Chapter eight: prom night


Bom's POV

The night I had dreaded for the past few days has finally come, well to tell the truth the fact that a guy has noticed me let alone grown to like me is something I am truly proud of but the fact that I have to wear a dress is killing me, me in a dress is like crossing the boundaries I have never worn a dress, well maybe when I was a kid but not now!!!! And I am not going to go through with the humiliation, people tease me enough already and with a dress on me it will be like the cherry to top all things off. This was one of my reasons but the other one I was too afraid to admit, the idea of seunghyun setting me up on a date felt horrible deep down inside I wanted him not a secret admirer but if he was introducing me to someone else obviously meant he had no interest in me, I went on and on with my ideas imagining all the possibilities but it all came down to the rock hard truth "seunghyun is just my brother"

After hours of working on my hair and makeup, I finally put the dress on. Chaerin onni who had been extra nice to me all day long turned me around to face the mirror and take a look at her masterpiece. You couldn't deny the fact that CL had true talent I couldn't recognize the girl that was standing before me she was so beautiful…

Chaerin placed her hands on my shoulders as we both looked at my reflection

-so….what do you think?

-I think you're excellent! I truly can't believe it, is this really me? 

-honey I told you, you had the potential to shine…she paused for a few seconds then continued

-you just needed a little help she said as she fiddled with my hair it was placed into an untidy bun with strips of it dangling down covering my bare shoulder. The dress that was tailored for me was a black strapless mini dress, beautifully embroided with beads making it sparkle like a star but what caught Bom's attention was the length you could say it didn't have any  as Bom tried hard to pull the dress down chaerin slapped her hands away,

-you're gonna ruin my hard work

-but it's way too short…. Bom whined. Trying the pull the dress down again

-you'll get used to it in no time, plus with heels on no one will notice the shortness. She pulled out a pair of dazzling heels and helped me put them on.

-arraso…she said after putting the heels on but it didn't take one step for her to come stumbling down again if it wasn't for chaerin she would have come stumbling down head first on the floor like always

-don't tell me this is your first time wearing heels, is it?

Bom bit her lip and slowly shook her head.

-not even when you were a kid? You didn't try on your mother's heels and play dress up?? She asked bom in disbelief and once again she shook her head as a signal for no

-oh oh so we are gonna have a few problems with you she said as she glanced at the clock just enough time to teach her how to walk (on heels, that is)

Chaerin dragged her towards a pile of books and picked one that looked relevantly heavy and placed it on her head.

-now try to walk a straight line with the book on your head

Bom just stared at her with a dumbfounded look, not sure if she was capable of doing such a difficult task…

An hour passed by but bom was still stuck at square on. Chaerin heaved a sigh and looked at her watch: I don't think we're going anywhere Bommie ah, all I can tell you is that try your best not to walk in public okay? And I'll tell seunghyun to keep an eye out on you, so don't worry too much and enjoy your night

She pulled her into a tight hug then shooed her to leave.

-thank you so much onni I will always be grateful Bom said as she took careful steps towards the stairway where Seunghyun was waiting for her…

Top's POV

The moment was drawing near the moment I would be able to see the new side of Bom, I was anxious and nervous, not really knowing what to expect, I paced back and forth awaiting Bom's arrival and that was when I heard footsteps I raised my head to take a peek at the mesmerizing angel that was descending down towards me.

WOW…Words couldn't describe the way I felt, I could feel my ears turning red making me more nervous than ever. Her breathtaking figure slowly made its way down the flight of stairs. I needed to come back to my senses before she caught me staring at her with an open mouth. I quickly closed my mouth gulped down the big lump in my throat and cleared it with a cough, straightened myself out and took a step towards her. She only had three steps left until she touched solid ground when there was only one step left her shoes got the best of her as she slipped falling right towards me she yelped…


 Fortunately for her, Seunghyun caught her right in time; she landed straight into his arms. As seunghyun clutched his hands around her waist, Bom tightly gripped onto Seunghyun's shoulder and shut her eyes tight while Seunghyun's eyes were wide open staring at her in complete awe. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart and neither of the two was willing to pull back. Bom's eyes gradually flattered open and the staring contest began not even minding the awkward position they both were in they continued gazing into each other's eyes until finally the urge to blink brought them back to life. That was when Bom decided to pull back and straighten herself out all she could do was stare at the ground and rub one arm with the other hand.

-should we get going? Top said breaking the silence that had enveloped the two of them. Bom just nodded with her eyes glued to the floor.

The ride to school was awkward and so silent that you could hear the sound of their breaths being taken; luckily the ride was over soon enough. Seunghyun guided bom towards the hall reluctant to even get close to her like a father guiding her daughter; he tried his best to be gentleman and opened the door for her then stepped aside for her to enter, the tapping sound of her shoes filled the already crowded and noisy room making heads turn and people stop what they were doing just to see who it was…

Boys gawked, girls gave her envious stares, voices could be heard that were complementing her beauty some were even saying how hot she was and others were doubting if she went to the same school as they did and even so why haven't they seen her before. Not even one person present ever thought that she was the same park Bom that got bullied and laughed at.

-oh god why are they staring at me? She thought while looking for seunghyun the only guy he knew amongst the crowd but failed to find him. What she didn't know was that seunghyun was trying hard to persuade his friend to act as Bom's date for tonight…

-oh man…I want to be with Dara tonight.

-please YongBae, I'll make it up to you, I swear I will, please help me out

-why won't you be her date? You brought her here and now you want me to be her date?

-I can't be her date

-why NOT?

-just because…

-okay I get it, she's not the one. If I do what you tell me what am I gonna get in return?!

Seunghyun was about to say she is the one but gave up shortly after.

-I get you a date with Dara, how does that sound?

-that's more like it, I like the way you think my man! YongBae said as he gave top a nudge. So what do I have to do?

-you have to be her date for tonight, make her think you like her

-roger that, sir! He said as he gleefully walked towards Bom… "she's kinda hot but nothing compared to Dara" he thought.

Bom who had lost all hope of finding Seunghyun took a seat in a quiet place, surprisingly though a few guys hit on her but she remained seated until YongBae approached her

-Park Bom shi?


-Hi! I'm Dong YongBae; you can call me taeyang whichever one you please. He said as he stretched his hand towards Bom with his trademark eye smile. Bom took his hand and gave it a shake

-are you friends with Seunghyun shi? She shyly asked trying to make sure he was the one

-yes, you could say that. It's nice to meet you Bom shi, do you want to dance?


-but what?

-I don't really know how to dance

-really? Taeyang asked." This girl is sure weird" he thought to himself before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the crowd of people dancing to slow music, then he came to a sudden halt making Bom who was following him bump straight into his back. He then suddenly turned around facing Bom.

-it's easy…just follow my lead…ok? He said to reassure her that what they were about to do needed no practice at all.

Bom just stood there doing nothing. YongBae thought that it was best to get started now than ever he grabbed her hand into his and pulled her waist closer with the other hand he then slowly took steps from side to side and Bom followed.

-I told you it's not hard. He replied with a grin on his face. Bom gave him a shy smile as a sign of agreement, but inside to the girl who had never actually been with men their close contact was slightly intimidating and awkward, a few minutes past and the music was still running and Bom was growing more uncomfortable by the second.

Taeyang realized the tense atmosphere and decided to start the conversation.

-so…how do you know Seunghyun? He began with the only thing they were mutual about.

Bom thought hard about how she should answer him and with much thought responded:

-we're just acquainted…that's all

"that's strange why would Top bring her here if they were only acquainted?" and that was when he got the idea. Seunghyun was finally growing up he said in triumph inside his head. Thinking that maybe he had become sane enough to use other girls for his pleasure after spending a year waiting for just one girl! Maybe planning something on the way back to prom…with a devilish grin plastered along his face, he was so happy to have reached such a conclusion, but one look at Bom's pure and innocent face got him thinking, that she didn't deserve to be toyed with after much consideration  he voiced an opinion

- Bom-shi do you like seunghyun?

Bom's eyes rounded with surprise at his question but she didn't know how to answer, either way nothing sounded good so she decided to just keep quiet with her head hung low avoiding his piercing gaze

-I take that as a yes then. Look Bom I want to do you a favor, seeing you reminds me of my first crush in grade school back then as stupid as it may have seemed I wasn't aware that the girl I liked wasn't one bit into me and liked someone else I'm a guy and I can take it but you’re a girl it may come hard on you when he leaves you…he continued

- I don't get what you're trying to say to me YongBae-shi. Completely confused of the situation

-what I'm trying to say is that try and get over Seunghyun he's in love with someone else. You'll just end up hurt at the end. Bom looked to her side to find Seunghyun and Dara talking to each other on the near end of the hall. He wasn't his strict self anymore and a warm smile was on his face.

That was when everything just fit into place and Bom's world came crashing down on top of her. Tears struggled to escape her eyes, her knees wobbled and she felt dizzy. Deep down inside he knew that everything YongBae had just said was true way before he had even said them but to hear it so straight forward was heartbreaking she wanted to escape this room and fast.

-excuse me YongBae-shi I think I need some fresh air, thank you for the dance, it was nice meeting you…she gently pushed him off and made her way towards the exit.

YongBae knew she needed some time alone and didn't oblige to her decision he placed his hands inside his pocket and made his way towards Seunghyun and Dara.

-where's Bom? Seunghyun said in a worried voice the moment taeyang reached the gang.

-she just left

-to where? Why?

-man wasn't there anyone better than her you would want to mess with? She doesn't deserve to be hurt

-what the hell did you say to her? Top said with anger in his voice

-what do you expect? The truth. That she's not the one and she's just wasting time

Seunghyun was furious. He grabbed his friend's collar as he shouted in his face.


- I screwed up, sorry man. He said with a sorry expression on his face totally sorry

-I will deal with you later he said as he let go of him with a thud and ran as fast he could towards the exit.

-what am I going to do with you YongBae? Dara said as she shook her head from side to side.

A/N- hey guys, next chapter is going to be interesting I hope…

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kassy26 #1
dear authornim,i hope you dont forget bout this wonderful story!pls ^^
Woah! why haven't I notice this fic like ever???...I love it!!!
update!! :D I love it so far.
aww this is really cute...ang YB's cute his character here...

please update soon!!!

i can't hardly wait for your next updates!!!
tirimasubabe #5
Omo, Omo, Omo... My heart ached when Yongbae told her that... Aigooo~, Great chapters~! Update soon~! :)
cestdanimension #6
i love this chapter.. good work author-nim!!
update real soon..
cheer-123 #7
Thank you for updating. I'm glad you didn't give up on it. I know Bom will look gorgeous on prom night. I guess since they aren't really related, I hope they can be together.
poofers #8
This is so good! Please keep it up:)
cheer-123 #9
I wish you would update. Even if you give us a few more chapters and end it. I like this story.