What Should I Do?

...Do I Love You?

      How could I of been so stupid? Tao just wanted to "give me advice"? Bull; that little liar. Sure, he gave me his "advice" and told, well, more of showed, me his "brilliant plan", but it didn't come for free. Not at all.

      What kind of friend does that? Who makes someone clean their entire room, from top to bottom, just because you gave them some advice that may or may not come in handy later on? Bull to "just giving advice". That indeed was, completely and entirely, black mail. 

~A Few Minutes Before Hand~

      "What is this oh so brilliant plan you're so proud of?" I asked as Tao, rather roughly, pushed me into his room. There was no reply to my question. Instead, all I heard the door shut behind me softy and then, much to my dismay, a click of the lock. Immediately, I scanned the room for other escape routes. Tao only locked the door when he either was going to threaten you to do something or wanted no one to disturb his alone time with Kris.

      I, obviously, was not Kris.

      "You didn't actually think I'd just straight up tell you, did you?" Tao's mischievous laughter pierced my ears. My heart sank as I realized there would be no escaping this evil panda no matter what I did. I had literally walked straight into my doom. What should I do?

      "Can't you just tell me? I'm not really in the mood for your little blackmailing pranks," I started off slowly. Wrong move. The boy in front of me narrowed his eyes, clenching his teeth in the process. If looks could kill, I would slowly be dying right now; slowly and, without a doubt, painfully. I gulped as the Chinese boy moved closer to me, step by step, until he had me backed up against the wall.

       "Sehun-ah," he hissed in my ear. I winced as his hot breath hit my cheek and ran down the back of my neck. I held up my hands in cowardly defense as he moved closer to me, almost completely closing what little space lay between us. He brought up his hand, brushing it against my cheek gently, before bringing his mouth to hover over the spot where his hand had been."Sehun-ah," he whispered again, voice dripping with lust.

      His eyes found mine, something dark and unreadable in his expression. He gracefully grabbed my chin with his fore finger and thumb before lifting it slightly up. A smile unfolded on his beautiful lips as I braced myself for what was to come next. With eyes half lidded, he slowly moved closer to face. My breath hitched in my throat as his lips ever so slightly brushed over mine. I closed my eyes, wishing for him to stop teasing me, not feeling the slightest guilt that I was in picturing him to be Luhan. "Sehun-ah," his lips moved over mine once more, this time not as lightly. I then released a gasp as his presence completely vanished from in front of me. 


      Five minutes later, after trying to murder Tao, which just ended up with me in a headlock and almost knocked unconscious because "why the hell would I, a simple peasant dare to try and beat up the wushu master?", I finally calmed down and Tao explained his little scenario he had just displayed. "Sehun, you are hilarious! Not the fact that you just tried to kill me and failed, even though that was pretty much the highlight of my day by far, but how you completely fell for my trick! You should of seen the look on your face. You were so red and your eyes just screamed 'Make out with me already!'" The glare I sent Tao was enough to make him stop laughing and get back to explaining what exactly he had been doing. "I was showing you my plan! You're going to do that to Luhan!"

      He cleared his throat awkwardly as I continued to glare at him, letting what he said sink in. "What the hell?" Tao wanted me to push sweet, innocent, baby faced, deer eyed, Luhan against a wall and be, shall we say, ual all over him? Tao wanted me to tease Luhan like he did me? "What the hell?"  I repeated, dumbfounded. "Why on Earth would I do that to Luhan? I'm not like you. It's not out of character for you to push Kris up against the wall and make out with him. But for me to do that with Luhan? Not going to happen." 

      "Why the heck not Oh Sehun?" Tao practically screeched. "It's a foolproof plan! Nothing could go wrong!" 

      "Except," I cut off his ridiculous speech. "Luhan could get mad at me and push me away. If it turned out he doesn't like me and I do this, it could ruin our friendship forever." I sighed. Just thinking about not being friends with Luhan upset me. 

      "But he does like you! And, if you pull away like I did and say 'Gotcha!' he'll be over two-hundred percent in love with you. Then he'll for surely ask you out! Please, I'm trying to be a good friend and help you out. The least you could do is consider my plan." Seeing Tao's biggest pouty face on display, I had no other option but to give in and thank him.

      "Thank you for looking out for me. It really means a lot," I sighed, starting for the door. He smiled, pleased with what I said, before a frown reappeared on his lips.

      "Where do you think you're going?" I paused, mid-way of opening the door. Letting out a shaky laugh, I turned back around. "I gave you advice, you need to do your part too." I screamed internally as Tao drug me back into his room before I had the chance to run away.

Please, oh please, let me come away from this alive.   



      I watched as Chanyeol plopped down on my bed, smile still resting firmly on his lips. "Chanyeol, get the freak off of my bed!" I yelled as sweetly as I could muster while shutting the door behind me. He quickly scrambled to the floor, finally remembering the awful kick to the I gave him the last time he sat on my precious bed. Once he got settled on his spot on the hardwood, and me wrapped up in my blankets looking down at him, he took a deep breath and started to reveal his expert plan. 

      "So, you like the maknae," I nodded even though it was more of a rhetorical question. He merely smiled up at me before proceeding onto his next thought.

      Chanyeol had been one of the first people to figure out that I liked Sehun. Everyone had known that I had always been close with the younger boy, and no one was surprised that the company ordered us to start showing a bunch of skin ship, but everybody only thought we were just friends. That we had that "little brother, older brother" relationship. It had been Chanyeol and Minseok to finally figure out that I thought of him as something much more complex than just a little brother.

      I had been glad for it to be those two to figure it out before everyone else did. Minseok is a nice and caring hyung. He never teased me when I finally confirmed his theory but instead said he actually thought it was a rather cute crush. He supported me and even promised to help me find out if Sehun thought of me as something more too. A few days after speaking with Minseok, Chanyeol confronted me about my crush. I was ultimately surprised when I found out that Chanyeol knew also. He commented, "Hyung, you're so obvious. How does Sehun not know you like him?" which was ironic because, at the time, he had no clue how much Baekhyun liked him. Chanyeol didn't tease me either and gave me light-hearted advice whenever I sought it. And now was no different.  

      "So, because I really think you should ask Sehun out, and I really want to win the bet, that's the type of plan I came up with." Chanyeol started. He also knew I wanted to be asked out by Sehun rather than the other way around. I figured being asked out would be so much more romantic than asking someone out anyway. Plus, since I am me, I would just end up making a fool out of myself and messing up anyway. 

      "Go ahead and tell me your plan. I probably won't use it, but I'll listen since you made such a big deal about it out in the living room," The smile on his face grew wider upon hearing those words. 

      "Sehun really likes you hyung. He's so love struck that, honestly, it's a little too mushy for my tastes. You know he's really in love with you when I think it's way too happy and sweet." I laughed at my friends statement. I thought love struck Sehun was cute. "Anyway, since he's so in love, I think it's only fair for you to ask him out in a really romantic way. It can't be something cliche either. It needs to be from the heart and it should express all the love you feel for him. It should be sort of like a once in a life time thing. Something so precious and sweet that he'll never forget it. So, with all that being said, I think you should write him a song." 

      I gawked at my friend. "A song?" Did he really want me to write Sehun a song? How cheesy could you get? "No! I can't write him a song!" I yelled, shoving a pillow in Chanyeol's face. A muffled "Why not?" came a few seconds later. "Why not? Because that's so embarrassing!" 

      Chanyeol finally escaped the pillow, gasping for air. "But it's so sweet! Sehun would be so touched that he would start crying and then you could swoop him up in your arms, kiss his forehead, and whisper in his ear that you love him. It would be the most romantic thing ever!" I couldn't help but bust out laughing at the tall boy's fantasy. 

      "I'm not going to do it. That is way too embarrassing," I muttered, blushing red at the mere thought of singing to Sehun. What if I messed it up? What if I forgot the words? What if I mispronounce something? So many things could go wrong; it was way too much of a risk. I just couldn't bring myself to say yes to that sort of plan. 

      A serious, and slightly annoyed look appeared on Chanyeol face as he got up and headed for the door. I cocked my head in confusion and was about to call out to the taller boy as he turned around. "You know Luhan, sometimes you need to man up and take charge. Sehun is a little boy, he's our precious maknae, and I can't stand to see him so in love with you when you obviously will never even try to advance your relationship. I try to help you, but you insist on Sehun asking you out. If Sehun was older, and had the experience of loving someone before you came around, then maybe he could ask you out. But Sehun is only eighteen, he's never done anything like this before. It's unfair for him, and pretty darn selfish of you, for you to just sit there and expect him to make all the moves. Sometime you have to do embarrassing things for love Luhan. And if you can't even do that, you don't deserve the love that's being given to you. I'm sick of watching Sehun run around like a love sick puppy. You need to face your fears, man up, and fix this hyung. Stop making my friend suffer." And with that he left the room. 

      Was I really being so selfish and unfair? I never really thought about it like that. Maybe I should try and work a little harder, for Sehun's sake. Though the idea of asking him out still terrifies me, Chanyeol did have a point. Sehun is young and he doesn't deserve to have me making him try and figure out this love thing all on his own. Chanyeol's right, I really do need to stop dragging this out. 

      I fell over in my bed and curled my knees up to my chest, letting the blanket fall completely over my head. A wave of pity, for myself and for my love, washed over me. What should I do? A groan escaped my lips as Chanyeol's plan was the only option that popped into my head. 




Is Tao's plan or Chanyeol's plan better? Tell me your thought in the comments below! (That way it'll motivate me to write about which ever one y'all are most excited about, haha). 

Look at the new graphic guise!!! xD Ahh, I love it so much!!!! Thank you RegineKim!

♦Fabulous Graphic Made By: RegineKim 

RegineKim Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/608048 

Sorry for taking such a long time to update! I always promise to update and then I don't so this time I'm not promising anything so that hopefully I'll update super soon! (My wonderful logic right there).

Also, don't forget to subscribe, comment, vote, and check out my other stories! Thank you so much for reading!! I love you guys! It may seem lame and cheesy but it really makes my world when I see the comments that y'all give me or when I get a new subscriber. I just want to hug you all! Thank you so much once again. Have a fabulous day!!<3

**Reminder: This is set back in the MAMA time period. That's why Sehun is only eighteen^-^



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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!