Family Competition: Part 3

Infinite's Hello Baby

.:Hoya's POV:.

Our last competition is a dance battle, which is worth 3 points, so we might just win this time. I mean, look at me... hello, dancing machine?

I chuckled to myself as I stretched all the muscles in my body. Nam kyu waddled into the dance studio in a pink shirt that says UMMA NUMBER 1 and in small print (ONLY REAL MEN CAN PULL OFF PINK) I laughed. So adorable.

He held up a sign. "ROUND ONE: Y DANCE" a "Pfft" sound escaped my mouth and Sungjong came strutting in, "I'M REEEAAADDDY!" he sang.

Soomin and Sungyeol were laughing and talking together, while Myungsoo walked in with a FOREVER ALONE sticky note stuck to his forehead.

Everyone else filed in and laughed at the sign, "Round one?"

"1~ 2~ 3~ Start!~" Nam kyu said.


.:Woohyun' POV:.

Soomin covered Nam kyu's eyes, while she was shaking with laughter.

Hoya was awkwardly dancing while Sungjong was doing what he was best at... y Dancing.


After the first round Soomin let go of Nam kyu who waddled towards me.

"Appa~" he said. I smiled and tickled him, "Hello Nam kyu," I said.

"Hewooo!" he said whimsically and twirled backwards and fell into Sungjong's arms. Sungjong who was panting rested his head on Nam kyu's.

"Oh, my dear baby," he said snuggling him to his chest like he does to his teddy bear.

I crawled over to them, wanting attention too. I grabbed Nam kyu and ran outside before Sungjong could get him and I was hit with a big whiff of cold air and something wet. At first I thought it was Nam kyu's drool, but after checking his mouth repeatedly I realized it was snow. I quickly ran inside before Nam kyu or I caught a cold.


Everyone quickly crowded by the door. "Yesss! Let's quit the Dance Battle and let's have a Snow Battle!" Sungyeol exclaimed quickly pulling on his coat.


The snow was still fluttering to the ground, but there was alot gathering on the ground. We called our manager to tell him we'll be at the soccer field and headed towards the soccer field at the nearest high school.

Nam kyu, who was bundled up in a blue parka and a ton of sweaters and pants was waddling around like a walking marshmallow. He then bumped into Sunggyu blindly because of the hat and scarf covering his eyes. Sunggyu gathered him into his arms and lowered his scarf.

"Hey little marshmallow," Sunggyu said with a smile.

Soomin had her hands in her pockets smiled and Nam kyu gave her an eyesmile that looked creepily like Sunggyu's.

Sunggyu squished Nam kyu's red cheeks together and then let him down. He scrambled towards Soomin who took him in her arms.


.:Sunggyu's POV:.

I sat down on the snow-covered bleachers watching as a snowball hit Hoya square in the chest. He bent down and picked up some snow, throwing the snowball into the air skillfully he hit Dongwoo in the .

Nam kyu who was sitting next to me giggled in delight and then bent over and with his tiny gloved hands formed a tiny snowball, he handed it to me, "Appa~" he said.

I nodded and added more snow to it, and with full force threw it at Woohyun. Woohyun made a face and threw one back, I dodged and Nam kyu scrambled over to Woohyun, "Snowmen~" he said.

"You want to build a snowman?" Woohyun said correcting the use of the word.

Nam kyu nodded and kneeled down, he gently formed a small ball, and then he rolled it around adding more snow and lifted the tiny ball up and Woohyun smiled adding more snow to it.

After about five minutes of the father and son duo patting snow onto the ball, they formed the base of the snowman. Occasionally someone helps out but ends up getting distracted by the Snowball Fight.

Sungyeol came over with sticks and a few pebbles. "Here, the face and arms."

Soomin dropped a few more pebbles and a pocky stick on the ground. "More pebbles, and a uhm nose," she said.

Then snowball landed on her shoulder. She her heel and formed a snowball, and threw the snowball at L who was at the other side of the field.


.:Woohyun's POV:.

After about 15 minutes the snowman was done, everyone helped out building the torso and head. Dongwoo let it wear his wig from when he cross dressed. Everyone gathered around and took pictures.


At last the day was over, the snow stopped falling and we headed home for warm tea, and hot cocoa.

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Hey guys, hope you enjoyed that chapter! I am so happy that you guys all enjoy this fanfic! I look forward to your comments!


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****