say you could come in either." 

      "Deep down in your heart you know you want my company." I laughed, making the young boy groan at my cheesiness. "So what are you doing?" He sat up and stared at me, once again I noticed that a strange expression hung on his beautiful face before it vanished and he finally replied. 

      "I was going to try and go to sleep, since I'm tired, but for some reason it seems as if the world is trying to forbid me to do so." He sighed into his hands. I laughed again and brought my hand up, patting his head. I in a deep breath to keep from laughing as his pale cheeks turned bright red. Even when looking embarrassed, he still looks so mesmerizing. His brown hair falling perfectly to surround his beautiful model face. His expressionless eyes twinkling ever so slightly as he sub-consciously the old scar he bore on his beautifully crafted lips. His lips, so soft and silky, how I wanted to actually kiss them. To show him how a real kiss was. To actually experience the feeling of our lips molding together, working to blossom into the most amazing joy I would ever feel in my life time, rather than just a simple, light peck that was so timid I almost had believed it didn't happen. I wanted so badly to kiss Oh Sehun that it hurt.

      "Why are you here hyung?" Sehun's annoyed voice cut me out of my thoughts. I smiled widely at him, not thrown off by his unfriendly tone. Sehun was known as our bratty maknae who always got what he wanted by the public but I knew the real him. He talked in a rude manner most of the time without even meaning too. Over half the time he won't even know he sounded rude until someone were to point it out to him. Because of his expressionless face, most people just take it that Sehun is a rude brat when really he was actually a sweet kid deep, deep down in his heart.

       "I'm here to spend time with you obviously, silly!" I laughed while throwing my arms around the younger. I felt his body stiffen in my embrace, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. I could feel his rapid heartbeat in my arms as I squeezed him tightly. "But I've decided on something else. Since you're tired, I'll just let you sleep and come hang out with you later." Quickly bringing arms away, I got up. He opened his mouth to say something as I leant forward without a second thought. I pressed my lips softly to his warm cheek, landing so dangerously close to the place I wanted to kiss most of all, before pulling back with an embarrassed smile and skipping away. His eyes bore an unreadable expression as I left the room. 

      Once outside the room I grabbed my chest and leant my back against the door, releasing a long, drawn out breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I felt like my heart might of exploded right then and there. Even though I'm the one that eniciated the hug and the kiss I still got major butterflies in my stomach. The warm feeling of the young boy in my arms still lingered and the feeling of his soft skin against my lips had yet to fade away; both sending chills throughout my body. I shook my head with a slight smile before heading off to my own room. 

Why have I fallen oh so deeply in love with Oh Sehun? 





Ah~ the second chapter is done >.< Sorry for the long wait!!

I tried to make it fluffy... Was it fluffy enough for every bodies liking?? Kekeke~ 

I don't really know what I wrote there for the end of the chapter (Luhan's POV... and actually the whole chapter really) but hopefully it made sense/was enjoyable/wasn't a let down from the 1st chapter.

I think there will be a 3rd chapter though (no idea what it'll be about but I need something to do with my life keke). 

Don't forget to leave a comment and subscribe. I really enjoy hearing feedback(: (And to those of you that have taken it a step farther and voted, wow I really love you! Like, do you want a cyber cupcake or something?! I will totally give you a billion trillion of them! I make the best cyber cupcakes around!! What did I just write...

Thank you again for reading my story (and this lame A/N)! I absolutely appreciate it; it really means the world to me<3  










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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!