Chapter four: friends?


Top's POV

last period was over and I was exhausted, it had been a pretty hectic day for me today, I had got myself into my first fight and all because of that girl, why am I so different when I'm around her? I wasn't planning on going home I wanted to get her a new pair of glasses if possible, I knew she didn't have that much money and I also knew she would never ask my dad for money the girl I know can't even stand up for herself so what more can I expect? The only problem that was concerning me was that I didn't know this town let alone know where to change her glasses. I was at the front gate of the school when I heard a familiar voice calling me, well not calling my name but the nickname she had made for me.

-Hey, pretty boy. Whatcha doing? Your bikes on the other end of school and you're leaving by foot? 

Sandara Park! The one who literally caused this mess, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind. I walked towards her. She was leaning against the wall with a lollipop in .

-what do you care? Do you by any chance…..?

-do I what?

-do you fancy me? Do you have the hotts for me like all the other girls? Was the juice incident just a way for me to recognize you? Don't deny it.

 I put her on the pedestal, asking her questions non-stop, getting closer and closer to the now frightened girl.

-what's the matter? The cat got your tongue? I tilted my head at an attempt to kiss her, well not really kiss her just mess with her.

-ewe, ewe, ewe, get away from me.

The expression on her face was priceless and I just couldn't help but crack up. When she saw me laugh the face that used to be disgusted now turned angry, but quickly changed into a smirk.

-So this is what you call payback, huh?

-most definitely yes. You don't know what I had to go through to get out of the mess you put me in. I said between the short breaths I took while laughing

-so we're even?

-not really, if you help me out with something then you're clear.

-what would you want from me?

-show me your town I have a place I want to go to.

-Aishhhh…..For just one simple accident you sure are hard to please.

Then forget it but don't come to me when rumor spreads that Sandara Park has a crush on T.O.P, I was really going off boundaries and I was having real fun doing it. Before I could finish my sentence her hand came to cover my mouth.

-I swear I will grind you to bits if you start spreading false rumors, understood? I nodded my head to let her know I was fully aware of her capabilities. She slowly removed her hand and with that asked: where do you want to go?

-somewhere that either exchanges or sells glasses.

-do you wear glasses?

-Not for myself, I want it for someone else.

-and who is this someone?

-did we agree on asking questions?

-no, but I was just wondering. You don't seem like the type who cares about others.

-are you saying I don't have a heart?

-Not necessarily. It's just that the first time I saw you I thought you would either be a loner or a playboy, either way you're on your own till the end

-that's a bit harsh.

-Isn't it partly true?

-well it's completely true; I have never committed myself to anything and anyone so that means I'm kind of a loner.

- I told you so…..

-are you rubbing it in my face?

-you could call it that…


They walked and talked not realizing how much time had passed. He really felt comfortable talking to her beside her occasional annoyance she really felt like a dongsaeng, a little sister that listened very well. The dark sky was the only thing that made them realize how late it had been, he had got Bom new glasses ages ago and they both thought it was about the right time to say goodbye.

-I had fun today, Top said while rubbing the back of his neck. He was never too good with goodbye and he always hated them.

-me too

-so we're even right?


-how about friends? 

-that sounds good

-bye Sandara. I said as I slowly turned around and headed the opposite direction

-call me Dara since we're friends.

-ok then, see ya tomorrow, Dara, emphasizing on the last word as he lifted his hand to casually say goodbye without turning around to give her a glance.


It was 7 in the evening and already dark, top decided to get his bike before leaving for home, but what he didn't know was that a certain someone had been following him all day long waiting for the right time to beat the hell out of him. Stepping inside the big parking lot the only motorbike visible to the eye was Seunghyun's he took slow steps towards it, feeling slightly uneasy by the sound of a pair of feet approaching him, he increased the speed of his walk to quickly make a getaway on his bike, unfortunately top's speed walk wasn't a match for those feet as two strong hands came straight down landing on his shoulders.

-where are you going? You didn't expect that you'd get away this easy after punching me in the face, did you? He gave off an evil laugh before grinding the bones on Seunghyun's shoulder. Top didn't want to show any weakness, he didn't whimper in pain for he knew the moment he did, it would all be over.

-what do you precisely want? Top said in a very calm and relax tone.

-do you know how much the humiliation I endured will affect my high school reputation? All these years of the high life will all go down the drain because of your stupid heroic act? I don't think so, I'm gonna make you regret ever stepping inside this school.

-be realistic I beat you once, I can easily do it again, you don't want a bleeding nose on that face, do you?

-Oh, I am realistic, very realistic as a matter of fact, that's why I won't spend my precious time on useless garbage like you.

The closing stages of his sentence were followed by two bulky guys appearing from behind him, god they were big, rather huge than big and each guy was like three Seunghyun's put together. If I was him the only message running thru my head would be RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! But the man we all know wasn't the type to give up without a fight.

-I promise I won't humiliate you but be sure that I will promise you one thing and that is by the time they're done with you, you will NEVER step foot on these grounds again, at least not with your own two feet that is.

-Do your thing boys. Patting them on the back and leaving two angry bulls with poor seunghyun.

At first he was doing quite well dodging punches and giving sidekicks to his opponents but you can all guess it was a really unfair match and after 10 minutes or so he was finding it hard to keep up with these boys.

The moment he slipped was enough for these humongous pieces of junk to grab full advantage and beat the hell out of him…

The sound of breaking bones was literally audible as they punched and punched and punched turning his body into a bruised and bloody piece of flesh, after a while the pain slowly went away he couldn't feel pain anymore. Sprawled out on the ground with his head facing the parking lot door his eyelids felt heavy, heavy enough for him to not be able to keep them open anymore, he wasn't worried about the sake of his life but the newly bought glasses that were in his pocket even though it had a case, the way they were punching him was enough for even the strongest stones to break into pieces…

-please be in one piece….. Was the only thought that was running thru Seunghyun's head at that moment…


Meanwhile the busy bookworm was in the library with books everywhere. This was the usual time for her to be studying but today she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried the thought of him could ever escape her mind. How could he have changed so much over night? He was so mean to me yesterday but today I don't know what to think of. Every time I thought about him my heart would start pounding fast and I would get deeply hot, am I getting sick? I'm not the one to get a fever this easily. Confused with all these thoughts my eyes suddenly met the hands of the clock. Seven? Already seven? How can I be out this late? I need to get home quickly before mom gets mad at me; I quickly grabbed my belongings and went out the door but what she didn't know was that the lifeless body of the person she was starting to feel affection for was awaiting her at the front gate.

[A/N]-thank you for all your nice comments and forgive me for not replying to each and every one, I promise you that next chapter will have topbom interaction, till next time. 

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kassy26 #1
dear authornim,i hope you dont forget bout this wonderful story!pls ^^
Woah! why haven't I notice this fic like ever???...I love it!!!
update!! :D I love it so far.
aww this is really cute...ang YB's cute his character here...

please update soon!!!

i can't hardly wait for your next updates!!!
tirimasubabe #5
Omo, Omo, Omo... My heart ached when Yongbae told her that... Aigooo~, Great chapters~! Update soon~! :)
cestdanimension #6
i love this chapter.. good work author-nim!!
update real soon..
cheer-123 #7
Thank you for updating. I'm glad you didn't give up on it. I know Bom will look gorgeous on prom night. I guess since they aren't really related, I hope they can be together.
poofers #8
This is so good! Please keep it up:)
cheer-123 #9
I wish you would update. Even if you give us a few more chapters and end it. I like this story.