Shopping for Food

Infinite's Hello Baby

Shmexxie Shopping Music :: Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye


.:L's POV:.

While Soomin and the others were in the house, we were walking around the distict shopping for groceries. We got a lot of stares, not just because we were part of Infinite, but we were being followed by a single camera crew.

"L-OPPA! SARANGHE~" I heard.

I smiled and waved, recieving squeals from the direction.



Wow fangirls get creepier by the day.

I spotted a supermarket and I motioned for the guys to come in with me.

A bunch of house wives were whispering something about match making.

"Okay guys, the plan is to grab whatever is good looking or tasting off the shelves. How much money do you have hyungs?" I said.

"I have 2,000 won," Dongwoo said.

"I have 15,000," Woohyun said,

"I have 16,000," I said, "So we have 33,000 in total." (About $31 USD)

I sighed, "New plan grab cheap edible thing and meet at the cash register in 10 minutes."


I ran to the nearest housewife, "Excuse me madam, would you mind showing me how to save on food? because I only have 16,000 won to spare."

"Oh my, why aren't you handsome, of course I will," she said.

I smiled and sighed of relief, these women know their stuff.

"This spaghetti is the most affordable pasta, so I suggest have Italian tonight, a box of this," she slapped the box in my hand.

"This tomato sauce is the best tasting, and most affordable," she passed the jar in my hand.

"And then as a side dish I suggest sauteed peppers and chicken," she passed me a sauce packet, and multi colored peppers.

I spotted Woohyun-hyung, "HYUNG!"

He came over to me, he was holding a packet of rice that could serve the 8 of us for two nights. He was also holding a chicken.

"I got help too," he said sheepishly, then he rolled the cart to me from two aisles away, I set the items down, "Wonder how Dongwoo is doing, he only has 2,000 to spare."

"GUYS! I GOT MILK!" he shouted. We burst out laughing.

"Ah! Mrs.Kim! Wow your daughter has quite the handsome boyfriend," a women said coming towards me.

"Haha no---"

"Of course, he's a famous singer," she said.

"I am not dating your daughter," I said.

"Oh Mrs. Kim, why should you make up such lies?"

"Umma, who is that?" I heard from behind me.

I turned, and I heard a loud squeal.

"This young man asked me to help him with grocery shopping," the housewife said.

"Thank you so much m'am," I kicked the cart from behind me to hyung, and was about to go off before the girl said, "Can I have your autograph oppa?"

I cringed and turned around smiling, "Of course," I took a quick picture with her and ran off with Woohyun.

We met Dongwoo at the cash register,  "Let's get home before the others get hungry."


"Your total is 39,000 won, would that be in cash or credit?" the cashier said.

"Hyung, what should we do?" I whispered.

"Fanservice." the three of us said at the same time.

"I am so sorry, I only have 33,000 with me," I said.

"Well I know what you can do to pay for the 6,000 won," she said.

"Fanservice," the three of us said together.

"Yeah," the cashier said.

"What would you like us to do?" Dongwoo asked.

"Can you guys go outside and scream 'Inspirits Saranghe'? I wanna see what happens." 

We sighed and walked outside with our backs hunched, then we cupped our hands around our mouths and shouted "INSPIRITS SARANGHE!"

We recieved a bunch of squeals and we quickly ran back into the supermarket before we could get attack by them.

The cashier handed us our groceries and we headed back to the house.


Okay so I have 2 more chapters coming up for you today <3

Love you guys! 

I am like dying of happiness because I reached 31 subscribers.

If you guys have anny requests please comment and tell me!

Comments and subscriptions are very much appreciated :D

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****