A kiss under a mistletoe

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Days had passed like nothing. It was already the 24th of December and we were in front of Yunho's house. I was nervous like hell. My hands were shaking like crazy, the flower in my hands was going to fall in no time.

-Jaejoong-ssi calm down.- said Yunho while smiling brightly.

-It's...I..ok- I said. But my hands didn't stopped shaking.

-Do you want to take my hand?-

-Are you crazy? If your parents will see it they'll go crazy as well.-

-So you would take my hand if we were not here?-

-I...no- I said.

He chuckled.

-Oh, remember, don't call me -ssi, don't tell them you are my bodyguard and if they don't know who I am don't tell them. We are just...-

-Friends?- he finished for me.

-Yes please- I said doing puppy eyes.

He blushed again and I was feeling more relaxed already.


-Yunho! My baby come in!- said a cute voice. I bet she was his mother. She was a sweet and gentle lady at first sight. Hoped she was like that for true, it will be cool.

-Mom, hi. How are you?-

-Fine Yunho, fine. And who is this gentleman you brought with you?- she asked with a shy smile.

-Mom I present you Jaejoong. He is my...a friend.- he said.

-Nice to meet you Mrs Jung- I bowed a little.

-How cute, welcome Jaejoong dear.-

We entered the house and it was a really beautiful one. My house compared with this one was for sure emotionless.

After greeting his father we went in the living room were the table was already ready.

-Mrs Jung I brought this for you. Hope you'll like it.- I said smiling.

She thanked me and put it near the Christmas tree.

Counting the plates on the table I was concerned.

-Yunho- I whispered.

-What?- he came closer.

-Do you have a sister or a brother?-

He frowned and said no. Then why...? He saw what was I talking about.

-Mom, do you expect someone else?- he asked.

-Oh Yunho dear guess who returned from Japan and wants to see you?- She smiled happily.

-Don't tell me it's....-

-Yunho! Don't be like this to her. Poor girl, she passed through a very hard period when you broke up.- she scolded him.

So he had a girlfriend. What a shame of me thinking that he was gay. Maybe it's time for me to get away. I arrived here uninvited, it's obvious that his mother was going to put them together again.

-Maybe I'll just leave..Yunho- I said with a shy smile.

-No. It's not you who has to go away.- he said assuring me.

-I know that you have so much to talk about, that I'll be just unwanted.

-Jae..stay please.- he asked. Was I immaging his pleade in his eyes or not?



After an hour that we were there already and almost finished eating she rang at the bell. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I don't like girls. Apart from my fans of course. Hoped she wasn't ne of them.

-SeulGi baby come in!-

-Hi mom! I missed you so much!- the girl said while hugging Yunho's mother. Mom? She called her Mom? I should have gone a long time ago.

-Fine fine and you?-

-I'll be better when I'll see Yunho. Where's he?- she asked looking around.

I looked at him and felt bad for him. Yes, she was a pretty girl but nothing special. And I guess she was important only to Yunho's mom not to him. Am I wrong?

He had his head down and his eyes closed. I don't know why or what took me that moment but I gently caressed his leg.

-It's ok- I said smiling. He took my hand and sqweezed it till the girl came closer.

-Yunho-ah! Long time no see- and she litteraly jumped on him. .

-SeulGi, stop.- and he pushed her away. That's my boy. I was so proud of him. And maybe..just maybe..so happy.

-Yunho-ah...- she pouted but the effect that made on him was so different from mine.

He rolled his eyes and turned around to face me.

-Jaejoong, she is SeulGi, my ex girlfriend.- he presented her to me. Well nice try.

-KYAAAAAAAA- I jerked. What the hell? I looked at her and she was jumping in happiness like if she had won at lottery.

-You're Jaejoong! Kim Jaejoong! Omg I can't believe it!- he continued to say all sort of things that I didn't listened at all.

-Nice to meet you- I said without offering my hand to shake it.

-Yunho-ah you hadn't told me you knew Jaejoong-sii. Meannie- and she pouted again. What an annoying girl.

-Why would I?- he asked while sitting beside me and drinking his tea.

I smiled and sat down as well.

-SeulGi why have you had that reaction?- asked Yunho's mother.

-Oh, mom, don't you know him? He is like one of the best singers in Korea and Japan. He is a rock leggend.-

What was she talking about? A rock leggend? Me? No way.

Now everyone, apart from Yunho looked at me like if I was a gost.

-Oh...Jaejoong-ssi- and now here she is. I knew it. They will always play differently after knowing that I am in industries business.

-You can call me Jaejoong Mrs Jung.- I said but instead of her, the witch started to call me like that.

-He told mom to call him like that not you.- Yunho stated. This guy surely knew how to read minds.

-How rude of you Yunho-ah..-

-Watever- he bluttered and drank tea again.

-You'll have frogs in your stomach if you continue like this. Eat something.- I said.

-I am full. But thank you- he smiled at me.

-Yunho-ah accept Jaejoong's offer and don't decline everything.- the witch said.

-It's ok. He'll eat dessert after this. A lot of it- I said pointing it as a mater of fact.

SeulGi looked at me, then at Yunho and then at me again.

-How do you know it?- she asked not so euphoricaly.

-Ehm...I guess it's easy to see. He's like a bear. Greedy for sweet things.- I said while eating a strawberry. I was not looking at anyone but something (the instinct) told me to raise my head. Yunho's father was laughing hard, his mother was rolling her eyes as a matter of fact, SeulGi was ready to discuss this point telling "no", I saw it in her eyes. And, in the end Yunho was looking at me smiling proudly and all red.

-I'm..sorry- I said while blushing hard too.

-I have never eaten in your presence sweets, how do you knew about it?- he asked me.

I thought for a minute.

-Because you are always happy, smiling and joking every time you can. And your coffe has 5x more suugar than mine. And I like sweets too.- I said.

-Or when you want to drink something. You'll always pick juice or tea, never water.- I said laughing.

Everyone agreed apart miss Japan. Yunho was facing his hands now trying to go under the table.

-I am sorry! You know you have to tell me to stop because I'll never do it by my self.- I said while trying to make him stay firm on his chair. Our hands touched again and electricity was felt from both of us. And I'll discover later...someone else.

-It's ok, it's ok. I just never thought you'll catch me.- he said smiling. For the rest of the dinner he looked only at me.

The witch was feeling alone so she always tryed to enter in our discussion or to make me some questions about someone else or something I'll do. About girlfriends etc. I told her nothing with the excuse "It's a professional secret".

-Yunho-ah..I have to talk to you. Can we go somewhere else?- she asked after a while.

-I can't let Jaejoong alone. He's my guest.-

-I think Jaejoong doesn't mind! Let's go- and she picked Yunho's arms and grabbed him to the exit. He looked back at me and I looked away.

-Jaejoong, tell us how you became friends with my Yunho.- told me Mrs Jung.

-Well..it was not long time ago. I was in trouble and he saved me.- I said not wanting to tell much.

-Our Yunho is a very gentle man.-

-Yes he is- I said while trying to look over the window to see if the two were somewhere there.




-SeulGi let go- I said. She was annoying. I don't know why I liked here back then. I don't know why I was feeling bad when SHE broke up with me. Oh, that . She was acting cutely in front of my parents but they don't know what a she is.

-Yunho let's get back together again.- She said with a firm voice. Totaly different from the one inside the house.

-Why would I? I don't love you anymore and you know it very well.-

-I know I did wrong and I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.-

-I don't give a . You mean anything to me so let me go inside.-

I turned around when she back hugged me.

-What are you doing, let me go- I said while pushing her. I was not that rude with girls but this cheating person is something completly different.

-I don't want to-

I sighed.

A noice of an open door was udible.

-Yun...- He stood frozen in the spot at our view and I wanted to slap myself in that moment.

-I'm sorry for disturbing you.- He said.

-Jae wait.- I said while releasing myself from SeulGi's grip and taking Jaejoong's hand.

-I am sorry- I said. The first thing that came in my mind.

-W..What are you sorry for. It's not like if I am..- and he stopped looking at the floor.

Oh baby you are that kind of person for me so don't worry.

-Jae wait here.- and I went to SeulGi who was still there.

-I don't want to have anything to do with you. We're done, we were over since a long time ago because of your stupidity. Now you don't have to cry over the split milk. And please stop acting in front of my mom. She is too genuin to understand that you are a lier.-

I saw her entering the house, taking her belongings and went out of my sight in one minute. Finaly.

-You were too hursh to her- Jae said. I turned around and so him on the counch out on the veranda. I went to him and sit right next to him with my body touching every inch of him.

-No, I was not.- I said while closing my eyes and supported my head on his shoulder.

-What has she done to you?- he asked after a while. I was so sleepy.

-..hmm..she broke my heart..twice.- I said and yawned right after that.

-Are you ok?- he asked. His voice was so soft that I thought I was already dreaming.

-..sure..I just have someone better then her.- I said and I knew that in 3.2.1. I'll be in my dreams.

I think I mumbled something else but not sure of what was that about. I felt something soft over my lips touching them in a delicate manner that even a feather comparison to it would be harsh. I opened my eyes and saw Jae. He had his eyes closed, his skin so white at the moon's light and his pinky lips on mines. I think I never had my eyes so wide opened. I closed them. I opted not to let him know I was awake, I wanted to know what will he do next. Nothing extravagante came after it. Just something that left me curious.

-I wonder..will youl think the same if you'll knew....?- He softly supported his head on mine and we stayed like this for a long time. Some leaves were falling down on our heads and I recognized the scent and the form. It was a mistletoe.






Dear readers, sorry for the late updateeeeeeeeeeee <3 Tell me what do you think about it? Even if here SeulGi is a bad person I know she is very kinde** I like her :D Coments are loved by me you know? I like read them and talk to you guys <3 I'll do my best!


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Chapter 9: Wow that ahoxked me..yun can read minds..interesting..heheheh plaese update soon..I'm so curious about yunjaeee :)
Alice-tvxq #2
Chapter 8: I love it , please keep writing just like that because it's so touching ; again i love it .
Update soon .
Chapter 8: Awwwwww oh my damn gosh the super fluff...the fluff of the fluff..it couldn't be any better i swear...i totally loved it...thank you my dear for the gift...saranghaeeeeeeeeeeeee :) you made my day with this...
So great what can i say.hhhihihihih please update soon pleaseeee neeeee!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Awwww damn it why are these two dorks so cute, sweet, hot and ahsndbdjdhebdjshgbdkdhf ^ ^
Please update soon again dear!!!!!

Hahahahahhahahah I think the last line was said by jae!!! No??!!
I think yes..he needs to reset some thigs in his past life no???!!!
I want more kisses and *coughcough* hahahahhahaha ;)
Chapter 7: LOL touching his Yunconda!!! HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the fast update!
jjliss #6
Chapter 7: omo they're so cute!! <3...how can jae's father do something like that to him and why???!!
HopeLoveFaith #7
Chapter 6: awwwww! so cute!!! did Yunho mumble "I love you" or something since Jae kissed him? I hope he did! <3
Thanks for the update! can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 6: Awwwwww so cuteeee the kisss...
What di yun mumble?? I want to know....I want to understand better the end of this great chapter..
Good update..haaaahh seulgi ...
Yunjae yunjae I want yunjaeeeeeeee
Please update sooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 6: Oh boy I foresee trouble ahead from a vindictive Seul Gi! Thanks for the update author-nim!