Chapter five: on the verge of falling...


 Bom' POV 

I was about to push open the big doors when a lifeless and wounded body caught my attention, I walked towards it not knowing who it actually was, my insides were about to flip I felt uneasy I didn't want the guy to be dead, I'm all by myself and seeing your first dead body at night isn't something I can pass by so easily I nervously took steps towards it, and the moment I reached it I couldn't hold back the tears, his face was covered with blood but I could still recognize it I shivered at the coldness of the wind I totally out, I wanted to scream and run but I couldn't I shouldn't. Leaving him here was the last thing my mind was set on doing.

-Seunghyun-ah, wake up, please wake up. My voice was trembling and tears kept on rolling down, I grabbed his face with my two hands it with my two thumbs. He didn't move, not a single limb in his body had any movement.

-what do I do? Where do I take him? How do I take him? He can't be dead, can he?

I placed my ear beside his lips and when I could feel hot breath being blown into it. I found new hope, he's still alive! I had to take him home no matter what. I stood up wandering helplessly for my bike, my knees felt wobbly but it wasn't the time nor the place for me to act weak. My two hands grabbed the cold handles of the bike and I sped up to reach him. I stood above his head with a bewildered look I needed to get him on the bike and fast. I lifted him up as I put my hands around his torso he was tremendously heavy, when I realized his feet were firm on the ground I loosened my grip but immediately yelped in pain when his whole body came falling on top of me; I had failed to realize he still was completely unconscious…………….

 She was utterly frozen, the only part of her body that was functioning would have had to be her heart it was working nonstop while as the rest of her body had entirely shut down, the pressure that his chest was putting on her wasn't helping her relax anytime soon but what came next really knocked her off her feet, his head suddenly dropped and placed itself on the crook of her neck the softness of his lips sent chills down the spin of her now heated body.

 By now his body was starting to cool down giving an SOS sign to Bom that she should really get going but her heart wasn't done yet the loud drumming sound was keeping her from moving, she inhaled a large amount of oxygen grabbed all might and pulled him out of theirso called embrace. She dragged him towards her bike limping the whole way there with Top's arm over Bom's shoulder. She placed him on the back seat (luckily the seat to her bike was wide enough for two) then slowly removed his hand from her shoulder to see if he could withstand his own weight but he couldn't; he kept falling, not unless he had some kind of support and that was when the idea hit her. She quickly sat in front being careful not to give him any more injuries then interlocked his hands around her waist (usually if a guy is wide awake it would be the other way round meaning the girl would always hold onto the guys back for support-in motor bikes-but seeing as our main male character is out cold……well…….. drastic times call for drastic measures) when she became sure that seunghyun wouldn't fall off the bike half way through, she started pedaling with all the power she had inside her this was a life and death situation and she was determined to bring him home alive.

When they were in front of the big white door that led to their house, she pulled into a stop reached for Seunghyun's arm and carried him towards the door hopeful that once she was past those doors his dad would take care of the rest, but to her surprise as many times as she knocked and tried to open the door it wouldn't budge meaning there was no one home, pessimistic to ever getting the door opened by her mother or his father she reached for her keys opened the door and made her way towards the hall finding a small white note on the table that read:


Your new dad and I have gone to spend some quality time together, something like a second honey moon if you could call it that but for business reasons, anyways we won't be back for at least a week so take care of yourself, be good to seunghyun and try to make him feel more at home.

                                                  With lots of hugs and kisses,

                                                                                               Mom<3 <3 <3

Bom could only smile at her mother's weak attempt to draw pretty hearts but it suddenly hit her she was all alone with a man on the verge of death in her arms she tried hard to fight back the tears she needed comfort, for a girl in her late teens this was too much to handle and for a second the thought of returning him to where she had found him and abandoning him crossed her mind but just one look at his face was enough for her to regret ever thinking such stupid thoughts.

Her eyes followed the flight of stairs that led to their bedrooms, uncertain as to which room she should take him and scared that once he woke up he would scold her for entering his room she finally decided to take him to her room. She dragged him towards the big bed that was placed in the middle and was facing the window and gently placed him on it then quickly ran back down to get the first aids kit, being the only child with a not so rich mother had taught her many things and one of them were that she had never visited the hospital she took care of herself without the need to spend money. She stared at her bandaged hand and remembered how she stitched the cut all by herself she was certain that she could do the same with seunghyun, when she returned to her room she found the trail of blood on the floor that led to his body she quickly got started with taking his shirt of, it had already been torn and soiled. When she took it off his bare chest was revealed to her innocent eyes and her hands automatically went to cover her eyes shut but removed them shortly after realizing she had more important things to do then to stare at his body….


What you think, do and say every day makes great changes in the life you have ahead of you, one wrong turn in decisions and you could be regretting it for life that night Bom spent the whole night above her own bed treating his wound washing and sewing his shirt giving his body enough heat and trying her best not to sleep a wink in hope of the moment he would open his eyes and truly thank her for all she had done and all the hardships she had to endured.

 Hours passed by and dawn became near the weary girl was trying hard to keep herself awake it was her first time having an all-nighter and she was completely exhausted sitting on the chair beside the bed her head slowly dozed off as she went into deep slumber….


I gradually opened my eyes, my body aced and my head felt heavy but what really woke me up was the weight in my stomach heaving up and down with every breath I took I looked down to find Bom's head on my abdomen sleeping as sound as a baby I don't know what came over me but my hand suddenly went to touch her hair the hair that felt like soft silk between my fingers I drew aside the strands of hair on her face to take a better look at her she was beautiful the curves of her face and lips were really tempting, making me want to kiss it I ran my thumb across her soft, plump lips she had put me into a trance, a trance I couldn't escape from I slowly felt the beats of my heart quickening growing louder and louder with every pass of the second. I shook my head a couple of times to get rid of all the thoughts that were torturing me I gently lifted her head up with my hand and got myself out of bed I then placed her head back on the bed, she didn't move a bit. She must be really tired, I thought to myself and that was when all of what happened last night came back to me, the last thing I remembered was blacking out in the middle of the parking lot but what was I doing here? I looked down at my body it wasn't perfect but it was way better then the last time I saw it being beaten up by those animals but how was it possible? I looked back at Bom who was still fast asleep she couldn't have brought me here could she? I quickly walked down the stairs in search of my dad but only found a piece of paper, as I hastily scanned through it I suddenly realized what had just happened and the reason as to why I was sleeping in Bom's room. I suddenly felt super embarrassed I was alive because of her I felt indebted to her, I wanted to repay but I didn't know how. I returned to her room to find her still sleeping on the chair with her head on the bed. I scooped her body up and placed her on the bed I lifted the covers over her and tiptoed my way out of her room when I put my hands in my pocket I felt the stiff box that was inside it I hurriedly opened it to find the perfect pair of unbroken glasses in my hand I smiled with wonder, proud that it was in one piece. Before I was completely out of her room I returned to her bed drawer and placed the glasses on it. Forgive me Bommie-ah…. I said as I gently kissed her forehead.

I'm falling for my sister I said heaving out a sigh and gently closing the door behind me.

 Bom's POV

I was about to push open the big doors when a lifeless and wounded body caught my attention, I walked towards it not knowing who it actually was, my insides were about to flip I felt uneasy I didn't want the guy to be dead, I'm all by myself and seeing your first dead body at night isn't something I can pass by so easily I nervously took steps towards it, and the moment I reached it I couldn't hold back the tears, his face was covered with blood but I could still recognize it I shivered at the coldness of the wind I totally out, I wanted to scream and run but I couldn't I shouldn't. Leaving him here was the last thing my mind was set on doing.

-Seunghyun-ah, wake up, please wake up. My voice was trembling and tears kept on rolling down, I grabbed his face with my two hands it with my two thumbs. He didn't move, not a single limb in his body had any movement.

-what do I do? Where do I take him? How do I take him? He can't be dead, can he?

I placed my ear beside his lips and when I could feel hot breath being blown into it. I found new hope, he's still alive! I had to take him home no matter what. I stood up wandering helplessly for my bike, my knees felt wobbly but it wasn't the time nor the place for me to act weak. My two hands grabbed the cold handles of the bike and I sped up to reach him. I stood above his head with a bewildered look I needed to get him on the bike and fast. I lifted him up as I put my hands around his torso he was tremendously heavy, when I realized his feet were firm on the ground I loosened my grip but immediately yelped in pain when his whole body came falling on top of me; I had failed to realize he still was completely unconscious…………….


  She was utterly frozen, the only part of her body that was functioning would have had to be her heart it was working nonstop while as the rest of her body had entirely shut down, the pressure that his chest was putting on her wasn't helping her relax anytime soon but what came next really knocked her off her feet, his head suddenly dropped and placed itself on the crook of her neck the softness of his lips sent chills down the spin of her now heated body.

 By now his body was starting to cool down giving an SOS sign to Bom that she should really get going but her heart wasn't done yet the loud drumming sound was keeping her from moving, she inhaled a large amount of oxygen grabbed all might and pulled him out of theirso called embrace. She dragged him towards her bike limping the whole way there with Top's arm over Bom's shoulder. She placed him on the back seat (luckily the seat to her bike was wide enough for two) then slowly removed his hand from her shoulder to see if he could withstand his own weight but he couldn't; he kept falling, not unless he had some kind of support and that was when the idea hit her. She quickly sat in front being careful not to give him any more injuries then interlocked his hands around her waist (usually if a guy is wide awake it would be the other way round meaning the girl would always hold onto the guys back for support-in motor bikes-but seeing as our main male character is out cold……well…….. drastic times call for drastic measures) when she became sure that seunghyun wouldn't fall off the bike half way through, she started pedaling with all the power she had inside her this was a life and death situation and she was determined to bring him home alive.

When they were in front of the big white door that led to their house, she pulled into a stop reached for Seunghyun's arm and carried him towards the door hopeful that once she was past those doors his dad would take care of the rest, but to her surprise as many times as she knocked and tried to open the door it wouldn't budge meaning there was no one home, pessimistic to ever getting the door opened by her mother or his father she reached for her keys opened the door and made her way towards the hall finding a small white note on the table that read:


Your new dad and I have gone to spend some quality time together, something like a second honey moon if you could call it that but for business reasons, anyways we won't be back for at least a week so take care of yourself, be good to seunghyun and try to make him feel more at home.

                                                  With lots of hugs and kisses,

                                                                                               Mom<3 <3 <3

Bom could only smile at her mother's weak attempt to draw pretty hearts but it suddenly hit her she was all alone with a man on the verge of death in her arms she tried hard to fight back the tears she needed comfort, for a girl in her late teens this was too much to handle and for a second the thought of returning him to where she had found him and abandoning him crossed her mind but just one look at his face was enough for her to regret ever thinking such stupid thoughts.

Her eyes followed the flight of stairs that led to their bedrooms, uncertain as to which room she should take him and scared that once he woke up he would scold her for entering his room she finally decided to take him to her room. She dragged him towards the big bed that was placed in the middle and was facing the window and gently placed him on it then quickly ran back down to get the first aids kit, being the only child with a not so rich mother had taught her many things and one of them were that she had never visited the hospital she took care of herself without the need to spend money. She stared at her bandaged hand and remembered how she stitched the cut all by herself she was certain that she could do the same with seunghyun, when she returned to her room she found the trail of blood on the floor that led to his body she quickly got started with taking his shirt of, it had already been torn and soiled. When she took it off his bare chest was revealed to her innocent eyes and her hands automatically went to cover her eyes shut but removed them shortly after realizing she had more important things to do then to stare at his body….


What you think, do and say every day makes great changes in the life you have ahead of you, one wrong turn in decisions and you could be regretting it for life that night Bom spent the whole night above her own bed treating his wound washing and sewing his shirt giving his body enough heat and trying her best not to sleep a wink in hope of the moment he would open his eyes and truly thank her for all she had done and all the hardships she had to endured.

 Hours passed by and dawn became near the weary girl was trying hard to keep herself awake it was her first time having an all-nighter and she was completely exhausted sitting on the chair beside the bed her head slowly dozed off as she went into deep slumber….


I gradually opened my eyes, my body aced and my head felt heavy but what really woke me up was the weight in my stomach heaving up and down with every breath I took I looked down to find Bom's head on my abdomen sleeping as sound as a baby I don't know what came over me but my hand suddenly went to touch her hair the hair that felt like soft silk between my fingers I drew aside the strands of hair on her face to take a better look at her she was beautiful the curves of her face and lips were really tempting, making me want to kiss it I ran my thumb across her soft, plump lips she had put me into a trance, a trance I couldn't escape from I slowly felt the beats of my heart quickening growing louder and louder with every pass of the second. I shook my head a couple of times to get rid of all the thoughts that were torturing me I gently lifted her head up with my hand and got myself out of bed I then placed her head back on the bed, she didn't move a bit. She must be really tired, I thought to myself and that was when all of what happened last night came back to me, the last thing I remembered was blacking out in the middle of the parking lot but what was I doing here? I looked down at my body it wasn't perfect but it was way better then the last time I saw it being beaten up by those animals but how was it possible? I looked back at Bom who was still fast asleep she couldn't have brought me here could she? I quickly walked down the stairs in search of my dad but only found a piece of paper, as I hastily scanned through it I suddenly realized what had just happened and the reason as to why I was sleeping in Bom's room. I suddenly felt super embarrassed I was alive because of her I felt indebted to her, I wanted to repay but I didn't know how. I returned to her room to find her still sleeping on the chair with her head on the bed. I scooped her body up and placed her on the bed I lifted the covers over her and tiptoed my way out of her room when I put my hands in my pocket I felt the stiff box that was inside it I hurriedly opened it to find the perfect pair of unbroken glasses in my hand I smiled with wonder, proud that it was in one piece. Before I was completely out of her room I returned to her bed drawer and placed the glasses on it. Forgive me Bommie-ah…. I said as I gently kissed her forehead.

I'm falling for my sister I said heaving out a sigh and gently closing the door behind me.

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kassy26 #1
dear authornim,i hope you dont forget bout this wonderful story!pls ^^
Woah! why haven't I notice this fic like ever???...I love it!!!
update!! :D I love it so far.
aww this is really cute...ang YB's cute his character here...

please update soon!!!

i can't hardly wait for your next updates!!!
tirimasubabe #5
Omo, Omo, Omo... My heart ached when Yongbae told her that... Aigooo~, Great chapters~! Update soon~! :)
cestdanimension #6
i love this chapter.. good work author-nim!!
update real soon..
cheer-123 #7
Thank you for updating. I'm glad you didn't give up on it. I know Bom will look gorgeous on prom night. I guess since they aren't really related, I hope they can be together.
poofers #8
This is so good! Please keep it up:)
cheer-123 #9
I wish you would update. Even if you give us a few more chapters and end it. I like this story.