Baekhyun's Past

The Escapades Of EXO Hospital

Warning: guys ;__; I don't what've gotten into me but I feel like writing this, but it's nothing important, it's sort of like a filler about baekhyun's and Chanyeol's past. Like, how they ended up working in the hospital. I knw it's probably not the update u wanted but I hope u still enjoy tho :))





"Mom! Baekhyun doesn't want to move to America!!" Little Baekhyun whined and stomped his tiny feet. "Baekhyun have many friends!" 
"Come'on! Your dad is already waiting!" His mom said tiredly but she couldn't blame her son, Baekhyun had gotten his stubborn attitude from her after all.
"Humph! No way! Baekhyun hates moving!" He crossed his arms in a stubborn manner.
"Come'on you brat!" She tried to drag Baekhyun but was failing, seriously, for a 9 year- old, Baekhyun was really strong. 
She pondered a while before smirking, "Oh Baekhyun~"
Baekhyun stared warily at his mother, "What mom? Y-your face is weird.."
"Yah!" She hit Baekhyun lightly on the shoulder. "Rude."
"I'll buy you that puppy you wanted before~ And also lots of Avengers toys~"
"R-really?" Little Baekhyun's eyes lighted up.
"If only you're willing to move." His mother grins.
"Hmm.." He thinks, was it worth it? Ah well, maybe in America, he could show off some of his toys to his new friends in school, the thought made him grinned. "Okay mom."
Byun Baekhyun came from a rich family, his dad owned one of the largest traveling agency in Korea and also some 5 star- hotels in foreign countries. While his mother owned a huge fashion school in America.
The little boy sulked inside the car, sad knowing he'd he leaving his hometown. 
"Aw Baekhyun, you'll meet other kids. Who knows, they're probably nicer." His mother shrugged.
"Right." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.
"Disrespectful kid.." Her mother muttered, but laughed a little.
Baekhyun and his mother arrived at America and are now heading towards their new mansion located in Beverly Hills.
"Appa!!" Little Baekhyun ran towards his father and hugged him tightly. His father returned the hug.
"Baekhyun! Do you missed me?"
"Yup! Baekhyun missed you loootttss!" He stretched his short arms as wide as possible.
His mother smiled and joined before pecking her husband.
"Hi dear~" 
"Ewww gross!" Baekhyun closed his eyes at his parents. 
"You'll understand when you meet your love later dear." 
"No! Never ever! Baekhyun's going to his room!"
The young couple laughed at their cute son.
Little Baekhyun stared at his huge ceiling, he sighed. 
I bet it's going to be boring here. I miss my friends already!
He let the tears rolled down his cheeks before sleep took him away to dreamland.
Tomorrow, he woke up feeling really grumpy and tired because he remembered that he's now in America, ugh. Atleast today is Saturday, he thought. And the good thing is, school wouldn't start until next week.
He went downstairs and was greeted by his parents' hugs.
"I made breakfast!" Her mother said cheerfully.
"Yay, pancakes!" Gone was his grumpy self earlier, he guess food really did help. He nodded, for now, food will be his friend, just until he gets another friend who he deems worthy.
"Baekhyun, me and your dad are going off to work, okay? You can call mrs. Park to come and clean or cook, her number's on the refrigerator."
"Okay," he said while chewing the pancakes. "Bye mom! By dad! See you later!" 
Little Baekhyun walked his parents to the gates.
Then he went back inside, plopped on the couch and the large flat screen TV.
"Booorinnggg~" There was nothing cool, all the channels were boring, he wanted to watch Cinderella but it was still later. So he decided to call Mrs. Park, their family maid. She was in her mid forties, really pretty and kind and had taken care of Baekhyun since he was still in his diapers, she also went along with them to America.
"Ahjumma! Baekhyun is bored~" He whined.
"Haha, watch the tv, and I can bake you some cookies." She smiled warmly.
"Aniyaaa! Baekhyun will get fat if Baekhyun eats too much! Besides, I'm full." He patted his tummy.
"Aigoo.." Mrs. Park sighed. Little Baekhyun was really unique, he would take care of his appearance unlike other kids who couldn't say no to cookies.
"Ahjummaaa, let's go outside!" 
"Alright, alright, let me call your mom first."
She ringed Baekhyun's mom and got her permission. 
"Okay, where do you want to go?" She asked Baekhyun. 
"The playground!"
They arrived at the playground which seemed to be packed of kids, but what was weird was that there were no parents accompanying them.
"Yeeyy! Baekhyun wanna play the slide!" Baekhyun ran towards the tall red slide but when he was at the top at the slide, he slipped and rolled until he was at the bottom of it. He scraped his knee and it was really really painful, it felt like a dozen of needles were prickling his skin.
Little Baekhyun cried. 
Mrs. Park was about to help him when another boy came in first, so she halted her steps.
"Don't cry."
Baekhyun cried louder.
"Stop crying or the monsters will come to you at night."
"H-huh?" Baekhyun's eyes widen in what seemed like fear. "R-really?" He sniffled.
"Yes, I saw one. It was thiiiss big." He stretched his arms.
"W-what does it look like?" He stood up and faced the other boy, he had a slight curly dark- brown hair and large kind eyes, he's also really really tall, Baekhyun thought. And it's unfair, because he wanted to be tall too!
"Hmm, I forgot."
Baekhyun eyes the other suspiciously. "Okay."
"Here, sit down, I'll give you some band aids." He went somewhere and brought back a quite huge box with patterns of cute band- aids. 
Baekhyun sat on a big rock while the other tended his knee.
"U-uh, Baekhyun hurt!" He winced when the ointment touched his wound.
"Baek.. Bacon!" The other grinned.
"Ani!! It's not bacon! It's Baekhyun!" He yelled, he hates being teased by his name. He thought his name was great because everything given by his parents were always good.
"Stop smiling! Your smile is creepy! You look like a big idiot!" Baekhyun fumed in anger.
The other realized he made the little boy mad. "I'm sorry Baekhyun- ah."
"Hmph!" Baekhyun crossed his arms and looked away.
"I'm really sorry. Anyway, I'm Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol."
"Chanyeoll!!!!" Little Baekhyun ran towards the boy. He learned that Chanyeol was a year older than him and that he lived in an orphanage near the park he visited on his first day.
"Bacon!" He hugged the smaller boy. In just one week, the two had gotten unseparable. And Baekhyun had been visiting the older everyday at the orphanage and played until the skies were dark.
"Baekhyun told you! Baekhyun's not bacon! And stop your ugly smile! Baekhyun hates it!"
"Alright, alright." He ruffled Baekhyun's natural light brown hair. Baekhyun loved being touch there. He would sometimes do something good on purpose so that the older would his hair. Baekhyun loved his big hands on his small head. But Baekhyun would never, ever tell Chanyeol that. It was a secret.
"Chanyeol! Here Baekhyun made you these!" Baekhyun handed him a basket of cookies. Actually, Mrs. Park helped him a lot but... He made (more like played with it) the dough and he was the one who sprinkled the chocolate chips. So yeah.
"Really? You made this?" Chanyeol said with a serious face. "Don't lie or I won't eat it." But he was also fighting to hold down the urge to smile. Teasing little Baekhyun was so much fun.
Baekhyun began to feel his insides burning. "Baekhyun did!!" He tried to fight the tears from falling. He hated when Chanyeol accused him for lying. He really really made the cookies!
"Fine then! Chanyeol doesn't need to eat it!" He snatched the cookies from Chanyeol's hands and ran away towards the park.
Chanyeol chased him. "Baekhyun- ah! I'm just kidding!"
Then Baekhyun fell down and scraped his knee on the pavement.
 "Chanyollliee!! H-help Baekhyun!" He cried.
"Pabo! Don't run away next time! He crouched down on the same level as Baekhyun.
"Get on." 
Chanyeol carried him towards his room in the orphanage and took the same box he brought when he treated Baekhyun's knee.
"Why does Chanyeol always have that box?" Baekhyun asked while trying to calm down his whimpering.
"This?" Chanyeol smiled fondly, "I always brought this with me whenever me and the other kids were playing in the park." 
"I have all the things I need, so when they're hurt, I have this." He took out a cute bandaid and some ointment from the box.
"Chanyeol.." Baekhyun asks hesitantly, "Does Chanyeol also treat other kids too?" He looked away from Chanyeol.
"Ofcourse." Chanyeol smiles.
"Oh... okay." Baekhyun murmured quietly. 
Truthfully, he was really really jealous that Chanyeol had treated many other kids before him and the fact that he probably did this to all the kids in the orphanage.
"Why?" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun.
"N-nothing!" The younger huffed cutely.
"My dream is to be a doctor." Chanyeol randomly said.
"Yeah," Chanyeol laughed a bit. "I hate seeing others get hurt."
"Especially you, Baekhyun." 
"Then... Baekhyun wants to be Chanyeol's nurse! That's my dream!" 
A teary- eyed Baekhyun looked back and see Chanyeol running towards him.
"C-Chanyeol!!" He hugged the older boy tightly. He didn't want to let go of the older forever. 7 years had passed and Chanyeol had gotten a full scholarship to study in Korea to be a doctor. The owner of the orphanage saw potential in him, so he decided to pay his living fees.
"Please don't go Chanyeol!" Baekhyun thought that maybe now he understood what his parents meant.
"Why do you have to move to Korea?! You can stay with me!" A 16 year- old Baekhyun cried into the warm chest of a 17 year- old Chanyeol.
"I have to, Baek. This is my dream. Nothing's going to stop me."
"...Even me?" The words was barely audible if it wasn't for the close distance.
"Look, Baekhyun." He the other's hair. "Promise me, when you're older, you'll come see me."
Baekhyun nodded.
"And when that happens, I'll already be a doctor." 
"And... I'm going to be your nurse.. Right?" Baekhyun tried hard to smile.
"Pinky p-promise." Baekhyun held out his quivering pinky.
"Pinky promise." Chanyeol said as he intertwined his bigger pinky with Baekhyun's smaller one.
-6 Years Later-
"Bye mom and dad! I'm going to miss you guys a lot!" He hugged both of his parents and bid goodbye before he stepped inside the airport, and into the airplane heading towards South Korea, where he'll be seeing him soon.
He un- packed his stuff from the boxes. He's going to live in an apartment all by himself, he's scared because it was his first time without his parents, but at the same time, he couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of seeing Chanyeol again. He hadn't seen him for a long time and he didn't know why, but it was impossible to get in touch with the older. 
He just hoped that Chanyeol still remembered him.
He stood infront of the receptionist, applying an interview for the for the new employees.
He giggled, because right now, he's standing inside the same building as Chanyeol.  He's literally jumping in place. How did he know that Chanyeol was working here? Well, he's rich, so could get information from the people he hired.
"Welcome to EXO International Hospital Of Seoul." The receptionist, Tiffany, welcomed him warmly. 
Baekhyun smiled in return. "I'm here for the interview."
"Ah okay." She handed him a card and asked him to wait inside the waiting room.
When he was called, he said a small fighting! to himself and went inside the interview room.
Then what he saw next, caught him off guard.
It was the love of his life, the apple to his pie, the mustard to his hotdog, the peanut butter to his jelly, sitting right infront of him.
"Byun Baekhyun?" He said in his baritone voice which Baekhyun loved so much as he skimmed through some documents, not meeting Baekhyun's eager eyes.
He didn't answer, he was too happy. Tears were b at the corner his eyes. He couldn't believe it. He was finally there! 
"Cha.. Chanyeol!!" He ran towards and hugged the boy's shoulders. It felt much better saying the person's name out loud rather than saying it inside his head. After Chanyeol had left, he never said his name. It was too hard.
"I missed you so much! God! I really miss you! All those six years!" He cried. "You're finally here!"
Chanyeol didn't answer, instead, he pushed Baekhyun away.
Then what Baekhyun heard next, broke him apart.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" 
After he was accepted in, he later knew something from the other nurses and some other doctors who were closed with Chanyeol. The older had gotten an amnesia after a car accident 6 years ago. That explained everything, mainly the reason why he couldn't contact Chanyeol at all. 
But he wasn't going to give up, he's not going to waste the opportunity he has gotten. 
He's going to make Chanyeol remember him again. 
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author-nim please updateeeeeee i love you heheh :D
OhNiniSoo #2
Chapter 7: Hahah, this is hilarious! XD
And omg I can SO relate to Xiumin, lol. :D
Chapter 7: Wiihhhhhh~ XiuChen fluff XD YAHH~~ NEEDS MORE HUNHNA~ SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPPY!!~ YAH UPDATE SOON ^________^
jiosne #4
Chapter 7: Asdsajfhagjksdslaglsgjdsglkds Xiuchen feels. Omg. /Dead/
Chapter 7: HAHA~ please add some hunhan in next chapter~
this was a nice chapter~
update soon~
jiosne #6
Chapter 6: New reader here! And er Kai. wtf. Don't die. Good luck...?
Anyways, the hunhan <333333

Update soon~
T-araFans #7
Chapter 6: D.O is so funny think that kai is alien....hahahaha
Update soon...
Chapter 6: LOOOOOOLLLLLLLL Chen at the end! Just started reading.. update soon!!!
Chapter 6: >3< poor Luhan..those bad..bad..bad bullie TT______TT yah~ Luhan dun worry Sehun'll be calling you gege again soon~ (More Like YEOBO~)<3