The Tests

Infinite's Hello Baby

Music :: Dazzling Eyes - Jumper ft Kang Ji Young


.:Sungyeol's POV:.

They put us in animal suits and then sent us to the back of the house.

"WELCOME TO YOUR TESTS!" PD-hyung boomed.

Sunggyu-hyung jumped and Soomin gripped my arm, "Yes?" I asked.

"Sorry, I was scared," she said. I chuckled under my breathe and held her hand there.

"It's okay, I'm scared too," I said with a smile.

She blushed and ducked her head down.

We sat down and she poked me, "Rawr~" I said, she giggled.

"Okay you on have one test today, an it's kind of easy, so if you don't pass it well... okay well the mission: making the baby laugh," the PD boomed.

"You will go up to the camera in teams of 2, if the two of you together can calm down the crying baby, you can pick a paper from the box to past Stage 1 of the test," the PD said.

"Sungyeol and Soomin will be Team 1, Dongwoo and Sungjong will be Team 2, Sunggyu and Hoya will be Team 3, L and Woohyun will be Team 4," the PD said.

"Okay Team 1 go up," he said.

A obnoxious screaming, screeching, crying sound blasted through the speakers.


.:Soomin's POV:.

I poked Sungyeol, "Do that rawr thingy,"

He rolled his eyes and then went, "Rawr~"

The baby screeched softer, "Merong~" I went

The baby stopped crying.

"Who's a cutie pie?" I asked in my baby voice.

The baby giggled, Sungyeol pretended to tickle the baby causing the sound of giggles to become louder.

"Okay Team 1..... passes!" PD said.

We high-fived each other and sat back down.


After all the teams went, Team 1 passed, Team 2 failed, Team 3 passed, and Team 4 passed.

How did Team 2 fail you ask? well you have to ask the crimin-- I mean guys themselves... just kidding. 

They failed because Sungjong decided to try being a gag man and did a creepy body gag. Anyways we picked papers from the box.

"Alright if you have sushi on your paper please raise your hand and partner with the other person," PD said.

I raised my hand and then looked at Sungjong, he waved and giggled

I waved back and he immediately glomped me, "NOOONA~"

I hugged him awkwardly and pointed at him, I mouthed, "Help me."

Sungyeol peeled him off me, "Noona, couldn't breathe," he scolded. After everyone got

"Okay Stage 2: Making the laugh Part 2," PD said.

"Okay you will stand up to the stage with a prop, use the prop to make the baby laugh," PD said.

I face palmed myself, oh gosh. The Director said, "CUT!" he handed us props and then said, "3! 2! ACTION!"

I got a rubber ducky, and someone gave Sungjong a pole.... oh shizz this boy better not do a pole dance in front of a baby...


I was OTLing while Sungjong pole danced and the boys were laughing. The baby screeched louder. Well looks like Team Sushi will lose Stage 2...

"Alright since Stage 2 was the last stage, you all seemed to do fairly well, except for Team Sushi that failed, we should not have given Sungjong that pole," he said.

"You may go outside and meet the baby," PD said.


Thanks for reading <3

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Oh and Sunggyu says hi ~

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 55:
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 35: saranghae back to you dear...
Shawol_Forever #3
Chapter 36: Waa I haven't signed in for a long time but thanks for the shout out in chapter 35!:D This story is so cute:)
readingreader #4
Chapter 57: Err it ended really quickly ._. Anyway, the story is good author-nim ^^
gett-n #5
great job!
niss91 #6
Chapter 55: Got mentioned again.. Thankies... ^^
niss91 #7
Chapter 36: Aww... Thanks for the shout out..
Chapter 32: I sent my form! ^^ #cravingtowatchspnow
Chapter 13: soomin*****