Oh Sehun's Wonderful Day

The Escapades Of EXO Hospital
CHAPTER 1: Oh Sehun's Wonderful Day
Oh Sehun probably thought it was a great idea to end his 2 years- career as a homeless dude who lives in a shabby apartment complex all alone with no food for weeks to come and work at a hospital, probably not a good idea. But whatever, he's desperate. 
So there he is, standing in front of a tall and humongous white building with a black classy label that reads 'EXO International Hospital Of Seoul' plastered in bold and capital, gold fonts. It reminds him of those games in which the main character got stuck in a hospital with dozens of zombies to kill. Being a scaredy- cat he is (Oh Sehun doesn't want to admit tho), he shivers at the thought. Atleast this one looks nothing like that because it seems brand new. Yes yes, nothing to be afraid of
He takes a deep breath, and hopes his attire wouldn't have the receptionist mistake him for some brat who's lying that he's really coming for an interview, with what, a sleeveless red saying ' me or else', black ripped jeans, white converse and a snapback. He walks through the automatic glass doors and towards one of the reception counter. 
"What do you want." A woman in a thick amount of mascara chewing a bubblegum says, bored apparent on her face.
"Well, Jessica," he squints at the girl's name tag, "I'm here for the interview." He blows his blond bangs and his lips in annoyance because , just in five words, that Jessica managed to annoy the hell out of him. 
"What interview?" Accompied with those loud and obnoxious chewing sounds. 
"For the new employees. Duh."  
"I don't know what you're blabbering about kid, ask Tiff over there." She points to the girl next to her, who's apparently dozing off, drool pooling on the stacks of books which she uses as her pillow. Gross.
"Uh, excuse me." Sehun reaches over the counter and taps her shoulder, careful not to touch any of the disgusting liquid. 
"Oh! Yes, welcome! What can I help you with?" Tiffany errupts from her seat before wiping her drool with her palm. She's really pretty, but ugh. Those drools. 
Sehun rolled his eyes, now 10 minutes of his precious time is wasted. Who hired these receptionists anyway. 
"I'm here for the interview, for the new employees." 
"Oh, okay. Name and age please?"
"Oh Sehun. 19. " Oh well, atleast this one has an actual brain as he eyes the other receptionist with dislike. 
Tiffany hands him a card with a number before telling Sehun to wait in the living room until he's called.
He steps inside the interview room. Blue. Quite big. Some tables arranged in a horizontal line and a chair.
"Oh Sehun?" 
"Please have a sit."
"Why do you choose this field?"
"Being a nurse seems... Fun?" He his lips nervously,  "And uh I can learn new things. Crap I'm running out of ideas.
"You're in."
"Guys, I have interviews to go. Later." Luhan, the doctor, goes outside and shuts the door.
It takes less than a second for the whole department to swivel their chairs to form a huge circle. 
"Bet $5 that Luhan would accept all the cuties." A blonde guy with thick- eye brows and heavy voice says.
"Pfft Kris, you cheapskate, $6 that he'll flirt with the new employees." 
"$6 is not any different you ." 
"Whatever." Chen shrugs. 
"Bet on my lunch that Luhan hyung will make a fool of himself." 
"Nobody wants your horrible lunch Kim Jongin." Comes a voice from behind.
"Ah, Kyungsoo my lovely nurse."
"Shut up I'm nobody's nurse." He hands Jongin a set of file about some patients and decides to hurrily escape before something weird happens. 
Too late. Jongin grips the nurse's wrists and pulled him so that the shorter is sitting on his laps.
"How about... You and me, at my office, tonight?" He wriggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Kyungsoo nears himself to Jongin's ear and whispered not- so quietly, "never in your wildest dreams."
"But I am already dreaming of you everyday babe!" He shouts before Kyungsoo shuts the door loudly. 
"He'll love me one day." He leans back on his chair, looking satisfied with today's accomplishment. 
"He hates you."
"Don't crush his hopes, Kris." A guy name Lay said, he just worries that one day his precious dongsaeng would get mentally crushed because of all the rejections and probably sent to a mental hospital, or worst.. an asylum, he fears. Well, don't ask, this is just how weird Lay's way of thinking can be. 
"I'm just telling him the truth." He shrugs. 
"Oh yeah, Kris? How about you and that nurse, Hwang YiTou or whatever his name is, you tried to persuade him with Gucci!" Jongin screams. 
"Yah it's not Hwa-" 
"Anyway guys! I bet $10 that Luhan would come telling us about the new cute nurses." A doctor who has a large grin with a set of pearly, white teeth says. 
"Happens all the time." 
Just then, the door swings open and comes a dazed Luhan with a weird look on his face. 
"Guys! I just met the most amazing, most wonderful, most cutest, most squishy, most handsome, most adorable, most flawless, most loveliest, most charming thing in the world!" He gushes excitedly. 
"Yup, definitely."
"His name is Oh Sehun! His hair is just the most fluffiest thing EVER! I can already-
"Everyone put your earphones on."
"And he's totally my type! He has both the brains and brawns too!" 
"That was weird.." Sehun mutters under his breath. Yes, he's definitely talking about that cute doctor he met earlier for the interview. But oh well, he shrugs, at least he got the job. Soon, very soon, he won't be eating any of those cheap pizza takeouts anymore. It has deadly rotten fungus on them! Enough's enough. He his lips and happily thinks about all the beef, pork, chicken, ham, strawberries, ice creams, cookies, chickens, pork, beef, ham- not realizing a pair of eyes dreamily watching from behind a corner. 
This probably is a good choice. Maybe
He goes home, that night, tucked in his balls of blankets, already waiting for tomorrow to start. 
A/N: So... Yup this is chapter 1... I know it's short but thanks a lot for those who subscribed!!! :D It means a lot to me :) please comment so I can know what you think of this and it makes me happy if you're willing to voice out your thoughts :) I hope you enjoy ^^ 
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author-nim please updateeeeeee i love you heheh :D
OhNiniSoo #2
Chapter 7: Hahah, this is hilarious! XD
And omg I can SO relate to Xiumin, lol. :D
Chapter 7: Wiihhhhhh~ XiuChen fluff XD YAHH~~ NEEDS MORE HUNHNA~ SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPPY!!~ YAH UPDATE SOON ^________^
jiosne #4
Chapter 7: Asdsajfhagjksdslaglsgjdsglkds Xiuchen feels. Omg. /Dead/
Chapter 7: HAHA~ please add some hunhan in next chapter~
this was a nice chapter~
update soon~
jiosne #6
Chapter 6: New reader here! And er Kai. wtf. Don't die. Good luck...?
Anyways, the hunhan <333333

Update soon~
T-araFans #7
Chapter 6: D.O is so funny think that kai is alien....hahahaha
Update soon...
Chapter 6: LOOOOOOLLLLLLLL Chen at the end! Just started reading.. update soon!!!
Chapter 6: >3< poor Luhan..those bad..bad..bad bullie TT______TT yah~ Luhan dun worry Sehun'll be calling you gege again soon~ (More Like YEOBO~)<3