Almost Goodbye

Infinite's Hello Baby

.:Sungjong's POV:.

"The show's coming to an end soon..." Sunggyu-hyung said.

"Like I didn't know," Woohyun said.

Nam kyu crawled towards me and smiled, "Appa~"

"Well I guess good things come to an end," I said as I hugged Nam kyu.

Soomin sighed, "I'm gonna miss you guys and Nam kyu."

"Call us, if you ever want to talk," Sungyeol said, looking like he was on the verge of tears, "You can always come visit us, we can go shopping or for dinner or for a movie or something."

Nam kyu tilted his head to the side and looked at Sungyeol curiously.

Sungyeol squeezed Nam kyu into a tight hug, "And you... don't forget to call appa once in a while, he'll take you to the playground or something.." he said.

"Appa?" he said.

"Appa will miss you!" Sungyeol said as he squished Nam kyu tighter.

"Come on guys, let's look on the bright side," Hoya said.

"Yeah," Dongwoo said, "We can like go explore South Korea or something together."

"Great idea!" Sungyeol said, immediately releasing Nam kyu and tossing him in the air like he was a toy.

"Drama Queen," I muttered.

"No, more like bipolar," Soomin muttered.

We exchanged a smile.

"From now on, I shall be Captain Sungyeol, and you should follow me around Korea!" he scrambled into his room and came out a few seconds later with Nam kyu, they were in big puffy jackets and in snowboots.

"Let's go on an adventure!" he shouted as he dashed for the door.

Nam kyu waddled slowly after him. Sungyeol snatched him into his arms and as he was heading out the door, the Producer opened the door, missing Sungyeol by a centimeter. He fell on his .


"NO!" we all (but Sungyeol) shouted at once.

"We love Nam kyu and everything but Soomin has school and friends, and we have a busy schedule," Sunggyu said.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Sungyeol them shot us a puppy dog face, "WHYYY??!!" he wailed.

"We can discuss this later," the producer said.

"Okay, we'll discuss it later. After the adventure," Sungyeol said humming into Nam kyu's stomach causing him to giggle.

"What are we going to do with him?" Sunggyu said.

- - - - - - - - - -

Well the story almost over, and I'm considering a sequel, what are your opinions?

Haha, well, it was a short update, so I'll update soon~ So I'll see you then.

If you're asking how there will be a sequel, I was thinking they could take care of another baby.

Son what do you think? I LOVE YOU GUYS! Especially you, you ;)



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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****