Why Now of All Times?

...Do I Love You?

I can't believe I'm about to do this. I paced around my room as Suho watched with a concerned expression on his face. Should I do it? I mean, I wouldn't mind pushing Luhan up against a wall. But what if he rejects me? What if he really just thinks of me as some immature kid? What if he doesn't take me seriously? Is Tao's plan really worth the risk? Doubt clouded my mind as I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.


"Sehun," Suho cooed from his bed, putting on his best concerned, leader-like smile. "What's wrong?" I smiled at him and stopped pacing around. "What's bothering you?"


"Hyung, I'm scared." I sighed as he scooted over on the bed so I could sit down next to him. He cocked his head sideways as if to ask why. "I'm going to try and ask Luhan-hyung out today but I'm afraid he'll reject me." A knowing smile found its way onto my leaders face.


"Oh, Sehun-ah, don't be scared." He said as he draped an arm around my shoulders. "Have confidence in yourself."

"But hyung! What if he rejects me? What would I do then?" I whined, burying my face into his shoulder. He laughed and my hair as he would to comfort a small child.


"You tell him that you understand his feelings and that you want to still be friends. You can't force someone to love you Sehun. If it turns out Luhan just wants to be friends then so be it. Be the best friend you can be; for him and for yourself as well. And who knows, maybe he'll end up loving you anyway," I stared up at Suho in awe. He was so wise; he always knew what to say and when to say it. Though I admit to tuning him out a lot whenever he's lecturing us about complaining to much or not working hard enough, I do appreciate everything he does for us; for EXO.


He always looks out for all s, whether we are the oldest or the youngest of the group. He tries to help us with all our problems and makes sure to stay smiling twenty-four-seven. Sometimes I wish I could see that smile break; to see him cry. Not because I wish for him to be unhappy, I would never wish that upon someone as loving and caring as he, but just so I could tell him "It's okay". Let him know that it's okay to cry in front of us every once in awhile. That it's okay to share him problems with us and relieve his stress. That it is okay to get mad at us and to throw a fit. That he doesn't have to act so nice, so caring, so tough, so much like a leader all the time. It's okay to rely on us a little and let us, as EXO, share some of his burdens. It's okay to just be human. To let us take care of him, help him, cheer him up when he's down. I wish that I could, at least one time, be there for my beloved hyung.  


"Sehun-ah? Did you listen to me?" Suho poked my cheek, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Gosh, you kids never listen to me these days." He rolled his eyes as he pushed me off his shoulder. "I understand though. You're probably overwhelmed right now with the thought of asking your love out." He gave out a hearty laugh before standing up. "Sehun, stop worrying about it. You're a great kid and, if it makes you feel better, Luhan does like you a lot. Just go for it little one. Fighting!" He cheered with a wink as he bent down and placed a fatherly kiss on the top of my head. I smiled as he danced out of the room before standing up.


"Sehun, fighting!" I cheered, feeling revived from the pep talk. Time to make my move!  


I left my room running straight into Luhan. I didn't want to make my move this quickly! My face went red as he stumbled backwards, surprised by my sudden appearance. "Sehunnie," He smiled once he finally regained his composure. "Slow down there honey. You scared the living daylights out of me!" He laughed throwing a hand on my shoulder. Luhan just called me "Sehunnie" and "honey" in the same sentence...what is life? My face grew even redder at the thought. I quickly looked away from my hyungs bright eyes, afraid he would notice how red I was, while shrugging his arm off my shoulder.


"Sorry hyung, guess I was in kind of a hurry." I murmured out. God Sehun, act like a normal human being. It's just Luhan. Go ahead and start the plan. You can do it!


"Oh? Where are you going?" He asked taking a step closer to me. I gulped and backed up, my back hitting my bedroom door softly. "Hmm?" He leant forward, his face just inches from my own. Looking at the way things were going, Luhan would end up stealing my own plan from me!


"I-I was just going to help Kyungsoo make dinner!" I stuttered out, placing my hands on his chest and slightly pushing him away. His eyebrows raised in disbelief and a smirk found its way onto his oh so perfectly shaped lips.


"Kyungsoo isn't even home Sehunnie. He and Jongin went on a date like they do every Friday." He laughed out matter a factly.


"Oh." I responded lamley. His innocent smile reappeared but something suspicious still lingered in his eyes. I jumped as one of his hands wrapped around my waist. "Hyung?" His body pressed against mine roughly as he pulled me into a tight hug. Warm breath hit my neck sending shivers down my spine tensing up my whole body. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I positive he could feel it too.


All too soon he pulled away. "Sorry about that Sehunnie. I just really needed a hug." He laughed before ruffling my hair and skipping away.






Luhan, you are the man! You just hugged your crush for no good reason and left him standing there speechless as you skipped away like the freaking boss that you are. Not wanting to advance my relationship with Sehun? Pssh, whatever Chanyeol. As far as things are concerned, I just took it to the next level. I pumped my fists in the air, so caught up in my own congratulatory speech, that I didn't notice all the looks the rest of EXOM gave me as I entered the living room.


"Nice of you to join us Luhan." Kris sighed as I suddenly remembered the meeting I was supposed to attend with the rest of EXOM earlier today. "Luckily for you we started late. As usual." He shot an accusing look over at Tao who merely shrugged his shoulders with a wink while making a kissy face. Bowing my head apologetically, I took a seat on the sofa next to a cuddling Jongdae and Minseok.


"Okay guys, I have some news. It could be good, bad, scary, exciting, or however you want to take it honestly. Just shut up for a few seconds and let me share it with you all. Then we can discuss it if needed." I sighed as Kris started his speech. He was so different from Suho. Suho always tried to sugarcoat everything; make sure none of us got hurt by the news he was sharing. As a softy at heart, I preferred that kind of news telling. Kris on the other hand just told us straight up what was going down. At times, when I get mad at him, I wonder why he was chosen as our leader. I'm just as capable of leading a group as he, not that I would want to be the leader anyway. I knew why he chosen though; it was clear to everyone. He was caring and kind behind all that cold-hearted bull. He looked out for us and though he wasn't a "mother figure" like Suho, he was still very respectable. He had every quality of a good leader and all in all, he was the perfect one for us. The only one for us.


"Boys, in three days we will start our promotions in China. That's right, we're finally going to debut. We're going to China." The room fell into a shocked silence.


"Are you serious?" Jongdae breathed out in disbelief in which Kris nodded with a reassuring smile. The whole room around me seemed to blur as if time slowed down. I watched as tears of happiness spilled out from Tao's eyes as he jumped into our leaders arms. Lay sat in silence, not quite sure on how to react. I myself didn't know how to feel. We were going to debut; make our biggest dream of all time come true. This was the biggest thing that has happened in my life besides being accepted into SME. Everything I've worked for, all that training, all the sweat and tears that I poured out, everything would finally be put into good use. And it was all to happen in my home. For the first time in forever I was finally going home.


I glanced up at our two Korean members. Tears ran down both of their cheeks as they hugged each other tightly. They were happy, obviously, but I knew they were also feeling something way more complex than just that. They were scared; terrified. This would be the first time for both of them to travel to China. Though they both could speak decent Chinese, do to an immense amount of training, it would be their first time actually in China. They were going to be living, for months in a foreign country, away from their families, doing something that they themselves weren’t even sure about. Without a doubt, they were ultimately overcome with fear.


Right in that moment I decided I would watch out for them in China just as they did for me here. Just as Kris and Suho looked out for all of us. Just as Sehun did for me.




"What about Sehun?" I muttered under my breath. Without a second thought I raced out of the room. Why were we going to China now? Right when I finally realize my love for Sehun. Why now of all times?






 "I'm so dumb," I murmured, flopping down on my bed. "I couldn't even hug Luhan back when he hugged me. I just stood there like an idiot!" I groaned out to the inanimate objects around my room. Sighing, I rolled over holding my still fastly beating heart. "He probably thinks I'm a weirdo-" My thoughts were cut off mid-sentence by the abrupt knocking at my door. The person didn't wait for me to answer as the door swung open. I bit my tongue from making a bratty remark when I saw who it was. "Luhan?" His beautiful eyes slowly looked up at me, tears pouring out from them in heavy flowing streams that ran over every inch of his stunning face. Without questioning him, I got up and pulled the boy into my embrace, shutting the door behind us.


His fingers grasped my shirt in fist fulls as his tears soaked my shoulder. "S-Sehun," He choked out softly.


"Shh, don't speak. It's okay," I murmured, rubbing slow circles on his back with my hands, pulling him closer to me.


"S-Sehun, we're going to China," The sentence came out chocked, broken up between his sobs. I froze as realization sunk in. Luhan was going to China?


"Then why are you crying silly?" I laughed out nervously. Shouldn't Luhan be happy? If they're going to China then that means that debut is just around the corner. Plus, Luhan's from China. After all these months of training he was finally going back home to live out his dream.


"Because, I-I'm scared." He wailed out, pushing out of my grasp and holding me shoulder length away. His eyes wandered over my face as if to take in every little detail. Both of his hand slowly came up to caress my cheeks, wiping away the tears that I myself didn’t even realize were falling. "I'm scared of losing you Sehunnie," and with that one sentence hanging in the air, his lips found mine.   





Ahh, ending the chapter with a kiss~ kekeke, what will happen next? I'm giving away no hints~~! 

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Please have the most wonderful wonderful day^-^

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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!