Family Competition: Part 1

Infinite's Hello Baby



.:Hoya's POV:.

That day we all left the house in matching t-shirts. Why, you ask? Because today we are going to go to every sports field and compete for the trophy Soomin and Nam kyu made. It is a sloppy paper mache trophy, but hey, it's Nam kyu's magical fragical trophy.

"Let's get this straight," Sunggyu said, "It's me, Hoya, and Woohyun, Dongwoo, against Sungjong, Sungyeol, Soomin, and Myungsoo."

"Yes, and Nam kyu will be judging," I said.

"That's not fair! Woohyun gave Nam kyu candy before!" Sungyeol whined.

Woohyun smirked.

"Don't worry hyung, Soomin is on our team right?" Sungjong said.

Soomin was tying on her cleats, "Yeah," she said.

"You play soccer?" Woohyun and I said.

"YES! WE SHALL WIN YOU!" Sungyeol cackled.

Soomin jogged over to us, "Girl's Soccer team captain since 2nd grade," she said.

I confidently said, "Psh so what, we can still beat you guys."


"Let's come up with team names!" Sungjong exclaimed, "We are the Jjangs!"

"We are the Elders!" Woohyun exclaimed innoccently.


.:Woohyun's POV:.

Nam kyu blew the whistle and stumbled onto the picnic blanket. 

I stared at him for a long time until I heard someone yelling my name.


"HOMAGAWD MAH FACE!" I started to shout.

Soomin headed the ball towards the goal and our goalie, Dongwoo, and he dodged the ball.

"YAY!~" Nam kyu cheered from the sidelines.

Traitor, I thought and stuck my tongue out at him.

Soomin pulled on my tongue, "Close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies," she said.


.:Sungjong's POV:.

I highfived Soomin and threw Nam kyu in the air. He wass surprisingly light and his giggles were bubbly. I set him down and head back to my team.


This is how the game went for the next half an hour or so:

1. Soomin steals the ball

2. Someone squeaks like a little girl

3. I squeak like a little girl

4. Soomin kicks the ball

5. The Goalie dodges

6. We win a point


Yupp that's basically it.

We won the game in the end 8-0.

Jjangs - 1

Elders - 0


Part 2 coming soon!~

I hope you enjoyed this~ I got my SHSAT ticket and I shall be there at 8AM on Saturday.

OMG =.= So early

Happy reading ~

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****