What Do You Want?

...Do I Love You?

      I bit into my fourth sandwich happily, ignoring the disapproving gazes Kyungsoo shot in my direction. I could careless about his judgmental looks. As of right now, nothing could spoil my perfect day. No matter what anyone says or does, nothing would bring my spirits down. That is how absolutely amazing my day was.

      You are the man Oh Sehun. You are the freaking man! First, you started off your day by getting a kiss on the cheek by none other than Xi Luhan; which, we all know, is a gift thrown down from the great gods above all on its own. But no no, your luck did not stop there. Uh, uh, not at all. You then took a leap of faith and proceed to successfully plant a surprise back hug on the little deer boy while using a cheesy pick up line at the same time! Oh Sehun, today is your day. You are the best. I nodded at my self praising thoughts with a small grin pursed upon my lips as I picked up my fifth sandwich of the day. Of course this earned a disapproving 'tsk' noise from Kyungsoo that I easily brushed off.

      "Sehun-ah," I glanced up as Minseok-hyung called my name sweetly. "Are you going to eat the table next?" I laughed at his statement only to get a seriously concerned look back. "When is the last time you've eaten? You're acting as if you've never seen food before." Some of the other members nodded in agreement as I shrugged. Kyungsoo gave another disapproving click of his tongue as he exchanged an unreadable glance with Minseok.    

      "Hey! Don't blame me. Kyungsoo just makes the best sandwiches on the face of the Earth. I just can't control myself." I threw up my hands in defense before getting up from the table. Kyungsoo turned around, giving me a grateful smile to show his thanks for my kind words, before turning back around to eat his own food.

      "These are the worst sandwiches Kyungsoo has ever made," I heard Jongin mutter from underneath his breath as I left the kitchen. To no ones surprise, this was quickly followed up by a loud slapping sound and a scream. Whether you hate the food or love it, always praise Kyungsoo. That was the number one rule in the life; something Jongin has failed to learn no matter how many times he's hit. 

      Honestly speaking, Jongin was right. The sandwiches weren't good at all. Actually, they were probably the absolute worst thing I've ever eaten; besides the burnt toast that Kris made one time for breakfast when Kyungsoo was sick and everyone else was too lazy to get up and make food. No, the only reason I continued to eat those terrible sandwiches was because of where they were placed on the table, not at all because I liked them.

      The tray containing the horrid sandwiches was placed directly in front of the boy that I found myself obsessing over in every other thought I made. It may seem dumb, but every time I reached for a new sandwich, I got to look at him. And every time I got to look at him, a bubbly sensation arose inside my stomach. And every time that bubbly sensation started inside my stomach, the more I wanted to look at him, to be with him. The more I wanted to talk to him, hug him, and see him smile. The more I looked at that perfect boy, the more I wanted to be able to call him my own.

      Xi Luhan, what are you doing to me? 


      "What do you want Chanyeol?" I looked up from the book I was reading, feeling annoyed by the taller boy's presence. For the past five minutes, Chanyeol had been standing right in front of me with a cheesy grin plastered upon his face. I had tried to ignore him but it was beginning to creep me out; the way he just stood there, not saying a single word, just smiling. I eventually gave in, in hopes that he would soon leave so that I could get back to my book. "What is so gosh darn important that you just have to stand there and watch me without so much as blinking?" 

      His creepy grin grew wider, if that was even possible, as he took my question as an invitation to take a seat next to me. "So, during lunch I was thinking." He started. I snorted out a laugh, not being able to hide my amusement. "What? Is it so weird for me to think?" I nodded enthusiastically, earning a groan of irritation from the latter. "That's besides the point hyung!" he whined pulling on my arm like a helpless child.

      "Okay, okay! What were you thinking about?" I asked, trying to release my arm from his sudden, increasingly strong, grip on my frail arm. A grin spread across his mouth for the third time as he stared at me once again without saying a single word. "Chanyeol, stop doing that. It's freaking creepy." 

      He frowned and turned away, hurt by my blunt, but entirely true, statement. "Fine then Luhan-hyung. Since you're being so mean, I won't tell you my expert plan on how to get you and the maknae together." Muttering angrily, the tall boy slowly stood up from the couch, getting ready to leave. 

      "Wait!" Grabbing a hold of his arm, I quickly pulled him back down next to me. "Tell me," I pleaded quietly. He smiled at my eagerness before glancing quickly around the crowded living room.

      I copied him, mockingly glancing around the living room, only to let out a gasp. Panic arose from inside of me, seeping out every cell of my body, as I noticed Sehun sitting on the couch opposite of us, playing a game on his phone. Oh my god, what if he heard! I mean, he isn't even looking in our direction but there's always the slight chance he could have over heard something!

      Actually, now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't be much of a problem if he did hear. I saw how every time at lunch when he would reach for a sandwich, he would stare at me with that stupid, love struck grin making its way onto his lips each time. Ah, he's so adorable, thinking he's being sneaky when he isn't at all. It's just so cute how he went through that much trouble of eating five of those awful sandwiches just to try and steal a glance of me when he thought I wasn't looking. How I wanted so badly to "accidentally" reach for the same sandwich as him, letting our hands linger on top of each others for a spilt second before seeing him blush and pull his hand away. "You can have it hyung," he would have stuttered and-

      Luhan! Focus! He probably didn't hear anything that Chanyeol was saying, which is good. God, it would still have been so embarrassing if he heard Chanyeol giving me love advice on how to ask him out though! How could Chanyeol be so stupid to bring that up here! 

     Once my realization had sunk in, I stood up as fast as I could, knocking the taller boy slightly off his feet. "Let's talk in my room."

      Turning around, I began heading back towards my room with Chanyeol right on my heels before quickly spinning back around as another realization hit me; this one being far worse than the first. "First, go tell Baekhyun where you'll be and what you'll be doing. I can already imagine him taking this innocent little talk the completely wrong way and putting us both through hell for weeks on end before even giving us a chance to explain what we were doing."

      Without a second thought, Chanyeol sped off to his already suspicious boyfriend. 


     "Sehun-ah!" I glanced up lazily from the game I had been playing on my phone at the sound of Tao's voice. "What are you doing?" He smiled sweetly, before taking a seat next to me on the couch. 

     "Playing a game," I murmured suspiciously. Tao had sounded so sweet just now. My face found itself in a frown as I watch the boy next to me try and figure out what game I was playing. Something was up. There were only three times on this planet when Tao resorted to using his sweet voice. Let's see the list, shall we?

  1. When he wanted food.
  2.  When he wanted money or new clothes. 
  3.  When he wanted Kris back in their bedroom for only lord knows what reason. 

     There was no way in hell that I was going to help him with that third option. No matter how cute Zitao could be, I refused to help get my best friend laid. Option one was out of the question also, seeing that we just ate lunch. So option two is the winner today it seems.

     "Tao, I'm going to tell you this flat out. I'm dead broke. Whatever new Gucci accessory you want, tell Kris to buy it for you." I stated bluntly before going back to my game. Laughter was all that met my ears.

     "Oh, silly Sehunnie! Always thinking that I want something," I grimaced as he started to pinch and pull on my cheeks. "How cute," Yes, it was confirmed. Zitao definitely wanted something desperately.

      "Actually, I came here to give you advice." I pulled away from my friend, not interested in whatever "advice" he had to offer. "Hey, don't tune me out just yet! This advice is useful!"

     "And what makes this advice so very useful?" I scoffed at the gleaming panda next to me.

     "Because, my lovable friend, it's advice on how to get Luhan to ask you out!" I felt my breath hitch in my throat as my heart skipped a beat or two.

     "Zitao, spit it out right now," I commanded, turning my head slowly to face him, narrowing my eyes in the process. A playful laugh was all that was returned to me. "Zitao," I repeated once more. "Now."

     "For someone who didn't want my advice five seconds ago, you sure are interested now. Come on," He smiled, getting up and extending a hand out towards me. "Let's talk in my room." Though something in the back of my mind told me that this was a very bad idea, I took his hand and followed him eagerly. All he wanted to do was give me advice, what could go wrong?




(Important!! Please read through to the end!!!)

I'm so sorry this took so long to get out guys! Thank you for everyone who waited patiently for this very short and lame chapter! Now, I wasn't just being a lazy author-nim though!! This chapter was held back due to my Baekyeol angst oneshot. Please click on the link below and help me by supporting that fanfiction also if you haven't already! 


Also! I am now a staff member in a review shop called "Yifan's Honest Reviews and Recommendations". We review any type of fanfictions written on AFF and also give recommendations. Please help support us by clicking the link below. 


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Jeez, that was a lot of advertising there! Now, because I feel like I've been ignoring you guys so much lately, please keep your eyes pealed for a surprise later on this week!! ^-^ Check this story feed for hints~~ (Does that also count as advertising...hmm..)

Thank you again for reading and can I just say, I love you all who subscribe, vote, comment, or even just take the time to read. And here's a big, hearty hug to you, you ,because I love you!!!<33  

Thank you once again and may you have a fabulous day!!<33


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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!