What just happened?

...Do I Love You?

      I stared at the shut door in silence. The touch of his soft lips still lingered on my cheek as I heard his soft footsteps pad quickly away from my room. "What just happened?" I muttered into the unanswering silence, rubbing my head with my sweaty palm. I lightly touch the spot where his lips had been and breathing in sharply. "What the hell just freaking happened?" 

      I got up and paced around my room as my mind scrambled to grasp hold the situation. "Luhan kissed my cheek." I mumbled, tripping on some scattered clothes in the process. "That counts as, like ,a ligit kiss, right? I can say that Luhan has kissed me, right?" I slurred questions out to all the inanimate objects in the room searching for a reply. "Yeah, I believe I can."

      After answering myself a smile arose on my lips. "Luhan kissed me! Yehet!" I pumped a fist in the air before falling down onto my bed laughing all to familiarly like our loveable fangirls when they see us at fansigns. I giggle at the thought and rolled around my bed mumbling incoherent words that even I couldn't understand. I didn't care though, Luhan had kissed me; that's all that mattered in my world as of right now.

      "Sehun-ah, what the heck are you doing?" I jumped up as a voice scared me out of my thoughts. Suho stood in the doorway with a strange expression on his face as he watched me struggle to untangle myself from my sheets. I jumped up and threw my arms around my hyung before he could protest, and squeezed him with all my might. "Uh, thank you?" He wrapped his arms awkwardly around my shoulders giving me a light tap on the back. "Why are you in such a good mood?" He asked trying to escape from my grasp.

      "What? I can't just be in a good mood?" I questioned him, laughing into his ear. "Let's just say I'm just so so happy to be here as the member of EXO named Oh Sehun. You have no idea how happy I am to be me right now hyung." I squeezed him one last time before letting him go with a hearty grin and skipped away, off into our dorm to find more victims to share my happiness with.  

      "What just happened?" Suho muttered before walking slowly into the bedroom.


      "Hello Kyungsoo-hyung!" I yelled into the kitchen, scaring my big eyed friend. Jongin eyed me from the kitchen table with a questioning look. "Hello Jongin! How are you today? Are you two having a fabulous day? I sure am!" I smiled as I reached around a dumbstruck Kyungsoo, grabbing one of the sandwiches he had been making for lunch. 

      "What drug are you on Sehun?" Jongin asked seriously as Kyungsoo lifted a hand to my forehead to check for a fever. I grinned widely at both boys before taking a huge bite of the sandwich. The drug of love my friend, the drug of love.

      "Kyungsoo, you are such a good cook. This sandwich is seriously the best thing I've eaten since I was born!" I squealed, that's right squealed, before taking another bite. I didn't even like sandwiches that much and yet today this one just tasted absolutely fantastic. By now Jongin was by my side checking to see if I was really Sehun and not some insane imposture. "Who else could I be?" I laughed as Jongin pulled on my face trying to "rip off my mask". "You're so silly Jongin," Pinching his cheek and giving Kyungsoo a grateful hug, I skipped out of the kitchen with two more sandwiches in hand. 



      "Luhan, your boy toy has gone completely mental." was the greeting I got as I pranced into the kitchen. I had come in there to sneak a couple of sandwiches when Kyungsoo wasn't looking but decided quickly that now was not the time. In the kitchen sat Kyungsoo, Jongin, Lay, and Suho as looking at me as if I held the answers to life in my pocket. "He's seriously gone insane." Jongin muttered as I slowly sat down at the end of table.

      "First off, never use the term 'boy toy' again. That's just so wrong on so many levels Jongin." I started, earning an eye roll from the dancer. "Okay, now what is the problem exactly? What's wrong with Sehun? When I left him he was going to go to sleep because he was dying from exhaustion." I exaggerated earning yet another eye roll. 

      "He is absolutely, positively not dying from exhaustion. He is skipping wildley around the dorm attacking any member he sees, exploding into how much he loves life. As of right now I believe he is in the living room hugging Jongdae to death rambling on about some turtle he always wanted as I child." Suho sighed, a worried expression on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at how concerned he was.

      I pranced to the hallway leading from the kitchen to the living room, poking my head through the door frame. Sure enough, on the couch sat Sehun on Jongdae's lap practically squeezing the older male to death. Minseok sat a little ways away from the two trying to coax the young boy off of his boyfriends lap only to be attacked himself. I laughed at the helpless expression on the two's faces before proceeding back to kitchen. "Okay, he's extremely, over the top, almost at Chanyeol's level, happy. So what?" 

      "So what? What did you do to him?" Kyungsoo eyed me suspiciously. "He would and could only get like that with your doing. So what happened? Did you confess? Did he confess? Are you two dating now?" I laughed wishing that was the fact. Shaking my head, I sat back down at the table.

      "No no no, nothing to that extreme. I merely just kissed him on the cheek." The three dropped their heads onto the table in unison. 

      "All you did was kiss his cheek?" Jongin asked not even bothering to look at me. I nodded my head with a small grin. "Please, dear god, when you finally work up the guts to confess to him, do us all a favor and kick us out of the house." I tilted my head a little at the dancers statement. "If he got this worked up over a simple kiss on the cheek, I for one do not want to be here when you ask him. He'll drown us all in his happiness. He's practically spitting up rainbows right now and it wasn't even a kiss on the lips." 

      I grinned as the groups dismay. "What can I say, Oh Sehun is helplessly in love with me." 

      "Don't sound so cocky little deer. Even if he's 'helplessly in love' with you, he would never work up the guts to ask you out." I turned wide eyed towards the M leader. "And we all know that no matter how much affection you show him you won't ask him out either. You're too scared." Kris said matter-a-factly, taking the seat next to me. I punched him as hard I could in the arm before putting a huge pout on my face hoping someone would stand up for me. 

      "Kris is right. You said yourself that you wouldn't ask him out, you want him to ask you." Tao added in as he walked into the kitchen. I glared at the panda as murmurs of agreement arose around the table. "Don't glare at me. I'm just stating a fact." 

      "If I really wanted too I could ask him out." I mumbled making the table laugh. "I just want him to ask me out, that's all." I felt my face grow hot at the sudden attention. I'm not scared. I just wanted Sehun to ask me. I said inside my head over and over again until I began to believe it; that is until the next intruders enter our conversation.

      "Yeah, Luhan is way to scared to ask anybody out." Baekhyun and Chanyeol enter the kitchen already knowing what we were talking about without a second thought. "Sehun is too shy also. Guess y'all will never have a future together." I turned my gaze to glare daggers at Baekhyun who just shrugged it off. "That's just what I'm betting." 

      "That's perfect Baekhyunnie! Let's hold a bet!" Chanyeol suddenly cried out. The whole table fell silent to stare at the tall boy. A toothy grin spread across his face as he explained his plan. "We'll all make a bet to see who will ask who out. You can bet for Luhan asking Sehun, Sehun asking Luhan, or neither asking and both end up being forever alone until they grow old and die. How about five dollars each" My mouth fell open as the other members quickly agreed to the plan raising the amount up to fifteen. 

      "All who are in favor for Sehun asking Luhan, raise your hands!" I glanced around the room. Kyungsoo, Suho, and Lay all had their hands raised up high. "Okay! Now for Luhan asking Sehun?" Chanyeol, Jongin, and Tao raised their hands. "So you two think they will die alone?" Chanyeol laughed as Baekhyun and Kris both shook their heads "yes". "Well, you two are going to lose because Luhan is definitely asking Sehun, right buddy?" Chanyeol winked in my direction. I groaned at the sudden pressure on my shoulders. 

      "What are you guys doing?" Jongdae asked as he and Minseok walked into the kitchen. Jongdae caught my eyes as Chanyeol rapidly explained what was going on. "Luhan-hyung, Sehun is looking for you." I nodded a thanks and left hearing Jongdae and Minseok both bet on me asking Sehun. What was wrong with all of them? Making bets on their friends love life? Who even does that? 


      "Sehun-ah?" I called into the empty bedroom. I screamed as a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist, squeezing me tightly while lifting me slightly off the ground.

      "Did I scare you?" Sehun breathed hotly into my ear before letting me go with an airy laugh. With a hand on my rapidly beating heart, I turned around with a shaking laugh. "I didn't mean to scare you that bad." He grinned patting my head lightly.

      "Hey! Don't do that." I hit the youngers hands away. "You always treat me like I'm younger than you. I'm your hyung for crying out loud! Your hyung!" I huffed, crossing my arms and putting on a very grown up pouty face.

      "I'm sorry hyung," He cooed pinching my cheeks with a laugh as I tried to bite his hand. "You're too cute." He winked before turning to walk away. I watched him, slightly agitated at not being taken seriously by the younger, before calling out to him.

      "Sehun-ah! Jongdae said you wanted to see me?" I asked. He turned around with sly grin.

      "Yep, I wanted to see you." He said point blank. I stared at him waiting for him to go on. He caught my drift and gave a sheepish grin. "Now I've seen my handsome hyung so I'm going to go get some lunch, do you want to come? Kyungsoo made the most amazing sandwiches!" I raised my eyebrows as he turned back around, rubbing the back of his neck. "If you don't come I'm eating your share."

      "Yah, don't you dare Oh Sehun!" I yelled, pushing past the younger with a wink. "Hurry up slow poke." I yelled over my shoulder to the laughing boy. The thoughts of the bet completely erased from my mind for the time being. Sadly, that wasn't going to be for long.  




Two updates in one day?!?! What kind of witch craft is this?! It's definitely not because I'm a fifteen year old girl with no social life I can tell you that...

So, I've finally sort of figured out the plot for this story! (Three chapters in and I'm just now figuring out the plot. What can I say? I'm just an excellent planner) Be ready for some slight angst in up in coming chapters, hint hint.

(Don't hold me to that, it could change at any moment... but as of right now, be prepared for fluffy-sadness to come)

Don't forget to subscribe, comment, and vote if you like the story! I really enjoy feedback of all kinds c; 

Thank you so much for sticking with this lame story and A/N. I hope to post the fourth chapter soon. And I promise it will be longer than this short chapter. Thank you again<33














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Sorry for the lack of updates. Please wait a little longer for me. Thank you all for the continued support while I've been away. Be prepared for updates!


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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!