Why Do I Feel Like This?

...Do I Love You?

        I had come into the living room in hopes of watching a movie with the members. Jongin had suggested it and Chanyeol immediately agreed on the spot. The movie was chosen quickly as we all took seats around the living room. I couldn't help but notice how close Jongin sat to Kyungsoo. I also noticed that when Chanyeol put his arm around Baekhyun's shoulders the singer snuggled casually into his chest, as if they've done this thousands of times. Did I miss something somewhere along the line? 

         I looked around the room and quickly noticed Suho and Lay snuggled up together, whispering words unheard by the rest of us. Chen and Minseok sat next to them, both awkwardly stealing looks of each other when they thought the other wasn't watching. It was cute, weird but I had to admit cute, watching the four of them. Strangely, I began to feel a little left out. 

        I gave a happy smile as Tao sat down next to me but it disappeared right away as the other quickly left without a word when he saw Kris sit down in the empty love seat. I knew that M's maknae had a serious leader complex, but I was surprised at how quickly he had left me. I was a little jealous to see my best friend snuggling up innocently next to the unknowing leader but pushed the thought aside. 

        "Okay guys, it's starting now." Luhan said from his spot on the opposite couch, next to Minseok and Chen. I wondered if he also noticed that everybody had a snuggle partner besides us two. He didn't seem to mind as he leaned back on the couch with a slight grin as the movie started. My mind slowly began to wander as I imagined snuggling up to my loving, deer eyed hyung. Shaking my head, I shot down a laugh. I simply couldn't picture it. 

        Halfway into the movie I began to feel extremely uncomfortable from my spot next to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. How the hell could the other members not notice what was going on? The two were practically on top of each other making out! As Baekhyun let out another soft moan, I quickly scooted as far I could to the other end of the couch. Why wasn't anyone getting on to them? I screamed with disgust from the inside my head as the two got more into their heated make out session.

        Glancing around the room, I couldn't hide my astonishment. What was with all my hyungs today? Every couple were now not watching the movie but full immersed in each other. No wonder no one was yelling at the BaekYeol couple. There was no way they could with all their tongues down each others throats! I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the only other person in the room that could be as disgusted as I was with the rest of our group.

        Stop looking at me like that hyung. I screamed inwardly as the deer eyed boy continued to stare at me from his spot on the opposite couch. It was driving me insane as he would stare at me without blinking, his lips a few times, smile, and then continue staring. The way his dark orbs sparkled as he chuckled at a joke only he knew drove me nuts. His eyes wandered all over my body making me feel extremely self conscious and I had no idea why. He was just my hyung. Maybe I'm reading too far into this? I couldn't help but notice the fact that he didn't even bother trying to hide that he was staring at me as he his lips again. Dear god... Please, stop it. 

        He tilted his head and this time looked at me directly in the eyes, his innocent look back. I held his gaze sternly, trying as hard as I could to not show how extremely uncomfortable I was. He then mouthed the words "let's go". I watch him, confused as he got up and started walking back to his bedroom. Without much thought, I let my legs follow my hyung. 


        "God, I really needed to get away from there." Luhan sighed, falling face first on his bed as I shut the door. I nodded in agreement and shuffled over to sit on his bed before remembering the awful kick Luhan planted on my the last time I tried to sit down and decided that the floor was the better option. "Like, Baekhyun and Chanyeol literally had their tongues completely down each others throats. How could they even breathe? And oh my god, did you see Kyungsoo and Jongin? I thought they might of just had right then and there!" I laugh quietly as my hyung continued to rant about our members. The look in his eyes was completely different from the look he gave me on the couch making me wonder if I had just imagined it.

        As he continued to talk, I couldn't help but notice how his brown hair fell over his flawless face, contrasting perfectly with his fair skin. His doe like eyes sparkled as he talked and his lips tied the whole package together like a pretty present.

        What would it be like to snuggle with him? I wondered after awhile. To hold him in my arms protectively? To run my hands through his perfect hair, having his eyes sparkle up at me as our lips molded together perfectly- Stop it! Oh Sehun, you are a disgusting, disgusting creature. You're such a ert! How could you think that about your innocent hyung?  

        I groaned as I inwardly yelled at myself. Why was I even thinking like that? Luhan would be so disgusted with me. Shaking my head I looked up and immediately jumped. 

        "Sehun, I was asking if you were okay. You weren't responding to anything that I was saying." Luhan informed me from his position so dangerously close to my face. From where he was, I could make out the exact details of his face, from his perfect cheekbones to each and every individual eyelash. I winced as I felt his hot breath glide over my face. His sweet scent engulfed my thoughts as I took a breath. His mouth was so close that if I just leaned forward half an inch our lips would brush together.

        His tongue ran over his lips once more and I had to hold back from going through with that last thought. "Oh? Uh, yeah hyung, I'm fine." I laughed out nervously. Luhan seemed to not be fooled by my statement as he furrowed his brows together and somehow managed to get closer to my face without committing any ual acts. His eyes pleaded me for the actual answer.

        Actually hyung, nothing is fine. You are driving me completely and utterly insane and I have no idea why. Every look you give me makes my heartbeat speed up. Every smile you flaunt on your oh so perfect lips makes me melt inside. Every twinkle in your beautiful, round eyes sends chills down my spin. Every time your angelic voice hits my ears, it's like a lullaby. Every single damn thing you do makes my thoughts go fuzzy and my body heat up.

        "I'm just a little tired, that's all." Good one Sehun. Way to speak the honest, whole hearty truth. 

        "You're tired?" Luhan questioned, moving back to his original position. I wanted so badly to pull him back to me it hurt. A grin suddenly sliced across his face. "Sleep with me tonight!" And without knowing how, I choked on the ing air. 

        "Sleep with you?" I coughed out. He just smiled widely and scooted over on his bed patting the space next to him. "This isn't some sort of prank just so you can kick me again, right?" The dark haired boy looked taken aback by my untrusting stare. 

        "Me? Prank you? Never." He gasped out before laughing. "This isn't a prank Sehun, I'm serious. Sleep with me tonight." He pouted as I took my turn to furrow my eyebrows. Sleep in the same bed with Luhan? Would I be able to live through that? My body might explode- Oh, shut up Sehun! You know you want to so just do it! What could happen? Just two friends sleeping together. No. Big. Deal. 

        "Sure, I'll sleep with you tonight." Luhan clapped his hands happily as I cautiously slid onto the bed. He lifted his foot and laughed as I ducked and rolled straight onto the floor. 

        "Got ya!" Mischief gleamed in his eyes as I scowled, clapping sarcastically at his lame prank. He got up and did a bow before hopping over to his messy closet. "You can just wear a pair of my pajamas," He informed me as I took a spot on Luhan's precious bed. 

        "You sure?" His response was nailing me in the face with the clothes. I stood up and quickly turned around when I saw Luhan already changing, his toned chest a master piece all its own. I quickly slipped on the pants, surprised that the length was right. As I reached for the shirt it vanished. I looked down on the bed and then by my feet but there was no shirt to be found. A mischievous laugh told me where my shirt was. 

        "Looking for this?" He grinned playfully holding out the shirt. I reached for it but it moved out my grasped. I reached again and he pulled it away. I sighed as we repeated the process until I was full out chasing the Chinese boy all around his room. Not only were his eyes like a deer, but he moved like one too; prancing and bounding here and there, always one jump ahead of me. 

        "Luhan!" I whined as he leaped away once again, just right out of my reach. He merely laughed at my pouting look as I fell down onto his bed completely defeated. "Whatever! I'm sleeping shirtless!" I crossed my arms put on my biggest pouty face. 

        "Suit yourself then." 

        "Hyung!" I whined once more before he finally handed the shirt over to me with a silly smile. "Thank you." I huffed as I quickly put on the shirt, afraid he might snatch it away again. He smiled as he climbed into the bed next to me. Laying down, I scooted as far as I could away from him, trying to create space between us, but the older boy just followed me. He laid down next to me, his face once again dangerously close to mine. I quickly closed my eyes earning a laugh from the boy. 

        "Goodnight Sehun-ah," He sighed out tiredly. I murmured a goodnight, feeling the claws of sleep already trying to drag me to dreamland. They quickly faded as I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. Something soft and light touched my forehead shortly after. I held my breath as he pulled away from the soft kiss. "I love you. Sweet dreams," Luhan murmured so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear him. I popped open an eye to see the older boy had already fallen asleep, his breathing peaceful and deep. 

        I waited a bit before finally taking my chance. My mouth brushed over his lightly as I planted my very first kiss on his sleeping lips. I quickly broke away, the slight movement of his lips scaring me. "He was just breathing," I laugh softly when I realized. "Goodnight Luhan," My words floating in the silence, only to fall into deaf ears. "I love you,"  

       A smile laced over both of our lips that night as we flew away into a beautiful dream, a kiss captivating our every thought. 






Ahh~ my second short fanfic is now completed. Hm, it played out a lot better in my head. Anyway, thank you so much for reading my story! Please don't be a silent reader, leave some feedback for me~

Also, I'm thinking about continuing this fic on and making it a multi-chapter story so tell me what you think in the comments below. Thank you once again for reading my fanfic, it really means the world to me. ^-^ 








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bluebear16 #1
Chapter 6: WTH!! you cant leave it there!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!
Author!~ I love your fanficsss! Oh my gashhhhh I love youuuuu~ <3 I say Sehun should ask him out! >_< Awwww they are so cuteeeeeeeeee skxbdsjsjdb *~*
Haha and I love Jongin here XDDD
Chapter 5: Let lulu ask him out and then do the sehuna smexy time when they are already together XDD
Chapter 5: GURLLLLLLLLL. Tao's. DUH. Sehun y moves. Who WOULDN'T wanna see our baby maknae get all y with our innocent deer Luhan? Seriously girl. No competition.

RegineKim #6
Hey! Err.. You requested graphics for this story and I happened to pass by it and create you one... It's really simple, i don't know what I was thinking while creating this tbh :/ but I hope you like anyway. Oh! And if you don't like it then it's fine if you also don't use it... Well.. I hope you use it though... Anyways here it is:

Chapter 2: I finally got time to read it and I love it, so cute! good job author-nim!!! I'll read the rest soon, can't wait *-*
vaeliselva #8
Chapter 1: omg why i found myself blushed when i read this>///< oh sehun so cute:3
allsmiles #9
Chapter 4: Good chapter by the way!