
Infinite's Hello Baby

Music :: Heart to Heart - 4minute


.:Sungyeol's POV:.

When we got off the plane someone threw a crumpled up a piece of paper at me.

I opened it to find a note in Myungsoo's handwriting:

 I like Soomin ~

Let's have a competition, choding~

First person to win Soomin's heart wins and the loser will have to do the winner's chores for a month ;)

PS. Sungjong wrote this for L

I stifled a laugh and nodded at Myungsoo, who shot me a grin.

Then I looked at Sungjong who laughed.


Once we got home I looked over my script for While You Were Sleeping and decided not to do what my character does. I mean Soomin's not even pregnant! At least I hope not... Nahhh.

But she already has a child, Nam kyu. How can I forget our poor baby?

Just then Nam kyu drooled on my lap, interrupting my thoughts.

"Nam kyu?" he fell asleep on me.

Nam kyu turned his face and I discovered freckles splattered across his nose and cheekbones, they were faded and I surpressed a chuckle. He looks just like Soomin when he was sleeping. I lifted him and was about to kiss him when Soomin came in.

She took one look at the drool in my lap and my puckered lips, "Sorry, I'm interrupting something," she said ad walked back out with a huge grin.

"NO NO! WAIT!" I set Nam kyu down and opened the door, Soomin was holding onto her stomach, laughing.

All the others were fast asleep in the living room.

I covered Soomin's mouth and dragged her into the room, she was still laughing.

I let go of her and she wiped the tears out of her eyes, "Were you trying to make out, with a baby?" she laughed.

"Psshh, what are you talking about?" I said tucking Nam kyu into a blanket and kissing his forehead.

Soomin laughed and kissed Nam kyu's forehead and his cheek. 

"You pedo," she said with a grin.

I laid down next to Nam kyu and Soomin laid down on his other side.

"So, remember what I said at the airport?" I asked and looked to my side.

Soomin nodded and said sleepily, "I remember."

"So...?" I asked.

She was fast asleep, and I tucked her into a blanket and fell asleep next to her.


"How dare he?" I heard someone mumble.

I opened my eyes to see my group mates surrounding me, Soomin and Nam kyu.

"YOU MADE A MOVE ON HER?" Sungjong asked.

Everyone burst out laughing at our maknae's question.

"No, but seriously," Sungjong said.

"You don't know if she likes you back though," Myungsoo said.

"Just you wait Kim Myungsoo, one day she will be MINE!" I declared with a finger in the air.

We laughed again and then quieted ourselves and walked out the door, befoe we could wake Soomin or Nam kyu up.


Hi guys! IM ALIVE!

LOL anyways, I missed you guys terribly and I hope you missed me too :D

I hope you look forward to the next chapter and I can't wait to read your comments!

I have also reached 200+ subscribers! I couldn't have done it without you.


Here's a shoutout to you

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****