Chapter three: To defend what's right


Bom's POV 

 I stood up and decided to leave the room feeling that he really didn't want me there, I picked up as many books as I could and left for the library knowing that it could be the only quite place I could find besides the classroom, hardly anyone visited the library thinking it was too boring and too dorky of a place to even pay a visit I knew I would be safe there, as my mind was filled with thoughts of my secret hideout I really didn't get to see the big foot that had been placed in front of me and guess what? I came stumbling down like a sack of potatoes when I tripped on it, books flying everywhere and my face splattered on the ground like a sunny side down omelet. Oh man, what have you gotten yourself into? My inner self told me with the strict mother tone, I stayed there for a second not realizing what just actually happened, but the sound of something being shattered beneath those same big feet made me raise my head. Oh god, why am I having such bad luck today? I can't afford to buy new glasses, not with the way my family lives. Why? Why? Why are these people so mean? I can't read without does glasses. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the laughter started, it went on and on like a train with no destination. I slowly tried to lift my upper body with my hands but I couldn't, my wounded hand wouldn't let me. even if my body was gonna give up on me my mind wasn't, I was determined to get up and luckily I succeeded, I sat on my knees and picked up the books that had been lying around. I knew there was no easy way out, I knew I couldn't leave until they had finished laughing at me. I reached towards the last book that was on the far left side of me but as I was about to pick it up someone beat me to it I looked up and it was seunghyun!

 -A little more careful where you step next time, ok?

I knew I had to reply but why wasn't anything coming out of my mouth? With his face so close to mine and the almost smile that was plastered along his face he looked incredible, I had never seen him with a smile but now that I have I know it was worth the wait, he looked wonderful in it.

The only thing my head was able to do was nod, I took the books from him and decided to find a way for an exit. I quickly turned around but was stopped midway curious as to what had stopped me I looked down at my free hand to find Seunghyun's hand on it. My eyes were about to pop out and anyone that looked into them could tell I was in a complete state of shock.

-You can't leave just yet

-why? Was the only thing that fortunately came out of my mouth, but he didn't answer me, instead he pulled me into the big crowd of students that had circled what we call the usual bully. I wanted to let go of his hand and run as fast as I could but his tight grip forbid me from doing so. When we reached the middle of the circle he let go of my hand.

The moment I was free my head automatically tilted towards the ground, I really didn't have the guts to look into the faces of those who had been laughing at me.

Top's POV

Why is she so shy? Why can't she defend herself? I was only planning on helping her with her books but the moment our eyes met I was lost, her dark orbs were mesmerizing and it was only then that I was determined to get an apology for her. I also partly felt guilty for making her leave the classroom.

  When I was only in an arms reach from this insecure guy I let go of her hand and faced him completely. By now everyone in the hall was silent you could hear the sound of a pin drop on the ground because of the deafening silence.

-Don't you think you owe and apology to this young lady for what you did?

-And you are…….? He said in an arrogant tone.

-It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you’re a troubled little boy that doesn't have anything better to do then to humiliate and bother other students with your stupid actions.

-what did you just say? I could tell he was slowly losing his confidence and that my plan was going smoothly.

- Exactly what you heard me say, I'm not going to repeat myself.

- You son of a , I'm gonna kill you for what you just said. He formed his hand into a fist, raised it and was about to give seunghyun a black eye but his lack of confidence failed to help him aim and Top easily dodged it, and instead gave him a punch on the jaw line making him fly backwards and fall to the ground.


The expressions of awe and astonishment were glued to the faces of the people around them and the admiration for this handsome boy grew twice as much as it was this morning. The fact that he was the only boy in school that had the nerve to stand up against this bully was unbelievable.

-I'm still waiting for an apology. Top said with his hands in his pockets.

As the defeated man spat out the blood in his mouth he stood up gave seunghyun a deadly glare walked past him and reached Bom.

-You should be proud; you have a very brave boyfriend, well for now that is. He turned around and took a few steps, stopped for a second and without turning around he said: sorry for the incident earlier.

I don't think the dumbest of people believed that apology, but it was better than nothing.

The guy slowly reached Top and whispered in his ear: don't think you're off the hook this easily , I'm gonna make you pay big time. Then he gave Bom a wink and made his way out.

-He's not my boyfriend, Bom said in a very quiet voice. Clearly not hearable to anyone because the girls around were fuming with jealousy, but seunghyun couldn't care less, it wasn't like their jealousy was needed or was it?   

He left the scene, picked up Bom's glasses or maybe half glasses, the frame and the glass for one eye was completely broken into pieces so calling it glasses didn't really make sense placed it inside his pocket and left without another word.

[A/N]-I was going to give the bully an identity but didn't because there were a few people befitting such a character, not because of their personality but because of their figure and I couldn't make up my mind so I left it up to you guys to think of a name for it, please participate I'd like to know who you think should be the bully in my story, this chapter is a little shorter than the other two that's why my next update will sooner, I hope

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kassy26 #1
dear authornim,i hope you dont forget bout this wonderful story!pls ^^
Woah! why haven't I notice this fic like ever???...I love it!!!
update!! :D I love it so far.
aww this is really cute...ang YB's cute his character here...

please update soon!!!

i can't hardly wait for your next updates!!!
tirimasubabe #5
Omo, Omo, Omo... My heart ached when Yongbae told her that... Aigooo~, Great chapters~! Update soon~! :)
cestdanimension #6
i love this chapter.. good work author-nim!!
update real soon..
cheer-123 #7
Thank you for updating. I'm glad you didn't give up on it. I know Bom will look gorgeous on prom night. I guess since they aren't really related, I hope they can be together.
poofers #8
This is so good! Please keep it up:)
cheer-123 #9
I wish you would update. Even if you give us a few more chapters and end it. I like this story.