Something Sweet | Detective Sehun

The Escapades Of EXO Hospital
CHAPTER 5: Something Sweet | Detective Sehun 
As Kyungsoo walks towards his locker, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, why was his baby crying? Don't tell him someone had been hurting him? If so, he's not going to let go of it easily, Suho is his best friend after all, they went to the same college and instantly clicked the first time they met.
Kyungsoo then opens his red locker and to his surprise, he finds a bouquet of flowers. 
A bunch of red roses. How cliché, Kyungsoo thinks, until he sees a white Bluet in the middle of the sea of roses. 
He sees that there's an envelope resting underneath and he opens it up.
Dear my lovely nurse,  Kyungshoo,  Kyungie,  babykyungie,  babysoo, Kyungsoo<3
Hey baby,  
What's up bb
Hey pretty
:) ;)
  this I'm too cool for letters
Hi, Kyungsoo- ah.
This is me, doctor y Kim Jongin from the department of pediatrics. 2nd floor
I want to tell you that I got you some flowers. Um, did you like it? 
The reason why I got you that, haha, are you curious? Maybe not but im going to tell u anyway
Yesterday I went to the florist, and I asked her what kind of flowers should I buy for the person I like since this was my first time and she replied me with a question, "is it for your lover?"  I said yes tho i hope ur not mad
She said red roses were something couples buy for each other, and that the majority of her customers had bought roses. So I thought, they must be really common. 
But you're not, you're the opposite of common, you're something different, unique from those other people and I'm definitely never going to compare to you some red roses that everybody buys.
So do you see that white Bluet in the middle of the roses? That's you Kyungsoo. 
Something different. 
And I think I like you, no I think I might love you for that.
So, please? Accept me.
And tell me why you've been running plus ignoring me for the whole week? I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry okay. :( *pouts cutely and ily*
Yours truly, Kim Jongin. 
Your soon to be boyfriend<3
P.S i love you so much haha I wish you would too.
Kyungsoo can't help but tear up as he reads the letter he received. It was un- like the ert Jongin he's used to, but probably he was too fast in judging. And right now, his heart feels like it's about to jump any second, just like last time. But the good thing is, nobody's around, he's afraid he might do something crazy again like he did to poor Luhan.
He needs to talk to Jongin. And maybe apologize for ignoring him. Maybe. Or not.
So he walks towards the end of the hallways, where Jongin's office is located.
Kyungsoo doesn't knock and opens the door to find Jongin closing a tab in a hurry before looking at the other in shock. Kyungsoo eyes the other suspiciously but choose to ignore.
"I got the flowers." 
"R-really?" Kyungsoo's eyes widen in surprise, never in his life had he heard Jongin stuttering, he's always so smooth. So so smooth.
"Do you like them?" Jongin asks, hopeful.
".. Y-yeah." 
"I'm glad." He smiles sincerely.
Kyungsoo eyes the other warily before something clicks inside his brain. Xiumin once told him about aliens and how sneaky they are in slipping into people's mind, or body. They could easily disguise theirselves too. So maybe...
This Jongin... Isn't real.
"You.. You." Kyungsoo holds his shaky index finger towards a confused- looking Jongin.
"Ye-" but Jongin couldn't finish his sentence because Kyungsoo had dash towards him in an unbelievably fast speed and grips Jongin's neck tightly.
"You're an alien! Am I right or am I right?!" He screams.
"Oh my God Kyungsoo!" Jongin squeaks, his tone an octave higher because of the lack of oxygen. And he thinks this is another side to Kyungsoo he has never seen before. And he thinks this is what happens to Luhan too. And this is probably what he gets for laughing at Luhan. Karma's a .
"Where. Is. The. Real. Jongin." Kyungsoo growls.
"What- what do you.. M-mean!" Jongin's out of breath now. 
"S-stop it Kyungsoo!" He squeaks.
"Never until you return Jongin! You ugly, hideous, monstrous alien!!" Kyungsoo's grip becomes tighter.
F-, I'm gonna die soon! 
Ugh, so he presses the emergency button under the table before everything turns black.
Sehun thinks he needs to collect all the information and proofs before interrogating that chip guy. So he goes to the 1th floor, towards the receptionists. He groans having to deal with those two, but oh well, he needs to finish this once and for all. For Suho! And maybe if he did well, he'll get a cake from Kyungsoo, who knows? Just thinking of it made Sehun drool a little. Ugh, Oh Sehun focus!
He thinks he need to see Tiffany first since he hates the other one who seems to be chewing bubble gum all the time.
"Hey, uh, Tiffany."
"Can I see someone's profile? I need to check something."
"Oh, sorry, we have a policy here that it's not allowed to give information to people."
"I'm sorry." She smiles apologetically.
Sehun almost rolls his eyes, this is one is smarter than she seems.
I guess I should go to the other one.
"Hey Jessica.
"What kid?"
"Can I see someone's profile?"
"Sure, do whatever you like."
Sehun fist pumps mentally as he clicks the list of the doctor's names. 
"Wait, do you know Lay?" He asks.
"You mean Zhang Yixing?" She says in a bored tone.
"Oh." He clicks his profile and takes a picture of the screen.
"Thanks." Then he walks away and decides to go to the lounge.
He doesn't knock and steps right in.
He looks around and spots Luhan. My first target.
He taps Luhan who's busy with the computer on the shoulder.
"What do you want Chen." He says, not bothering to look back.
"Look I'm really busy."
"How.. To... Woo.. A nurse.." He types on the keyboard, "is wikiHow reliable enough?"
"I don't think so." Sehun answers quickly before the other could cut him off.
Luhan gasps loudly before he swivels his chair quickly to face a smirking Sehun.
"You scared me! A-and it's not what you think! Kris was asking me for help s-since he needed some advice to, you know, woo Tao." 
"Oh? What did you think I was thinking?" Sehun quirks an eyebrow.
"Uh.. N-nothing." Luhan blushes.
Deciding not to tease his hyung anymore, he takes out his note and pen and takes a chair to sit infront of Luhan.
"What are you doing?" 
"I'm going to be quick. I'm just going to ask some questions if you don't mind."
"No. Ofcourse not." This way, I can stare at his perfect face longer. Yippy woo.
"So, tell me everything you know about doctor Lay."
Sehun nods.
"His real name is Zhang Yixing-
"I know that. What about his personalities?"
"You said to tell you everything..." He mutters.
"Um, he's really calm and nice."
"Hmm." He jolts down the answers.
"He's been working for around 2 years at this hospital."
"Is there any weird behavior he's been showing lately?" 
"Uh.. I think, he becomes weird every time we talked about uality?"
"Yeah, he keeps convincing himself that he's straight." Luhan chuckles.
"Okay, thanks." Sehun smiles a little.
Luhan nods, inside he's really a mess. Okay, just act cool Luhan. Act cool.
"So, anything else you wanna ask?"
"No. Thanks, gege." Sehun leaves. Luhan gasps. 
Now Luhan has a new mission. 
To make sure Sehun calls him gege again. 
"I have to tell the others!" 
"Guys guys guys guys!" He runs towards the other doctors, gaining their attention.
"What Luhan." Kris tries to hide something behind his back and tries to cover it by acting all cool.
Luhan eyes the other for awhile but that's not important now, he's going to find out about it later.
Aside from Kris' suspicious act, everybody is totally ignoring him, they are too busy doing their business (and Luhan thinks they need to listen to him.) that little brat Jongin is nowhere to be seen, Lay is sitting quietly; staring at nothing which was not unusual, Chanyeol as usual, is flirting with the female nurses on the doorway, saying lame pick- up lines and Chen is busy staring at the window using.. A pair of binoculars? (Okay Luhan thinks he has issues). 
He takes a deep breath.
Still no response.
"Or I'll ing post childhood pictures of you all on the board." He whispers.
"You can't use the same trick!" Sombody yells.
" ones." 
Well that does it. Everybody starts to panic, bringing their chairs, swiveling it to form a huge circle around Luhan.
"That's the respect I was dying to have. I'm the eldest and I think I should-
"See yourself in the mirror." Chen cuts in.
"I am 23 and-
"You don't look like it."
"That doesn't change the fact that-
"You look like someone underage."
"ING SHUT UP OR I'LL REALLY POST ING PICTURES OF YOU ALL!" He yells loudly, and his face red from the mental break down. He breathes in and out, his nostrils seems to be getting bigger and smaller the next second. From everybody's point of view, he looks like a bull.
Chen puts his hands in surrender, "geez no need to be so worked up."
Luhan slaps his own face. These guys are too much.
"So, what were you telling us?" Kris inquires.
"Faster, I have many patients." Chanyeol says, looking at the watch on his wrist.
"It's.. nothing." Luhan sighs.
"Gah, you wasted our time, and specifically, my time!" Kris almost screamed.
Luhan opens his mouth, says nothing then closes his mouth into a thin line and heads back to his office with his head down.
"Do you think we were too much?" Chanyeol asks.
"Nah." Chen waves his hand. 
A/N: so yeah hi guys :) this is chapter 5.... Uh.. Ok.. Thank you for the new subscribers :> I'm glad for all of u guys and for those who commented ! ^^ please do comment~
and nooo school starts next Monday :(((( I'm doomed. Gah asdfghjkls.
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author-nim please updateeeeeee i love you heheh :D
OhNiniSoo #2
Chapter 7: Hahah, this is hilarious! XD
And omg I can SO relate to Xiumin, lol. :D
Chapter 7: Wiihhhhhh~ XiuChen fluff XD YAHH~~ NEEDS MORE HUNHNA~ SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPPY!!~ YAH UPDATE SOON ^________^
jiosne #4
Chapter 7: Asdsajfhagjksdslaglsgjdsglkds Xiuchen feels. Omg. /Dead/
Chapter 7: HAHA~ please add some hunhan in next chapter~
this was a nice chapter~
update soon~
jiosne #6
Chapter 6: New reader here! And er Kai. wtf. Don't die. Good luck...?
Anyways, the hunhan <333333

Update soon~
T-araFans #7
Chapter 6: D.O is so funny think that kai is alien....hahahaha
Update soon...
Chapter 6: LOOOOOOLLLLLLLL Chen at the end! Just started reading.. update soon!!!
Chapter 6: >3< poor Luhan..those bad..bad..bad bullie TT______TT yah~ Luhan dun worry Sehun'll be calling you gege again soon~ (More Like YEOBO~)<3